Role Model by Rachel Reid

Chapter Seventeen

“You wanted to kiss me in there,” Harris said as soon as they were alone on the snowy sidewalk.

“Was I obvious?”

Harris didn’t think he’d ever forget the hungry way Troy had been staring at his lips back in the bar. And he didn’t think he’d ever get used to Troy frigging Barrett wanting him. “A little.”

“Well, if I’m being honest, I still want to kiss you.”

Harris stopped walking and turned to face him. “Yeah?”

A car drove by, and Troy stepped away from him. “I’ll wait.”

Harris tried not to feel disappointed. Was he really expecting Troy to kiss him on a busy street, right outside a bar that was full of his teammates? That wouldn’t be good for either of them.

“I parked at home and walked here,” Harris said.

“Me too.”

“Should we go to your place then? We’re close to both.”

Troy chewed his lip. “Let’s go to your place, if that’s okay.”


Troy’s mouth curved into one of his rare and adorable little smiles. “I’ve been wanting to see where you live.”

That warmed Harris. “It’s not a palace, but I like it.”

Snow was falling all around them, gentle but fluffy enough to pile up on the sidewalk. It was a beautiful, quiet night. Once they turned onto Harris’s street, they were the only ones around. Harris took a chance and reached for Troy’s hand. He was thrilled when Troy tangled his gloved fingers with Harris’s without hesitation.

He was surprised, a minute later, when Troy tugged on their joined hands, pulling Harris close, and then kissed him. It was quick, and not exactly passionate, but it was so sweet and unexpected that Harris thought his legs might melt.

“That was cute,” Harris said when they resumed walking.

“I can be cute.”

“Is that how you imagined kissing me, back in the bar?”

“No. I’m waiting until we’re behind a locked door for that.” Troy’s low voice was full of filthy promise, and Harris picked up the pace.

Finally they were at Harris’s front door, and he managed to remember how to use a key despite the way Troy kept touching him. His fingers were gently brushing along Harris’s nape, then he kissed under Harris’s ear.

“Can’t wait,” Troy said in a low voice. “Been thinking about this so much.”


Troy nudged his crotch against Harris’s ass, letting him feel how turned on he was. “Mm. Open the door.”

Harris shoved the door open, hauled Troy through, and was immediately pinned against it as soon as it was closed again. Troy took his mouth the way they both wanted, hard and possessive and hungry. Harris moaned and went boneless against the door, letting Troy hold him up with a knee between Harris’s thighs, a hand on the back of his neck, and another on his hip.

“You taste like apples,” Troy murmured against his lips.

“Cider,” Harris rasped.

Troy dived in again, kissing him more slowly this time, as if savoring the taste. Harris was in heaven. If he could just stay here, exploring the slick velvety heat of Troy’s mouth with his solid body pressing against him, he’d be happy for the rest of his life.

Except his erection was grinding against Troy’s enormous thigh, adding some urgency to the situation. They needed to get to the bedroom.

“We should—” Harris tried.

“I know.” Troy dropped to his knees and practically ripped open Harris’s fly.

“I meant—” Harris gasped desperately.

“I know. Just let me—” He shoved the bottom of Harris’s coat up and out of the way, and dived in. Harris’s dick was encased in Troy’s warm, wonderful mouth, and he stopped caring about the bedroom. They could fuck right here in his tiny kitchen, or in a snowbank outside. He really didn’t care.

Troy was taking him deep, bobbing his head and sucking hard in a way that was almost aggressive. There was nothing gentle about it, and Harris fucking loved it. He let out a loud blissful moan and tangled his fingers in Troy’s silky hair.

Troy pulled off long enough to ask, “You like that?” His voice sounded wrecked already. “It’s not too much?”

Harris could only shake his head, mesmerized by how beautiful the man kneeling before him was. Troy’s eyes were dark with lust, his lips swollen and glistening.

Those lips curved into a shy, boyish smile. “I’m sorry if I’m being...”


Troy wrapped his lips around the head of Harris’s cock and hummed an affirmative noise.

“Just—just so we’re clear,” Harris said unsteadily, “you don’t have to be gentle with me.”

Troy pulled back and stared at Harris as if he couldn’t believe what he’d just said. “I won’t hurt you.”

“I know.”

