Daddy’s Best Friend Secret by Lauren Wood



The second that I got into the water, Clara made it her mission to get out of it. She began trying to get to the shore, but I wasn’t going to let her out that easily. I wasn’t sure what had compelled me to join her in skinny dipping, but I knew one thing. I was going to get to the bottom of this attraction thing between us once and for all.

There was no way that this could just be one-sided, and I wanted for her to admit the truth so that we could work through it. Didn’t we owe that to ourselves? Even if she did have a boyfriend, maybe the reason that she was such a bitch to me was because she had underlying feelings that she didn’t want to admit to.

Before she could leave, I grabbed her and pressed her against my chest, making sure she couldn’t escape from me. Not this time. Clara’s eyes turned into fire, as she looked at me and began wiggling. “Let go of me!” She shouted. I was happy nobody was around otherwise they would think that I was kidnapping her. “You have no right, Klaus! Let me go.”

I could tell that she was getting agitated. She was hot and naked against me, and I could feel my dick springing to life. I was hoping that she hadn’t realized, but the second that her eyes widened, I knew that she had. If she hadn’t thought bad of me before, she certainly did now. “Are you serious right now?”

“I can’t help it, Clara. If you would stop moving, then it wouldn’t happen.”

“If you would let me go then I wouldn’t be moving around so much.”

“I will let you go,” I stated. “I just have to ask you something first.”

Clara finally stopped moving, realizing that her efforts were futile. She wasn’t going to get what she wanted until I got what I wanted.

“What the hell could you possibly have to ask me?” She asked, frowning at me.

“How do you feel about me?” The question was genuine.

“You’re not serious right now, are you?” Clara snorted. “You know exactly how I feel about you. I hate your guts.”

“You hate me?”

“Yes, haven’t I made that obvious?”


“I’ve told you that already.”

“I want the real answer.” I pushed her closer against me. “I want you to be completely honest with me.”

Holding Clara this tight reminded me of how much I wanted her. If it was possible, it was becoming harder by the second. It was getting to the point of almost being painful, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to listen to Clara.

“What do you really think of me? You’re constantly rude to me, and I don’t think it’s because I made you wait for one dinner. Even when I tried to save you from that rude kid on the beach, you didn’t even give me a ‘thank you’. Why? What could I possibly have done to make you hate me this much when we haven’t even spoken more than a handful of times? You don’t know me, Clara, and if you did, I really think that you would like me.”

I hadn’t meant to give her an entire speech. The truth was that once I started talking, I hadn’t been able to stop and then I was spilling out my guts like I was some kind of girl. But I didn’t normally let little things bother me in the way that Clara not liking me bothered me. And I was sick of it. I needed to hear the truth from her because I felt like I knew the reason. But I needed her to say that I was right.

She was quiet for a while, and I could tell that she was lost in her thoughts, trying to figure out what to say, whether to lie or tell the truth. I understood her predicament because it was one that I’d faced several times in my life. I just hoped that she chose the right decision, not just for my sake, but for hers.

Clara needed to admit to her feelings.

“You’re right,” she sighed, and I let out a deep breath. I had already known that I was right but hearing her say it was like breathing in a breath of fresh air. It was exactly what I needed. “I don’t hate you because you showed up to dinner late. I don’t hate you at all actually.”

That was what I wanted to hear. “Then why do you say and act like you do?”

“Because…” she sighed. “Because I find you attractive, and I think about you in ways that I shouldn’t.”

“What kind of ways?” I asked, my curiosity piqued.

“Sexual ways,” she admitted.

“And why is that a bad thing?”

“For a multitude of reasons! You’re my dad’s best friend, and if we ever got together, I’m sure that he would have a heart attack and die.”

“He wouldn’t need to know, not right now.”

“It’s not just that,” she stressed. “Even if it was just my father, I wouldn’t want this huge secret relationship that I couldn’t tell anyone about. You might like to do things that way, but I don’t. Besides, my father isn’t the only thing keeping us apart.”

“What else is?”

“Maybe the fact that I have a boyfriend, or have you forgotten about him, already?”

Oh, right. Brendan. “That guy’s a bore. He doesn’t deserve you.”

“Your opinion shouldn’t matter!”

“But it does?” I asked her. Did my opinion matter to Clara?

“Yes,” she answered quickly and then tried to take it back. “I mean no, I mean I don’t know, Klaus. I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“I want you to admit that you want me.”

“I did!”

“Then, let’s do something about it.”

“It’s not that simple, okay. You make me think in ways that I’ve never thought about before, and that’s not a good thing.”

I had never been told that thinking outside of the box was a bad thing, and I still didn’t think that it was, in this case. The only issue I saw was that Clara had never felt this way before, and because of that, she was freaking out and panicking. I could understand why. All I needed to do was reassure her, and everything would be okay between the two of us.

“Clara,” I said her name, letting it roll off of my tongue. “It sounds like you just have butterflies, and that’s completely fine. Doesn’t your boyfriend give you those all of the time? Shouldn’t you be used to it?”

She was quiet, and I knew that wasn’t the case. I had already figured that there was something weird in that relationship, and she just refused to say anything about it, but now I was sure. They might have looked normal on the outside, but looks were deceiving.

“This isn’t the same,” she admitted. “The way you make me feel is nothing like the way that he makes me feel.”

“And how do I make you feel?”

“Hot.” Her answer was quick before she realized and her cheeks turned pink.

“If that’s how I make you feel then something needs to be done about it?”

Clara was obviously confused. “What do you mean?”

“Clara, we’re both two consenting adults who want each other. If that’s the case then there’s nothing that can stand in our way.”

