Wicked Lies by Mae Doyle

Chapter 21

It was very quiet except for my breathing and the dripping. Slowly I turned around, shining the flashlight behind and below me. I’d dropped pretty quickly through a smaller tube that connected the hole in the ground to an underground room. What I’d thought was just an underground stream dripping turned out to be a faucet and there was water dripping in the sink.

“What in the world?” Turning, I shone my light away from the sink through the room. Not only was the space a complete room, with walls and a floor, but there was some furniture. It was like an underground bunker, but it didn’t make any sense why it would be out here in the middle of the woods.

I quickly descended the rest of the ladder and stood at the bottom, my heart pounding, as I looked around. If there was running water in here then it would make sense that there would be electricity, and after a moment of looking, I found what I was looking for.

Feeling more confident now, I crossed the room to the switch and flicked it on. The room was immediately bathed in a soft light and I turned off the flashlight, setting it on a small table. Glancing up nervously at the hatch, I sighed in relief when I saw that it was still closed.

At first, I didn’t want to touch anything, but then curiosity got the better of me, and I started to poke around. In addition to a table there was also a loveseat and a chair. Next to the loveseat were stacks of books on the floor, and scattered on the table there were some electronics pieces.

This was definitely a hang-out spot, judging by the snacks on the counter next to the sink, and I grabbed a bag of chips before sitting down on the sofa. If I was going to die in a little bit or be attacked by my classmates then I might as well enjoy my stay and have something to eat.

My stomach growled as I ripped open the bags and popped one into my mouth. The salty taste made me close my eyes and sigh. I was safe here, even though I didn’t know for how long. I chomped on another chip. As long as I kept eating them I could avoid thinking about Brett and why he’d hide me here.

My classmates chasing me through the woods was concerning enough, but for some reason, they all hated me and wanted me out. I still hadn’t gotten to the bottom of why they would all turn on me like that, but what was even more confusing was why Brett would show me compassion.

As far as I knew, I was the only person living who knew his secret. The other person was dead.

Suddenly, my mouth felt dry, and I got up to grab a glass of water from the sink. Draining it in three gulps, I refilled it and then sat back down, putting it on the table so I could rest my head in my hands.

Okay, I had to think.

Brett had always hated me after I learned the truth of what his adopted dad did to him. They seemed like the perfect family – his mom and her first husband – but I quickly learned the truth. My stomach turned as I thought about a younger Brett being abused by his adopted dad. The man he trusted to take care of him. The man who promised to love him.

But then Brett fought back and took care of it. I still wasn’t sure how he got rid of his dad’s body, but as far as I knew, I was the only one who knew the truth. The police came poking around, asking questions, but I kept my mouth shut.

I kept my mouth shut because Brett killed my cat to send me a message.

A huge sob escaped me and I clamped my hand over my mouth as if someone could hear me. Brett had never really been kind to me, and I willingly followed him out into the woods and into a hole in the ground. There was no reason for me to think that he hadn’t led me here specifically to come back and kill me.

I felt panic start to turn my stomach. Did he lock me in?

I could go look, sure, but I didn’t know what was waiting for me on the other side of the door. My classmates were coming and I had to hide, but did I also need to hide from the one person who knew where I was?

There was a blanket on the back of the loveseat and I grabbed it, pulling it over me so that I could curl up under it. As cozy as this hole in the ground was, there still wasn’t any heat, and my adrenaline was starting to crash. I felt myself getting cold and I wished that I was back in my room.

Or that I had someone here to keep me warm. The thought flitted through my mind unbidden, and I couldn’t help but think about how warm Brett’s skin had been when he held my hand and pulled me through the woods. Of course, if he were here, I had no way to know if he would hold me and keep me warm or hurt me.

My eyes locked on the hatch, I settled back into the corner of the loveseat. I was exhausted, but determined to keep my eyes open. As long as I knew when someone came through that hatch then I was sure that I’d be okay. I just had to keep my wits about me to make sure that I made it back out of this hole in the ground and that it didn’t become my grave.

* * *

Imust have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, there was a terrible wrenching sound and my eyes flew open. Immediately my heart was pounding in my chest, and I pushed myself deeper into the corner of the loveseat, trying to make myself as small as I possibly could.

Like there was anywhere to hide down there. With no idea of how long I’d been asleep, I had no idea who would be coming for me or what they’d want. Had my classmates found me?

Or was it Brett?

My stomach twisted as legs came into view. The light outside was fading, so I’d obviously been in the hole for a while, but before I could think too much about what that meant, the person climbing in the hole slammed the hatch door shut, dropped to the floor, and turned around.


My heart flipped in my chest as his cool eyes landed on me. He looked exhausted and had some scratches on his face, like he was out in the woods running around them all afternoon, but he still smiled when he sees me.

“Rosita, I’m glad to see that you were comfortable enough to make yourself at home.” Sighing, he crossed the small room to me and dropped down onto the loveseat next to me. I had to hurry to sit up and pull my feet out of his way, but he didn’t seem to notice.

“What’s going on?” My curiosity replaced my fear. Pulling the blanket up higher over my body, I locked my eyes on him, waiting for him to respond.

