Theirs to Correct by Ivy Barrett

Books of the Ventori Masters Series

Trained for Their Use

On Earth, Amanda Powell is as good as dead. With her father in way too deep with a ruthless cartel, it is only a matter of time until his enemies come after her. If she wants to stay alive, she has only one choice. She must get off the planet by any means necessary, no matter the price.

In desperation, she offers herself to a pair of Ventori mercenaries in return for safe passage on their ship. For two years, she will be the property of these stern, handsome aliens, and during that time they will have the right to do with her as they please. They will take her hard and often, in the most shameful of ways, and any protest will earn her a painful, humiliating spanking.

But as they set about training Amanda for their use, the two battle-hardened warriors find that their beautiful human slave appeals to them in a way they did not expect, and some deep, primal part of them demands that they claim her as their mate. When the intensity of their need for her grows beyond their control, will Amanda’s presence prove catastrophic for everyone involved?

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Claimed for Their Use

Held captive by a brutal drug cartel and facing an uncertain fate, the last thing Jessica Saint Claud expects is to be rescued by two huge, fiercely handsome alien warriors, but the real shock comes when the two Ventori commanders make it clear that she now belongs to them. They will use their beautiful little human as thoroughly as they please, and she will submit or be punished.

To Jessica’s surprise, her body responds powerfully to their bold dominance, and it quickly becomes clear that she is an ideal match for them both. As their primal need for her grows stronger, her new owners cannot resist taking her over and over in the most shameful of ways, wringing more pleasure from her naked, quivering body than she would have thought possible.

But when Jessica’s impetuous behavior leads the Ventori High Council to demand a demonstration of her suitability as a mate, she soon finds herself blushing crimson as she is stripped bare, soundly spanked, and then claimed publicly by both of her masters at once.

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Tamed for Their Use

Though she is grateful to the Ventori who rescued her from a notorious drug cartel, Nichole Romano is none too pleased at being held in their custody and tested for her compatibility as a mate. Her patience runs out when two huge, handsome warriors carry her off against her will, but despite her fury she is quickly stripped bare and her defiance merely earns her a sound spanking.

Sintar and his brother Tarlon promptly set about training their new mate, but to properly tame the headstrong little human they will need to both punish her sternly and thoroughly for any disobedience and claim her beautiful body hard and often in the most shameful of ways.

Nichole’s shock at being treated in such a manner is accompanied by intense, helpless arousal which leaves her confused and humiliated yet begging desperately for her mates to take her even harder. But can their mastery of her body break down the walls she has built around her heart?

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Chosen for Their Use

When Kyla Harms’ plan to help her friend escape from the protective custody of the Ventori goes badly awry, she is saved by the intervention of LeAuntiez, the companion, advisor, and bodyguard of Chancellor Bronsen. Upon arriving at the home of the two powerful, stunningly handsome aliens, Kyla quickly discovers that their dwelling is not the only thing they share.

Bron and LeAuntiez have chosen Kyla as their mate, and she soon learns that when she behaves badly they will not hesitate to strip her bare and punish her quivering bottom both inside and out. She is overwhelmed by shameful, desperate need long before the first stroke of the belt lands, and by the time her correction is complete she is begging to be claimed hard and thoroughly.

As her beautiful body is used and enjoyed in every way possible, sometimes by one of her mates and sometimes by both of them at the same time, Kyla cannot deny her intense arousal at being so completely and utterly mastered. But when the scheming of a determined band of enemies puts all of their lives at grave risk, will Bron and LeAuntiez be able to protect their little human?

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Mastered for Their Use

Erin Dorati didn’t ask for help from the Ventori, and just because they freed her from the human thugs who were holding her captive doesn’t mean she’s going to put up with being kept in custody by her supposed rescuers. She’s certainly not going to just lie there and take it while three of them evaluate her suitability as a mate, but when she nearly perishes in the wastelands during a failed attempt at escape, it is one of the infuriatingly sexy aliens who saves her life.

