The Trouble with #9 by Piper Rayne


Afew weeks have passed, and I’ve dodged Paisley Pearce every chance I got. Luckily, we’ve had some out of town games, so it was easy to make up excuses for not meeting with her.

Aiden’s having a house party to celebrate Saige moving in with him—her idea, I’m sure—and Ford just texted me that he’s here to pick me up.

I head down the stairs of my beachfront house to find Nadiya walking through the door with Ford right behind her. He motions like he’s humping her from behind without her knowing and I roll my eyes at his immaturity.

Nadiya is a family friend from Russia, here finishing her schooling. My parents pushed me into letting her live with me because otherwise it wouldn’t be safe for her to come to the States. Believe me, the girl can handle herself. I’d be scared if I pissed her off.

“Nadiya, when are you going to admit I’m the one for you and go out with me?” Ford asks, opening our fridge and grabbing a water.

“Try never.” She plops her bag on the breakfast stool and grabs an apple from a bowl of fruit on the center island, sitting on a stool. “Where are you guys going?”

“Aiden’s,” Ford answers.

“And Saige’s,” I chime in. “Want to come?”

She shakes her head. “No, I’m exhausted. All I want to do is to veg out on the couch and eat greasy food.”

“Cool. I’ll be home later.”

“I can join him, if you want a nighttime visitor,” Ford says, waggling his eyebrows.

I place my hand at the back of his head, leading him to the door. Nadiya laughs because she knows Ford and his antics by now. He’s not even close to her type, thank God.

We step out of my house and I push him toward his old-school Bronco. That’s one thing I like about Ford, he can be down to earth on occasion. He could’ve hired us a ride in some fancy car, but he’s chosen to drive us over.

“Stop hitting on her. You know it’s never going to happen. Besides, hasn’t your dick already got you in enough trouble?”

He laughs, but I hear the strain in it, and I feel like an ass for my comment. Ford climbs into his Bronco, a classic without the top. Somehow it suits Ford even though he could be driving around in a Ferrari. I think he only has the Bronco because he surfs whenever he can during the winter months.

He asks, “How do you live with her and not want to motorboat those tits?”

“I don’t think of her like that.”

And I don’t. Nadiya isn’t just a family friend. She was my best friend’s little sister. That line was drawn a long time ago. When Armen died, I took on his role as her protector.

“You’re lying.” Ford starts the truck and pulls out of my drive, heading toward Aiden’s.

Ford plays his rap music so damn loud there’s no having a conversation until we’re parked outside Aiden’s beach house.

“You’re gonna lose your damn hearing,” I say while shutting off the music.

He turns off the ignition and looks at me. “You’re fucking old.”

I flip him off and walk up to the front door, where I ring the bell.

“Why are you ringing the bell?” Ford asks, his hand on the doorknob.

“Because this is now Saige’s house and I’m sure Aiden wouldn’t be cool if the two of us walked in on her naked and riding him.”

The door opens.

“I’m surprised you rang the bell,” Aiden says.

I point at Ford. “He wasn’t going to. I had to explain that this is now Saige’s house too and you wouldn’t like him seeing the two of you fucking on the stairs or some shit.”

Aiden leads us toward the back patio while I roll my eyes at Ford.

“We don’t fuck before a party.”

I know that’s a bullshit lie, and we both raise our eyebrows at him.

“Just be careful in the kitchen. It’s Saige’s favorite,” Aiden jokes, and we both groan.

“So where is the missus?” I ask, taking a beer from the tub in the back patio and sitting in a lawn chair.

“She’s getting ready.”

“Please tell me you didn’t invite everyone from the Fury?” I ask. “Aka not Paisley the shrink.” I’ve dodged her this long, I don’t want to get cornered on what is supposed to be an enjoyable evening.

He laughs. “I’m not entirely sure who Saige invited. I doubt she would have. Although she did invite Jana, and I heard those two are tight.”

Jana is Mr. Gerhardt’s daughter, and ever since Aiden’s game came back, he’s back to being the son Mr. Gerhardt never had. He and Saige were invited over for dinner last week and if the rumor mill is right, Jana and Saige hit it off.

Ford knocks his knee against mine. “Why don’t you just make up some bullshit story? Give her some ‘woe is me’ past that’s completely made up. Let her think she’s helping you, and move on?”

I still for a second. That’s not a bad idea. Kind of what I was doing last time, except I used my time to hit on her with the hopes she’d grow uncomfortable and demand an end to the sessions. I’m not sure how convincing I could be if I was lying about some fake sordid past.

“She’s smart. She’ll probably see right through it,” I admit.

“Oh please, you just lead them where they already want to go.” Ford shakes his head at me. “I’ve been going to shrinks my entire life. Take me. Classic rich boy, so my shrink has me pegged before I even enter and thinks I have daddy issues.”

“You do have daddy issues,” Aiden deadpans.

Ford ignores the comment. “So I tell her a few things my dad demanded of me, even making shit up like he was my baseball coach—I mean, as if a man who runs a multimillion dollar company had time to coach his son’s baseball team. Come on. Sooner or later, she’s hanging on to every last piece of bullshit I’m telling her.”

I don’t say anything, and the doorbell ringing interrupts us.

“I’ll be back,” Aiden says.

