Cattle Stop by Kit Oliver


What a long and winding road Cattle Stop took from a spark of an idea to becoming a finished novel! First and foremost, I’d like to thank Elle Maxwell for her gorgeous design work. She brought Cooper and Whit to life and humored me fitting both a squirrel and a spigot onto the piece of art that is the book cover. Sarah Calfee, my editor, did a fantastic job coaching my writing, finagling the plot structure, and fine tuning the dynamic between Whit and Cooper. Jules Hucke provided the final polish that makes this manuscript truly shine. Thanks to each of you for your continued hard work, support, and enthusiasm for these projects I bring to you.

As ever, Erin provided endless rounds of feedback and encouragement in the many years it’s taken for this novel to reach this stage. Sam, my imagination partner, Cooper and Whit’s biggest cheerleader, translator extraordinaire, and fellow cow appreciator, you’ve been everything this story needed and more. The two of you are invaluable and irreplaceable. And finally, Ali for the long-ago suggestion that I give this manuscript a try. It very much would not exist without you and for that, you’ll always have my thanks.

Deep appreciation to the original Sadie for lending her name, and to Russell for lending his spirit. We miss you, bud. Most of all, thank you to my husband. I promise that in all the adventures I suggest as we live our lives together, none will ever include running a dairy.