Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Fourteen

Hey, Kristina, you’ve got a call,” a guy called from the other room.

Sally and she looked at each other with raised brows. “I’ll be right back.”

She got to the phone on the bar in the back. “Hello.”


The voice was low and raspy. Her brows pinched together. “Who is this?”

It’s Casey. I need you.”

Why are you calling me?” Kristina asked.

You’re the only person I could call. They hurt me.”


Another club. I need you to come to get me. I ran away, but they’ll find me.”

I don’t have a vehicle. How do you expect me to pick you up?”

You can borrow one of theirs. They won’t mind.”


Please. I need you.”

Kristina heard her sobbing and sighed. “Fine, I’ll ask someone…”

No, you have to come by yourself.”

That instantly put her guard up.

I’m scared of those guys. Please?” Casey asked.

I’ll see what I can do. Where are you?”

Behind the abandoned gas station on Fifth Street.”

Okay. I’ll be there when I can.”

Thank you.”

Kristina set the phone down and walked back into the kitchen.

Who was that?” Sally asked.

My sister.”

Sally’s brows snapped together. Kristina had told her everything her sister did to her.

What did she want?”

For me to pick her up. She says she’s in danger.”

You don’t believe her, do you?”

Kristina knew deep in her heart her sister was setting her up, and it was the last time she’d think of the woman as family. She shook her head.

Go talk to Striker,” Sally advised.

I will.”

Kristina took a breath before she knocked on the office door.


She opened the door to see Striker and several men. “I’m sorry. I need your help.”

With what, babe?”

My sister called. She said she needs help. That she’s in danger and wants me to pick her up.”

Striker shook his head. “No way in hell. It’s a setup.”

She nodded. “I kind of figured since she said to come alone. But a part of me wants to find out for sure.”

Stricker stood. “Okay, let’s drive by and check things out. You’ll see once and for all that Casey is no sister to you.”

She nodded again. “Thank you.”

Wait here,” Stricker said when they went outside.

He was back in a minute with an old Ford. It was a car she couldn’t imagine anyone in the MC liked to drive.

They’ll never know it’s us. Put your hair in this and wear these sunglasses.”

She looked in the mirror to make sure all her hair was up in the hat and the glasses were straight. She glanced out the window and saw another car in front of them.

Who’s that?”

A few of the guys. I sent a few to scan the area before we got there.”

The closer they got to the place, the more anxious she became.

She liked that he was taking all these steps to protect her. When he answered his phone, she looked at him. A few words were said before he put it back in his pocket.

What?” she asked.

It’s definitely a setup. There are two groups of Black Demons hiding around back and behind a building across the street.”

Oh.” She sighed, looked out her side window, and blinked her tears away. Whatever feelings she had for her sister died right then.

He reached for her hand and squeezed. “You’ve got us.”

She exhaled and looked over at him. “And I’m happier than I’ve ever been before.”

Good. We’re coming up on it. When I pass by the building across the street, look back over my shoulder. You’ll see a few guys hiding.”

She nodded. She saw her sister standing on the side of the building. Kristina could tell her sister was agitated and nervous from half a mile away.

Kristina looked at Striker as they passed, so her sister wouldn’t recognize her, and twisted around so she could see out the back window. Just like he said. Two guys were hiding behind a dumpster.

She felt sick to her stomach. “God, how can a sister do that to another?”

I don’t know, babe. I’m sorry.”

Take me home.”

Okay. Don’t worry, your sister will get what’s coming to her.”

Good. She deserves everything she gets.”