Troy sucked in a breath. “Shit. We need to get to your bedroom. Holy fuck.”

He stood, which allowed Harris’s head to clear a bit. “Let’s take our coats and shit off first. Feels weird to be wearing a parka with my dick out.”

Troy raked his gaze over him. “Looks good, though.”

Harris laughed and tucked his erection back into his underwear, then unzipped his coat. They dumped their outerwear and boots in a pile in front of the door. They didn’t get any closer to the bedroom because Troy immediately crowded Harris against a wall and kissed him again.

“Bedroom,” Harris said, laughing.

“Right. Yeah. Sorry.”

Harris took his hand and led him through the kitchen and toward the bedroom at the back of the apartment. “How about I give you the tour later?”


Harris crossed his bedroom in the dark and turned on his bedside lamp.

Troy Barrett was in his bedroom.

The room was chaotically decorated with lots of photos of friends and family—including a whole cluster of framed photos of the dogs and cats the Drovers had owned over the years. There was also Centaurs memorabilia, concert posters, various prints that he’d bought on Etsy, Pride paraphernalia, and a lot of pillows on his bed. One was shaped like an apple.

“Wow,” Troy said. “This is...kind of exactly what I was expecting.”


“Yeah. It’s very you. Shows your love of...everything.”

“I don’t love everything.”

Troy wrapped his arms around Harris from behind, and kissed down the side of his neck while Harris shivered with happiness and anticipation.

“I love this, though,” Harris sighed. He really loved that he never knew what to expect from Troy. It was exciting and a little bit scary, and that was exciting too.

Troy could probably give him exactly what he wanted, if Harris asked. If Harris could find the brainpower to form words now that Troy’s hand had dipped into his unzipped jeans, and was massaging his cock through Harris’s briefs. He groaned and tipped his head back, searching for Troy’s mouth. They kissed messily and awkwardly, until Harris turned so they could do it properly.

He slid a hand under Troy’s T-shirt, over the hard ridges of his abs. Troy took it as a hint, and swiftly yanked his shirt off. And, wow. There was Troy’s ridiculous torso again. Right there for Harris to play with.

“You are so fucking hot,” Harris said. “Thought I was gonna die on that beach. And not from the waves.”

“From the mile-long killer jellyfish?”

Harris laughed. “No. From how much I wanted you to push me down on the sand and straddle me.”

Troy caressed Harris’s beard. “Is that what you want? You wanna be pushed down and taken?”

Harris’s mouth dropped open because yes. “God yes. So fucking much.”

“You don’t want me to be gentle with you. That’s what you said.”

“I don’t. I want you to...” Harris couldn’t finish his sentence for some reason. Possibly because the reality of the situation was catching up with him. He’d never actually had someone treat him exactly the way he craved. He needed to be with someone he trusted, and who was willing and able. He may have found the perfect person.

He swallowed, and squared his shoulders. “I want you to be rough with me. I’m not a masochist but, just, don’t treat me like I’m delicate, okay?”

Troy brushed a thumb over Harris’s cheekbone, his blue flame eyes dark and intense. “You’re not delicate, Harris.”

Harris felt light-headed. Hearing those words, spoken so plainly by a man he was extremely attracted to, was almost too much. He’d waited so long for someone to say them. “I’m not.”

“I’ve been fantasizing about taking you apart,” Troy said.

There was no way any of this was real. It was too good. “You have?”

“I want to give you whatever you need. Will you let me?”

Harris didn’t answer. He just kissed him with no finesse whatsoever. It was pure need and lust because that was all that was left of him. His hands roamed over Troy’s hard, naked chest and stomach, around to the muscles in his back and shoulders. Troy walked them back to the edge of the bed, then broke the kiss.

“Your turn,” he said, fingering the top button of Harris’s shirt.

Right. Shit.

He watched as Troy opened the shirt, one button at a time. He slid it down Harris’s arms, and Harris shook it to the floor. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt underneath, and he supposed he’d need to take that off too. He let out a slow breath, then tore the shirt off quickly, like a Band-Aid.

And waited.

“Shit, Harris.” Troy brushed his fingertips down the long, vertical scar on Harris’s chest. “What—”

“Not now, okay?”


“You promised.” Troy hadn’t exactly, but Harris didn’t want his scars to change Troy’s mind about how delicate he was.

