Shadow in the Mountain by KaLyn Cooper

Chapter 24

Xena’s heartwas shattering as she stood on the tarmac at Addis Ababa airport. The private Learjet was fueling but she didn’t have much longer to stay in Ryker’s arms.

After the hellacious ending to her mother’s birthday party, Xena couldn’t sleep. Since sex wasn’t allowed, she’d lain next to Ryker in her favorite oversized, fading Navy T-shirt. He wore his boxers and nothing else, as they held each other all night.

She’d stayed awake most of the night thinking about her future. She wanted to stay in Ethiopia and continue to work with her father. But Ryker didn’t have fond memories of the country and was anxious to return to the United States.

But what would she do in the U.S.? Maybe she should call Charley. The mission the family had done for the mysterious woman had been exciting, utilizing all Xena’s skills.

By dawn, she hadn’t made up her mind.

Standing in the heat on the black tarmac, she still hadn’t decided.

The sound startled her as she looked around for a train. Not quite accustomed to balancing on one leg and two crutches, Xena started to move like a Weeble toy.

“I’ve got you.” Ryker spread his legs and bent his knees to stabilize them both. He chuckled as the earth shook under their feet. “This is a sign from God to get on the airplane. You hate earthquakes.”

“You’re right. I hate earthquakes. I’ll go with you.” Talk about a last-minute decision. She’d packed a small overnight bag, just in case she changed her mind.

The earth stilled.

“That was a little one,” she noted.

“Let’s get out of here before the big one hits.” Ryker picked her up and carried her up the steps as though she weighed nothing. “You want me to go get the bag?”

“Yes, please. My pain meds are in there.” She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as the man she loved trotted down the steps and jogged across the tarmac.

“Good choice,” her brother said from the seat across from her. “He’s a good man.”

“He makes me happy.” She couldn’t stop herself from asking, “Does Ashlin make you happy?”

Clint grinned. “I guess so. We’ll find out.”

Ten minutes later they were in the air in the most luxurious plane Xena had ever seen.

“This is your captain. We don’t have any flight attendants on board so make yourselves comfortable. The chairs recline completely, and the couch pulls out into a queen-size bed. Sheets, pillows, and blankets are in the cabinets just before you get to the galley. There are several meals in the refrigerator along with wine and beer. There are a few shot bottles of alcoholic spirits back there somewhere. I’ve also been told to expect a phone call in ten minutes. Captain out.”

Five minutes later, Xena’s satellite phone rang.

“Hello. This is Xena.”

“I heard you had quite an exciting evening. I have a few updates for you so I want you to put it on speakerphone.” Xena pressed the buttons and set the phone in the middle of the table.

“Charley, I’m here with Ryker and my brother Clint.”

“Captain Riggs, it’s a pleasure to speak with you again.”

“Ma’am,” was her brother’s only answer.

“I’m not sure if you’ve heard the news but Wesley Schultz obviously didn’t spend the rest of the night in his bed. The embassy gate was opened with his code at three twenty-two a.m. At six oh nine, the civil patrol found his body on the side of the road. His car is still missing but they are tracking the anti-theft codes. I’ll bet they find it in Djibouti with someone trying to sell it and ship it quickly to another country.”

“Highly probable.” Ryker sipped his bourbon on ice. “Don’t be upset if I don’t show up for the funeral.”

“Speaking of the funeral, the ambassador and his wife have already scheduled their flight home with his body. They’ll be taking off in a few hours. I don’t expect them to return to Ethiopia. Now, in other news, Nebil Yared was publicly executed by Kofi Tamru as a warning to others that it’s not wise to betray him.”

“Last, but certainly not least interesting, Ford Sutton, the vice president’s son, now sits on the board of Neberu Mining.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding,” Clint declared.

“No. Not at all. Perhaps Zesaro Neberu wants to get some of his money back, in favors if not in cash. Having an inside track to the vice president of the United States would be a valuable asset to anyone.”

“Ford wouldn’t be the first political child to sell access to high-ranking parents.” Xena added. “Is there anything else?”

“Yes. Ryker, I have three options available for you. First, you can be fully reinstated in the United States Navy and serve out your final two years as a SEAL. Second, you can accept a medical retirement with full benefits and retired pay based on time served. Third, if you take the second option, you can also go to work for me. You already know I pay generously.”

“Charley, I appreciate the offers.” He took Xena’s hand in his. “Right now, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the rest of my life…beyond spending every minute I can with Xena.”

“I’ll give you two weeks to decide. Option one, two, or three. Enjoy your ride home.” The line went dead.

“I meant it.” Ryker squeezed their joined hands. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. What do you say?”

“I say you’d better ask Dad permission before you ask Xena to marry you.” Clint piped up from across the table.

“I already asked him.” He leaned over and kissed Xena. “I promised him I’d make you happy.”

“You already do make me happy.” She kissed him back.

“I don’t think that was much of a proposal, and where’s the ring?” Clint chided.

“And what grand gesture did you make proposing to Ashlin?” Xena really wanted to know.

“Shutting up now.” He rose from the table and moved to the back of the plane, flattening out the seat into a bed. “Hey, there will be no joining the mile-high club with me on board.” Clint turned out the lights in the back of the cabin.

“I’ll do it better next time, I promise. I’ll have a ring and everything.”

“And I’ll say yes.” Xena leaned in and kissed him. “I’d also say yes to the mile-high club but not while my brother is sitting five feet away and I have a bullet hole in my leg.”

“We’ll do that, too.”