“There are things that are going to stand in our way,” she corrected me. “We don’t live in a world with just you and me. Our actions have consequences, and they can hurt the people around us. That’s not what I plan to do.”

“You can’t be perfect.”

“I never meant to be. I’m allowed to make mistakes.”

“And you think I would be a mistake.”

Clara looked at me with her beautiful eyes. “You would be the best and worst mistake that I ever made, and I’m not sure whether or not that’s a good thing.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I agreed with her. “But it doesn’t have to be a good or bad thing for you to do it. It all depends on what you want. Be selfish for once in your life.”

“Like you?” She questioned, sarcastically.

I snorted. “Yes.”

“I just don’t know that I can do that.”

“Fighting the feelings that you have for me isn’t going to make them any less intense. They’re going to continue to become stronger until all you can do is think about me and think about what it would have felt like, been like. You’ll always be curious, and is that what you want to go through for the rest of your life? Always wondering but never having the answer?”

The look on Clara’s face made it clear that she agreed with me. She’d always made herself out to be daddy’s little princess, and it was time for her to get a huge makeover.

Before she can say anything and continue to reject how we felt about each other, I dove in for the kill. My arm wrapped around her waist and brought her as close as I possibly could, and my lips pressed down onto hers.

If I wanted for this to happen between us, I’d have to be the best that she’d ever had.

She was a bit stiff, but that was okay. I kissed her softly and passionately before the heat turned up. My kiss grew in force, and my tongue darted along her lips, inviting her to open her mouth and invite me into the sweet crevice of her mouth. When she didn’t, I softly nipped at her, and she gasped, giving me the access that I needed.

She was sweet, but there was nothing that could have prepared me for the amazing way that she tasted. It was addictive, and I found myself wanting more. Of the kiss, of Clara, in general. I was becoming hooked.

And she didn’t seem to mind. After a few seconds, Clara began to ease up and started to kiss me back. Our lips danced together, and I knew that now that I’d tasted her, I wasn’t going to stop until I had her fully. At that moment, I didn’t give a damn about her boyfriend, her father, anyone that would oppose this moment.

All I cared about was Clara. And she seemed perfectly fine with that.

Her hand went into my hair and weaved through it. The harder that I kissed her, the more that she tugged on the strands. I had a feeling that she was trying to be gentle, but I wasn’t surprised to find out that gentle and Clara didn’t mix. And I was happy to figure that out. It left the door of possibilities wide open.

It was impossible not to remember that she was naked, pressed against me. The water surrounding us was cool, but we were burning hot. I couldn’t stop my free hand from wrapping around her breast which was far bigger than I’d imagined it would feel, and much more soft and ample. She felt amazing in my hand.

Clara let out the smallest moan, into the kiss, and I was pleased. She was so reactive that I was beginning to feel like this was the first time that she’d been touched, by a man. But that couldn’t be right. She had a boyfriend, and I knew that if I was her boyfriend, I would not be able to keep my hands off of her.

But again, something about that Brendan kid didn’t add up.

My lips moved away from Clara’s to focus on her neck, as I kissed and sucked like there was no tomorrow. I knew that I was leaving a mark. I was just too selfish to care. Clara didn’t seem to be protesting, anyways. And then my lips returned back to hers, unable to stray from them long.

All of a sudden, Clara pulled away from me, quick to put distance between our bodies. My body lacked the warmth that she’d been giving to it, and I found myself missing it. What was she doing? She was panting, now a couple feet away from me, and genuinely freaking out about what we had just done.

Great. Nothing could ruin a moment like a girl who was overthinking.

“What did we just do!” She exclaimed, and her voice was like a shriek.

“We just made out.” I frowned at her. “And from the looks of it, nobody’s ever made out with you, before.” I knew that it was forward of me, and it could leave me with a slap against my face, but I had to know the truth. Was she a virgin?

“That’s not true,” she argued. “Brendan has kissed me before.”

“Just kissed you?” I laughed. “Is that what I just did?”

“Whatever you just did, it shouldn’t have happened,” she asserted.

It was easy to tell that she was freaking out. I swam towards her so that I could hold her and calm her back down, but Clara wasn’t going for it, in the slightest. She put more space between us and narrowed her eyes at me. “Stay over there.”

“Why?” I asked. “You seemed to like me just fine when I was right against you.”

“Because this shouldn’t have happened.”

“You’re saying that now, but you enjoyed it.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She had admitted that it had felt good. “I can’t even begin to think of how Brendan’s going to feel, and what he’s going to say. He’s a good guy, and I run off and cheat on him. He’s going to be heartbroken and betrayed, and he doesn’t deserve that. And I don’t deserve to lose him. I have to think of a way to make this right or a way to fix this.”

I was beginning to realize how hung up on this Brendan guy that Clara was, and it was annoying. There wasn’t a single thing about him that was special. He hardly even showed emotion, yet he had her fighting for the relationship like she was trying to end world hunger. Why was it the safe, boring guys that ended up with all of the girls?

My hands balled into fists, underwater. “Why don’t you just break up with him?” I recommended, making sure that she fully understood that was a choice, still. “I mean, what’s so great about him, Clara? Do you really want to be with someone so boring? That’s not the guy for you.”

“Oh, and you are?!” She snapped. “A guy who spends his entire life vacationing. A guy who I’d always have to wonder if he’s out cheating on me or not because obviously he doesn’t think that cheating in a relationship is bad.”

Clara’s eyes narrowed at me, and she swam around me and got out of the water. And there was nothing that I could say to her to bring her back.