Troy looked like he wanted to push it, but instead trailed his fingers into Harris’s chest hair, away from the marred flesh that Harris hated so much.

“Love all this hair,” Troy murmured. “So fucking sexy.”

Harris sighed with relief and pleasure. “That’s good. I’ve got plenty.”

Troy pulled him on the bed, then rolled so Harris was under him. Troy’s weight pressed him into the mattress while he kissed Harris’s throat, his clavicle, his chest, all while carefully avoiding the scars. Harris gasped when Troy captured his nipple with his teeth, almost too hard, which was exactly perfect.

“Fuck yeah,” Harris exhaled. “Just like that.”

Troy bit it again, tugging at the sensitive flesh with his teeth. Harris whimpered and squirmed, and Troy murmured, “God, look at you.” His words danced across Harris’s skin in a hot rush of air. “I could eat you alive.”

“Do it,” Harris pleaded mindlessly. He wanted Troy to hold him down and fuck him hard. He wanted whatever Troy had fantasized about.

Troy pushed himself up, straddling Harris’s waist and gazing down at him. In the dim light of the bedside lamp, Troy’s smooth skin glowed. Shadows pooled in the grooves between his muscles, accentuating them. Harris ran his thumb over one dark, firm nipple, fascinated. He heard a soft chuckle, and was startled to find Troy smiling at him. A bright, dazzling smile that fully reached his eyes.

“Wow.” Harris had lost any ability he might have once had to be cool. “What’s making you smile like that?”

“I’m happy.”

It was such a simple, obvious answer, but it made Harris beam back at him. “Yeah?”

“I’m gonna have sex with a hot guy.”

Harris’s stomach was an absolute mess of giddy excitement. “Do you want me to leave, then?”

Troy shook his head. “If you don’t know how hot you are, then maybe I need to show you.”


“Let’s start by taking these jeans off,” Troy said in a low, delicious rumble. “I want to see all of you.”

He stood beside the bed and watched as Harris removed the rest of his clothing. Then Harris was naked, sprawled out on the bed and trying not to cover himself while Troy inspected him.

“God, you’re even better than I imagined, Harris,” Troy said huskily. “I love your cock. Stroke it for me. Lemme see.”

Harris did as he was told, more than happy to give his dick some attention. He moaned with relief as he gave himself a few slow strokes.

Troy opened his own jeans and slid a hand down to fondle his erection through his underwear. “So fucking hot, Harris.”

Harris still couldn’t believe that someone who looked like Troy found him attractive. Thought he was hot, even. But now was not the time to protest because Troy was sliding his jeans and underwear down his hips and holy fuck.

Troy’s cock was as stunning as the rest of him: long, solid and uncut, jutting out from a dark, neatly trimmed patch of hair like an offering.

Harris waited, still stroking himself, waiting to see what Troy would do next.

Troy exhaled slowly as his gaze raked over Harris’s body. He was entranced by every inch of him, from his broad, furry chest to his soft belly with its trail of hair leading to his plump, uncut cock.

And that scar. The one Harris didn’t want to talk about but Troy’s eyes kept returning to.

He forced his gaze away, back to where Harris’s hand was still obediently working his own cock. It had been too long since Troy had done this—really done this, without clothes and with enough light to see his beautiful partner. He didn’t know where to start.

“Come here,” Harris said.

Troy went, stretching out on top of Harris’s solid body and taking his mouth. Their cocks rubbed together as they kissed wildly. It felt so fucking good to be pressed against a man’s naked body. If it were up to Troy, he’d never be anywhere else.

But mostly it was incredible to be pressed against Harris. To be in his bed, making him gasp with pleasure. Kissing him.

“Want you to fuck me,” Harris panted against Troy’s lips.

Oh fuck. Troy had guessed that was where this was all heading, but hearing Harris say those words was unreal. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. Want it hard.”

“Fuck.”Troy rubbed his cheek against Harris’s beard, trying to ground himself. “Mind if I suck your dick some more first?”


Troy slid down his body. He grabbed both of Harris’s thighs, gripping hard, and pulled them apart and back, spreading Harris wide, stopping, he hoped, before the stretch became uncomfortable.

Harris groaned and rolled his head on one of the thousands of pillows piled on his bed. “Troy. Fuck.”

