Tarnished Love by Bianca Borell






After Penelope was born, I stayed home with her for six months while I was breastfeeding, and then Filip stayed with her at home, working when she was asleep. Neither of us wanted a nanny. She got a pony on her first birthday. She learned to ride long before she could walk. On the second, she got a mini car, and basically became a danger to her cousins. Filip blames that on me. No surprise there. And no, I didn’t take driving lessons, I was just out of practice.

On her third, she got a baby sister. They are Filip’s entire world, and our daughters are smitten with him.

Filip offers me, Luana, and Penelope climbs on his back.

“Daddy, no, I want to stay.” He hears just Daddy, everything else is irrelevant.

“Another time, baby Pe, okay?”

“But then we play.” She’s his mini me, she’ll accept whatever compromise if her desires are met.

When we put them to sleep, I always look at them one more minute before closing the door, at their perfect little bodies safely tucked and asleep. Filip embraces me from behind and says, “I can’t get enough of this, you, us, them.”

“I am glad we didn’t stay in a tarnished love.”

“We were destined to become a family, honey.” I tilt my head to him, and he leans in to kiss me.

“Thank you for not letting me go.”

“Thank you for giving me another chance.”

I cuddle myself to his chest, while I stare at our wedding bands, letting his love and mine mingle and envelop me fully.

You never let go of the love that makes you feel alive, grateful, at home.




Thank you so much for reading Tarnished Love.


If you’d like to find out what happens to Sophia and Alex, their stories will come next.

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Want to know more about what really happened between Bria and Damien? Their story begins in Shattered Love, continues in Healing Love, and ends in Endless Love.


Shattered Love

Healing Love

Endless Love


Continue reading for a sneak peek into Bria and Damien’s story!