The Headmistress by Milena McKay


To say that The Headmistress is a labor of love is an understatement. It’s a labor of love and patience and courage and understanding. But not on my part.

This book would not have seen the light of day if not for three brilliant women, who cared for me, encouraged me, made me braver, made me persevere with this project and who ultimately supported me through the thorny road towards its completion.

Em endured numerous calls, countless messages and if I could have sent a carrier pigeon, she’d have an army of those by now. In the six months that the book progressed from a persistent idea, that refused to let up, to a first draft, then second, then third, and finally its final iteration, Em has been with me every step of the way. Her immense kindness, her well of patience and her readiness to help any time, be it with editing, cover, graphics work or a shoulder to cry on - have made this book possible. The Headmistress, in all her glory, would have sat in the Scrivener Novels folder on my computer without Em.

Lily Seabrooke, my gorgeous and generous friend and sensitivity reader, made me laugh, taught me things and honestly stepped in and saved this project from being an unmitigated disaster. I will never forget those lessons and I will always wonder at the sunshine that this woman spreads to the world. She shines and I’m truly blessed to be able to catch some of those rays.

Diana Kane has been a steadfast presence throughout the past six months and our weekly calls have calmed me, centered me, and gave me hope that not all is lost and that maybe, just maybe, the book will come together no matter how much I despaired in self-doubt. And without DK, there would be no Milena McKay, romance author, for she was the one to encourage (read: push) me to write.

Joanne was a true champ for agreeing to become a character and to be subjected to all that she has been in this book.

Doreen Howard was invaluable as always, for her eagle eyes and constant support. The best proofreader in the business.

And all of those who reached out to me during the past six months after The Delicate Things We Make was published. I’ve had some dark hours in between, but the messages, emails, reviews, all the love and encouragement meant the world to me and kept me on track.

Thank you!