Troy dug his fingers into his meaty thighs, just enough pressure to make Harris squirm. “Okay?” he asked.

“So fucking good. Holy fuck.”

Troy dipped his head and licked up Harris’s shaft. God, he’d missed sex, and he’d missed giving head more than anything. It had been too long since Troy had gotten to do this, despite being twenty-five and horny most of the time.

Stupid long-distance relationship. Not that it had stopped Adrian.

Troy didn’t want to be thinking about that now. He wanted to focus on the man underneath him, and enjoy the musky scent of his crotch, the salty beads of his precome, and the sexy way he was moaning—overly loud, like he did everything.

He took him deep, because that was something Troy was good at. Hockey and deep throating, his top two skills.

“Wow. Holy. Troy, that’s—wow.”

Troy hummed in response, and removed one of his hands from Harris’s thighs so he could squeeze and caress his balls. He loved the way Harris was writhing on the bed, already out of his mind. He deserved to feel this good. Troy wanted to give him everything he deserved.

With that goal in mind, Troy trailed his fingers down to Harris’s hole and began to lightly stroke and circle it. He slid his lips up to the head of Harris’s cock, suckling and teasing out more precome.

“Shit,” Harris rasped. “You gotta stop.”

Troy released him, and stilled his fingers. “Need a break?”

“If you don’t want me to come already, yeah.”

“Maybe I do. Maybe I’ve got a few rounds in me.”

“You played a game tonight. There’s no way you do.”

“Is that a challenge?”

Harris just laughed, which Troy deserved. He knew he was probably going to fall asleep as soon as he came. Harris would be lucky if Troy didn’t crash out on top of him.

“Here...” Harris reached into his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube. “I think it’s safe to touch me again.”

Troy took his time opening Harris up. He liked doing this and, again, it had been a while since he’d had the opportunity. He and Adrian didn’t have set roles in the bedroom; they’d both been figuring out what they liked with each other. Troy preferred topping, and he hoped he was experienced enough to make this good for Harris. It was intimidating being with someone new when he’d only ever been with Adrian before. What if they had done everything wrong?

“God, that’s so good, Troy. So fucking good.” Harris moaned as Troy slowly penetrated him with three fingers. So maybe Troy was doing this right.

Harris’s dick was so cute. Troy wasn’t sure how to express that without sounding weird, so he kept it to himself. Troy’s own dick was decent looking, long and lean with, he thought, a good shape to it. Harris’s dick was chubby and a little shorter than Troy’s, and had a single freckle on the head that Troy was already obsessed with.

“Buddy,” Harris gritted out. “Gonna need you to fuck me now.”

Troy stroked his index finger over Harris’s prostate, making Harris jolt and moan. “Condoms?”

“Drawer. With the lube. Fuck. Hurry.”

Troy grinned as he withdrew his fingers. His own dick had barely been touched yet, and that was probably for the best. He already felt like he might come as soon as he entered Harris, and that would be tragic.

He got the condom on while Harris watched him with glazed eyes.

“You want it hard?” Troy asked, making sure.

“Hard as you’ve got. I can take it.”

Troy sucked in a breath. “Roll over. I’m gonna break the fucking bed fucking you.”

Harris flipped over so quickly it almost made Troy laugh, but he was trying to be intimidating here. Or at least macho and sexy. He knelt behind Harris, gripping his ass cheeks with both hands and digging his fingers in. Harris’s back bowed, lifting his ass in invitation.

Impulsively, Troy lowered his head and sank his teeth into the left cheek. He enjoyed the surprised gasp Harris let out. “Troy. Please.”

Troy lined himself up, took a slow, steadying breath, then carefully pushed in. Harris might want it hard, but Troy was going to make sure he didn’t hurt him.

“Good?” he asked when he was fully inside. He was breathing hard, as if he’d just finished a long shift on the ice, trying to stay in control.

“You’re killing me, pal,” Harris said. “I said I liked it rough, not that I like torture.”

Troy bit back a smile, then took firm hold of Harris’s hips and gave him what he wanted.

Troy pounded into him, as hard as he could while Harris made loud, encouraging sounds. Troy enjoyed exercise and working out, but even if he hated it, the daily hours of work he put into his body would all be worth it for this moment. He loved being strong and having the stamina to fuck Harris like this.