The more I think about Ford’s plan, the more I think it’s my only hope to get out of these sessions without allowing her to try to turn me into a crying mess on her couch. I hate lying, but in certain circumstances, I have no choice. This just might be one of them.

“Tweetie!” Ford hollers as our left winger and his girl, Tedi, walk out and join us on the patio.

I’m at the food table when Paisley’s shoulder brushes mine. I glance over and her dark curly hair blows in the wind. Her caramel-colored eyes meet mine.

“Hey, Maksim,” she says.

“Paisley.” I pick up some of the pig and put it on my plate.

She eyes my plate, then she’s staring at the table as though she can’t decide what she wants to eat. I guess there’s no time like the present.

“So, I was thinking…” I start while she places some veggies on her plate.

“Is that an unusual act for you?” Before I can respond, she laughs and her hand lands on my shoulder. “I’m kidding.”

The fact she couldn’t keep the joke going for longer than ten seconds says she’s either uncomfortable in front of me or not used to being a jokester.

“The therapy. I gave you a hard time and I’ve had a change of heart. I’ve got two more sessions and I’ll happily come.”

She looks around us.

“What?” I raise an eyebrow.

“I’m searching for the camera. Surely this is a joke you’re playing on me.”

Finally, she puts a burger on her plate. I feared she might be a vegetarian. I’m not sure I could ever date someone with that kind of self-control. Then again, I can’t date Paisley for more reasons than whether or not she eats meat.

“No joke. I gave you a hard time and now…”

“The search-and-rescue mission you’ve had me on for the last three weeks isn’t cool. Mr. Gerhardt wants feedback on who’s coming to their appointments. I gave you a pass and said you stopped in last week but had an emergency and had to leave before our session commenced.”

I stand still and take her in. She covered for me? Damn, that’s a turn-on. “Thanks. I’ll come in this week.”

She nods and looks me over. “Thanks a lot, Maksim. I appreciate you changing the way this can go. I promise you, I won’t bite.”

“That’s a shame, I like women who do.” The words fall out before I can take them back.

She raises her perfectly sculpted eyebrows. For a second, I wonder if her pussy is as manicured as her eyebrows. “We really should set some ground rules.”

The flush on her cheeks only spurs me to continue. I like being the reason she’s blushing. “What’s fun about ground rules?”

“I can’t counsel you if you continue to hit on me.”

I laugh and set my plate on the table, holding both hands up in the air. “Who said I was hitting on you? I’m merely vocalizing a preference.”

“You need to stop flirting with me.”

I slide my tongue across my bottom lip and take her in for the tenth time since she arrived. She’s in a short sundress that shows off more skin than I’m comfortable with. I’m sure every man here is checking her out and wondering what she looks like with it pooled at her feet. I’m no exception. I won’t deny that I want her, but I get that right now isn’t the best time, what with her being my therapist. Maybe after the third visit, I can ask her out and see where this could go. Even if it’s only for one night, it’d be worth it.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she whispers. Her gaze darts around the immediate area as though she fears someone is watching us.

“We’re both single,” I say.

“I know, but we can’t pursue anything. Things have to be professional.”

“These limitations you’re trying to put in place only make me want to push your boundaries, doctor. See how far I can get.”

Her cheeks flush pink again, and I bite my lip, imagining what she looks like when she comes. “I’m serious, Maksim.”

“Your tone doesn’t match your words.”

“Listen, I’m attracted to you, I can’t deny that. But I’m your therapist now, so all of that is off the table. We have to forget the kiss.”

Ah. I arch an eyebrow. “So you think about it?”

She shakes her head, picks up her plate, and stalks off.

“It’s okay to admit. I beat off to the image of you in my head,” I say before anyone gets closer.

Her feet stop on Aiden’s deck, and I silently will her to turn around. Say she’s up for breaking the rules and let’s go back to her place. But instead, she shakes her head and continues walking over to the table where Jana is.

“Damn, I need to get myself under control,” I say to myself.

Twenty minutes later, I approach Saige and Aiden having a couple moment. I barely see my buddy alone anymore. Saige leaves us to join the girls on the beach.

“I’m taking Ford’s advice,” I murmur since Aiden isn’t going to like it.

He shakes his head. “You know it’ll never work, right? She’ll see right through you.”

I shrug. “I got this. A couple sessions and she’ll think I’m good. No way Gerhardt thinks I should be in therapy forever.”

“Well, good luck,” he says, patting me on the back. It’s clear he thinks this will blow up.

We both lean on the balcony railing, looking over the beach where Paisley, Jana, Saige, and Tedi are trying to hula. Paisley’s hips swing back and forth, making my dick go half chub.

“She’s fucking hot, right?” I say.

“Saige? Yeah.”

“Not Saige, but yeah, her too. Paisley. That long dark hair. The curls. Imagine that spread out on your pillowcase in the morning.”

Aiden glances over. “And you’re about to lie to her.”

A sick feeling rolls through my stomach, but I pat him on the shoulder. “I’m starving. Gonna go eat.”

Not wanting to dwell on this conversation, I walk away as though I didn’t just eat.

Whatever. It’s a means to an end. It’s better this way. I’ve never opened up to anyone about what happened, and I don’t plan on starting now.