Wings and Shadowthief by May Sage


“So what do we call you, now?” Tris played with his favorite knife, tossing it in the air and catching it again.

“Can you stop chucking pointy things in front of my child?” Chloe growled.

She was still pissed at them, and Hunter couldn’t exactly blame her.

Had they managed to kill Aveka, it would have been another story, but instead they’d only poked the bear with a hot iron pitchfork.

Tris pouted. “How is she going to learn, otherwise?”

The vampire stomped her foot in frustration. “She’s one day old!

“There, there. Don’t listen to your mother’s antics. We’ll teach you the way of the blade—and the quill—soon enough, child.” To everyone’s surprise, Fin Varra had appointed himself the baby’s fairy caretaker, and he took his job seriously. Ruby only had to open her cherry mouth and start the hint of a whine for the professor to appear with all his usual fanfare.

Fairies seldom gave birth to children, even more rarely than vampires, and they treasured them—when they didn’t give them away as changelings, in any case.

Chloe joked that he could be the child’s fairy godfather. Ruby’s actual godfather was stuck in a cave, so it might prove useful.

Taking the offer seriously, Fin had immediately rejected the responsibility. He was one complicated fae.

“Whatever you’d like,” Hunter said, tearing his gaze from Ruby long enough to finally reply to his cousin.

He’d thought of himself as Hunter for several long years, but he also recognized Jack in himself these days.

“Junter. Huntack. Oh, I know! Jacter.”

He waved his hand casually, and Tris yelped, dropping his now red-hot knife. “That’s not fair! Don’t mess with my knives.”

“Don’t mess with his names,” Gwen shot back, kissing the side of his cheek.

It felt good to have her on his side.

“How did your clan take to the news that you’re mated, by the way?” Levi asked, attempting to take his daughter from the Aos Si’s embrace.

He failed. Fin wasn’t letting go.

Gwen made a face. “My mother said I might finally prove useful, and that she’d contact me if she needed a huntsman in the future.”

Hunter snorted. He’d help her neglectful coven when hell froze over.

Gwen had another year here at Oldcrest to finish her undergrad, and she was likely to remain for further studies after that, which meant that they were staying in Oldcrest for a while longer. After presenting his thesis, he’d remain at the Institute and teach a class or two. Chloe was ecstatic at the prospect, and if he was honest, Hunter was equally relieved.

He wasn’t going to leave his friends. Not until the queen was dealt with. Not until they were all safe.

Hunter thought about the one member of their group who was anything but safe at the moment. Blair was off the grid. Dismissing her wishes, he’d attempted to track her using huntsmen resources, if only to check that she was hiding well enough. She’d disappeared entirely. There wasn’t a trace of her anywhere in the world, like she’d never even existed.

Which meant that their friend was very, very good at running.

She’d be just fine. And if she was in any trouble, she knew she could always come back where she belonged—where they all belonged.

Oldcrest was their home.

The End…

Until Midwinter Night’s Prince, Seth and Blair’s story.

May Sage works on several series in several genres. If you enjoy After Darkness Falls and would like to ensure it’s prioritized in her schedule, don’t forget to leave a review!