“Ah,” Harris panted. “Fuck, Troy. Don’t stop.”

He wouldn’t. Not until Harris had had enough. He slid his hands onto Harris’s back, and Harris’s arms gave out, dropping him to the mattress. Troy followed, bringing his body low over Harris’s, holding him down with a firm hand splayed between his shoulder blades as he jackhammered into him.

“Yes,” Harris gasped. “Love that. Holy shit.”

Troy kept it up, losing himself in the bliss of fucking someone. Of fucking Harris. He wanted to do it forever, except he was getting close to his own orgasm, and didn’t want to come first.

“You,” he gritted out. “Want you to—”

He lifted his palm and stared in amazement at the angry red patch he’d left on Harris’s skin, then wrapped an arm around Harris’s chest and roughly hauled him up. He pulled Harris back so he was seated in Troy’s lap, back to chest. “Stroke yourself,” he growled into Harris’s ear. “Need to see you come.”

Troy thrust up into him while Harris jerked himself frantically. It was becoming a struggle to keep up the pace Harris wanted because Troy was about to explode inside him. He needed Harris to come. Now.

“Come on,” he panted. “I’m so fucking close, Harris. Fuck.”

“Me too. Keep going.”

Troy wasn’t sure what came over him, but suddenly he was biting into the flesh between Harris’s neck and shoulder like a fucking dog. It was a strange impulse, but it seemed to do it for Harris because he cried out and shot his load all over his furry stomach.

“Holy shit, Harris. I’m coming. I’m—” Troy couldn’t speak. His orgasm ripped through him in a blinding, wonderful blaze as Harris’s ass gripped him tight.

When he could think again, Troy realized he was peppering Harris’s shoulder with gentle kisses, as if apologizing for going feral on him. Harris was breathing heavily, his chest heaving against Troy’s arm.

“That was perfect,” Harris wheezed. “That was—holy god. I’ve never—”

Troy kept kissing him. He couldn’t stop. Anywhere he could reach: shoulders, neck, back, hair.

“Thank you,” Harris sighed. “I needed that.”

“I needed it too.”

He carefully released Harris and pulled out. Harris collapsed on the bed, sprawled on his back, and grinned lazily up at Troy.

“Jesus,” Troy huffed. “You look annihilated.”

“There’s nothing left of me.” Harris spread his arms out on the mattress. “They’ll need to hire a new social media manager.”

“Gonna be awkward explaining why.”

“Mm.” He closed his eyes, which meant he couldn’t see the way Troy was smiling helplessly at him. Harris’s hair was a mess, his skin flushed and glistening with sweat, and his face was relaxed and content, like Troy had given him exactly what he’d needed.

“Don’t fall asleep yet. Where’s your bathroom?”

Harris waved a hand in the direction of the door without opening his eyes. “Out there.”

Troy snorted and removed the condom. “I’ll be right back.”


When Troy returned from the bathroom, he cleaned Harris with a facecloth he’d found. “Are you okay?”

“I’m amazing,” Harris said. “Probably won’t ride a horse tomorrow, but...”

“Seriously, though? I didn’t hurt you?”

Harris sat up. “I promise you didn’t. I loved it.”

“Okay.” Harris’s dick was even cuter when it was soft. “Do you want me to leave?” Troy really hoped not, because he was crashing hard.

“No! Of course not. Stay.”

“Good. Thanks.” Troy tossed the facecloth into the laundry hamper in the corner. Harris pulled back the blankets in invitation, and they both got under them. Several pillows tumbled to the floor as the two men got comfortable.

“I can’t believe you thought I was gonna kick you out,” Harris scolded.

“I didn’t want to assume.”

“What happened to going all night, stud? Isn’t that what you said?”

“Fuck off,” Troy murmured sleepily. He was struggling to keep his eyes open.

“A few rounds. That’s what you said.”

Troy closed his eyes. “Jus’ gimme a second,” he slurred.

Harris laughed, then turned off the lamp. A moment later, he snuggled against Troy, warm and soft and very welcome. Troy wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close so they could spoon together. Troy was pretty sure there was a throw pillow or something under him, but he didn’t care. He was more comfortable than he’d ever been in his life.

“Good night,” Harris said.

“Yeah,” Troy agreed.