He took a moment and ran his hand through his hair before answering. “Well, Brett got you here just in time. Did you get hurt?” He frowned a little as he looks at me, but when I shook my head, he visibly relaxed.

“I’m fine. Just cold. And scared.”

“You’re cold?” Before I had a chance to move, he leaned over and put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I stiffened at first but then relaxed as he lightly rubbed my shoulder with his thumb. “This better?”

“Yes.” No. I should not have been doing this. Not with one of the rogues. Not when I just spent the afternoon in an underground bunker after being chased through the woods by my classmates. But, then again, there wasn’t anything normal about the day, and being with Jackie was the safest that I had felt since voice. My stomach twisted when I thought about Amelia and the glee on her face when Mrs. McKearin sent me home.

“Good. And you don’t have any reason to be scared. Well, not right now. Brett and Kaleb got everyone calmed down and I told them that I’d come out and bring you back. You just need to be more careful, Rosita. That or you need to leave. It’s the safest option.”

Against my body screaming at me to sit still, I struggled to sit up and pull away from him. “I can’t just leave Taylor Prep! Do you know what being here means for my future? And what it meant to my dad?” Tears stung the corners of my eyes but I refused to blink and allow them to fall.

Jackie reached out and cupped my chin in his hand, turning me so that I had to look at him. “I do, Rosita. Brett told us about your dad, so yeah, I do know what you being here would have meant to him. I get that you don’t want to go, but you really can’t stay here. Things aren’t going to get any better.”

“What does that mean?” I tried my hardest to concentrate on what he was saying, not on how close his lips were to mine or the way his eyes looked soft and caring for the first time since I’d met him. I’d seen him every single morning in homeroom, but there was something different about the way he was looking at me now.

“That means that Brett risked a lot bringing you here to hide you and that he hoped I could talk some sense into you.” It took me a moment to realize what he was saying, but as soon as I did, I pulled back.

“Talk some sense into me?” My voice quavered a little even though I fought to keep it sounding as strong as possible. “And how in the world are you supposed to do that?” Leaning back, I pulled my head away from him so that his hand dropped from my chin. It felt amazing when he touched me, but I couldn’t help but be worried that something bad was going to happen.

“By talking to you.” He frowned and stood up. “Listen, Rosita, you want this to stop?”

I nodded and stood too, leaving the blanket in a puddle on the loveseat. “Obviously.”

“Good. Then you know what we have to do.” He reached out and took my hand, pulling me closer to him. I stepped forward, my body pressing up against his. As soon as we touched, I felt a flame ignite inside of my core. It lapped between my legs and warmed my chest, threatening to burn me up.

I knew that I should pull back but I didn’t. Instead, I leaned forward, tilting my head up. Jackie reached up and rested a hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him. He bent his head, his lips finding mine.

As soon as we kissed, I felt a surge rush through me. Heat filled my body as his lips crushed mine. He parted my lips with his, his tongue sweeping through my mouth, pulling a moan from me. Reaching up, I rested my hands on his chest, lightly digging in my nails into his muscle.

He was so strong, so sturdy. Jackie made me feel safe, and I leaned harder into him, wanting him. I wanted him to protect me and to keep me safe from whatever was happening. His muscles twisted under my hands as he reached down and scooped me up, lifting me so that my legs wrapped around his waist.

Our tongues tangled and danced, and Jackie turned, sitting on the sofa, me on his lap. His hands slid up my legs, grabbing my ass, and I gasped, pulling back for just a moment. Our eyes locked on each other and I reached up, feeling my swollen lower lip.

I had no idea what I was doing. This seemed like a terrible idea, but at the same time, I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to stop.

“You okay?” His voice was a whisper, and I nodded before opening my mouth to respond.

Before I could say anything, though, the hatch door was wrenched back open, the noise a loud scream that made me jump. I couldn’t move fast enough to get off of Jackie’s lap before feet appeared and Brett dropped into the room. His eyes swept over us lazily.

“You talk some sense into her?” It was like I wasn’t even in the room, and I felt myself bristle.

“Yeah. We’re good to go.” Jackie stood up, holding me as he stood before putting me on the ground. I stood, still gripping his arms while I got my legs under me.

Brett swept his eyes over my body and I shivered. “Let’s go then. Everyone is waiting.” He gestured to the ladder. It took me a moment to realize that he wanted me to go first, but once I did, I walked past him and climbed it. The night air was bracing and fresh, and I took a deep breath, amazed that I had been locked in the bunker in the stale air and hadn’t noticed it. Because of Jackie.

After a moment, they were both beside me. Brett shut the door and Jackie kicked leaves over it, easily hiding it from view. “You ready?” Jackie held out his arm and I looped my hand through it, nodding at him.

Brett led the way back through the woods to the school. At the creek, Jackie easily lifted me over it and handed me to Brett. I shivered at the touch of their hands but kept my eyes trained on the school. I could just see buildings through the woods.

I knew what the two of them wanted me to do. I just wasn’t sure that it was my plan, as well. I just needed to come up with a plan of what I was going to do. And fast.