Urrya, Oseth, and Azra intend to share a female, but when the battle-hardened warriors inform Erin that they have chosen her, she does her best to pretend to hate the idea. Their visits to her dreams tell another story, however, and they quickly set about mastering both her body and her mind, teaching her how pleasurable it can be to surrender herself completely to her mates.

Their bold dominance arouses Erin deeply, and despite her efforts to deny it, her need for them merely increases each time she is stripped bare for a painful, embarrassing correction of her behavior. Her bond with her mates grows stronger as she is claimed ever more thoroughly, sometimes by all three of them at once. But when the alien scourge who nearly wiped out the human race attacks Erin’s new home, will she lose everyone she cares about a second time?

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Kept for Their Use

Jasmine Aldrich has spent years perfecting the art of enticing and manipulating men, but now two stern, sexy aliens have decided to claim her for themselves and she is totally unprepared for what is in store for her. These huge, handsome brutes aren’t just going to strip Jasmine bare and teach her what happens to a naughty little human who teases her mates. They’re going to punish, use, and enjoy her beautiful body as thoroughly, as shamefully, and as often as they please.

Kellan and Zilrath come from different worlds, but they plan to share Jasmine all the same, and she will soon learn the hard way that any attempt to play one of them off against the other will end with her cheeks blushing crimson and her bottom burning hot and sore both inside and out.

Despite her best efforts to keep control, as Kellan and Zilrath bring her to one quivering climax after another Jasmine finds herself surrendering ever more completely to their demands. But when a fellow human tries to turn her against them, will she side with her planet or her mates?

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Enslaved for Their Use

Lorna Mortenson has been looking after her family since her parents died while she was still a teenager, so when her sister is kidnapped by aliens of the rogue Yashonty species she considers it her responsibility to bring her home, even if it means setting herself up to be abducted as well.

Though she succeeds in getting herself taken captive, once Lorna is in Yashonty custody she quickly discovers that she will be not only a prisoner but also a slave, and her body is now the property of two masters who intend to use her as thoroughly and shamefully as they please.

Despite her best efforts to carry out her plan, Lorna’s attempts to keep in contact with Earth merely earn her a painful, humiliating punishment. Even with her cheeks blushing crimson and her bottom sore inside and out, however, her helpless arousal is undeniable, and she cannot help begging her masters to claim her properly. But will she ever be more than just a slave to them?

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Captured for Their Use

Taken prisoner by the fearsome Yashonty, Celeste Mortenson is given a choice. She will be given either to General Ram or to four of his warriors. Ashamed at the thought of being shared, Celeste chooses Ram, but as the battle-hardened brute strips her, spanks her, and claims her hard and thoroughly, she quickly discovers that he can easily make her blush crimson all on his own.

When a Ventori commander arrives to negotiate with Ram and promptly tries to fight him to the death over Celeste, however, it soon becomes clear that she is bonded to them both and she will be shared after all. More disturbing still, both of them have gone into rut and they won’t merely be using her in any way they please, they will be mounting her and breeding her like wild beasts.

Though she is shocked to be ravaged in such a humiliating fashion, her body’s response to their rough dominance is even more alarming, and with every stern punishment and every shattering climax she can feel the moment she surrenders completely coming closer. But will their love for Celeste bring about an alliance not only between her mates, but between their worlds as well?

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Auctioned for Their Use

After she is captured by Yashonty marauders, twenty-four-year-old college student Brianne Mortenson is put up for auction. Bare and on display, she blushes crimson as her naked, quivering body is teased and inspected by potential bidders, but the real shock comes when she learns that she has been bought by not one but two huge, intimidatingly sexy alien brutes.

King Eltor of Rylar and his brother General Sarnak have quarreled in the past, but when it comes to taming their newly purchased pet they are of one mind. She will surrender herself utterly and completely to even their most shameful demands or she will be swiftly and sternly punished.

As Brianne’s new owners set about mastering her ever more thoroughly their dominance proves more deeply arousing than she would have thought possible, but do they intend to keep her as their mate or is she just a plaything to be used and then discarded when they are done with her?

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