Seduce Me, If You Dare by Alyssa Clarke

Chapter Ten

Prue gasped when her husband thrust deep inside her, filling and stretching her. There was no pain, only pressure, and bliss. Her head fell back against the door, and she gripped his shoulders, panting. This was what she’d always wanted. Pinned to the wall in her husband’s arms, and he bent on ravishment. Passion.

“Does it hurt?” he growled, holding himself still.

“I am not fainting,” she teased softly.

He kissed her, hard and furious, sending the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl. Breaking his mouth from hers, Oscar shifted, pulling his cock from her slowly, so she felt every bit of him as her muscles held onto him too tightly as if she never wanted to let him go.

Fuck,” he muttered, the filthy word only arousing her more.

He flexed his hips, pushing deep inside her but so tortuously slow. There was a biting stretching pressure, an erotic blend of pain and pleasure. Suddenly she understood. “The sweet kind of pain,” she whispered, licking the seams of his lips. “I feel it now, Oscar.”


“I want more.”

Lust fired in his eyes. “Wrap your legs around my back.”

Prue coiled her limbs around his lower back, crossing her ankles, holding him tight. Their mouths melded, and he started to pump his hips taking her with quick, hard strokes, tossing her into mindless pleasure. He paused only to walk with her to the chaise longue and gently ease her onto the cushions, their bodies still joined. And not once did he stop kissing her. Oscar moved within her with strong, firm thrusts, grinding deeply inside her body.

That tight coil and heated pleasure she had felt low in her belly when he licked her with his tongue started to build again. Ripping her mouth from his, she buried her face in the crook of his neck, tasting the salt of his sweat. She kissed his neck, his shoulders, her fingers raking his slicked sweat back as the coil in her belly drew tighter and tighter even as his thrusts became harder and deeper.

Prue hadn’t dreamed anything could have felt this wonderful. Heart pounding, Prue was aching for more of his touch. With wordless murmurs and frantic kisses, she urged him on and was rewarded with a deep thrust that seemed to pierce the coil low in her belly.

Pleasure shattered Prue as her body flew apart. To her shock, her husband pulled from her body, slipped his hands beneath her buttocks, and arched her to his mouth. She wailed as he licked her quim, then sucked her clitoris into his mouth. This time it was as if pleasure expanded through her body, sweeping her up until she floated. And even then, her husband did not relent, bringing her to pleasure over and over again, before sliding impossibly deep once more into her convulsing body.

With a groan of rich satisfaction, he emptied deep inside her body.

“Bloody hell,” he said, pressing a kiss to her forehead where damp tendrils of hair were pasted to her skin.

Prue sighed. “We must absolutely do this every day.”

Her husband chuckled and gently pulled from her. Prue groaned for everywhere felt like she had gone several rounds of boxing with the girls at the club. Oscar stood and lifted her into his arms.

“We have to hurry and sneak back to your chamber.”

Prue laughed. “What will we say if we encounter one of our servants.”

He opened the door and stepped out into the thankfully empty hallway. They heard a thumping sound from the servants’ staircase, and he stilled, then burst into a run. With a laughing gasp, Prue grabbed onto his shoulders as he jostled her. As they were about to rush into her bedroom, over his shoulder, she spied the shocked expression of her maid on the stairs. No doubt Martha was coming up to stir the fireplace.

Prue allowed her husband to clean her with a warm washcloth without blushing. She could not stop yawning and drowsily asked the time. It was not yet seven in the morning.

“I gather you will not be joining me for an early breakfast.”

“Get behind me, Satan,” she muttered. “I am desperate for sleep.”

His laughter caressed over her in pleasurable waves. “I shall see you around noon then, my lovely wife.”

Prue had the impression of a kiss on her mouth, but sleep was already dragging her down into blissful oblivion.

Prue stirred awake and stretched,expelling a loud satisfied sigh. She felt well-rested.

“It is almost two in the afternoon. I have delayed luncheon for you.”

She gasped, twisting on the bed to see her husband sitting on the chaise longue by the fire, his large Siberian cat cuddled into his arms. The cat’s eyes were closed, and the feline made soft purrs in its throat in time to the fingers stroking her head.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were to meet with your land steward at noon and then your banker at three?”

“I took the day off.”

“You took the day off?” she parroted in surprise. “You never take the day off.”

“I know. I thought I would spend it with my lovely wife. However, I did not foresee that she would laze the day away in bed.”

Prue’s cheeks heated, even as something warm and tender stirred inside her chest. An unknown sensation, but it felt very pleasant indeed. “It is only the afternoon. We still have hours left in the day.”

Her husband made a non-committal sound, but his eyes gleamed with satisfaction when they landed on her. He stood and padded over to sit on the edge of her bed.

“Prudence, I would like to introduce you to my companion, Cleopatra. Only I can call her Cleo.”

Prue grinned. “Is that so?”

“Yes, try it. She will ignore you.”

Pure leaned forward, took one of the cat’s paws and shook it. “Nice to meet you, Cleo.”

The feline acted as if Prue was not there. The blasted thing even pulled its paw away. She canted her head. “Cleopatra?”

The cat glanced at her and swished its tail.

“I told you,” he said with a roguish smile. “It’s a bond. If you want the same thing, get your own cat.”

She laughed and leaned in to meet his kiss. Lifting his head, he stared into her eyes for a long time. His expression was serious…considering.

“The oddest thing happened to me while you were sleeping. I am still mystified by it.”

“What?” she whispered.

Oscar used the back of his fingers to rub against her cheek. The tender ministrations made her shiver and filled her with an inexplicable longing.

“I missed you,” he said with a frown. “I have never missed you before…but today I did.”

Her heart stuttered. “Is that a bad thing?”

“More curious as all things new to me are.”

That right there hinted that their future might not be miserable at all but an exceedingly pleasant one. As if she was annoyed to be in the middle of their conversation, Cleopatra made a sound and leaped from Oscar’s arm and padded over to sprawl by the fire, and swished her majestic tail.

“That cat is spoilt,” she said fondly.

“Distressingly so. I have to set a place for her at the table; she will not eat her kippers from a plate on the ground. Our housekeeper tries to pretend she is not appalled by it, rightly suspecting she might be fired if she offends Cleo.”

Prue smiled at his outrageousness. “And to think, my dear husband, there was a time I worried that you might not have a sense of humor.”

“The devil you say!”

“Yes, I even called you a stiff prig to a friend.”

“Ah, my sweet, how much you still have to learn about me.”

Prue slipped her arms around his neck and tugged him down to her. “Let’s revisit the part where you missed me today.”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “I did. Our servants must have thought me a madman the amount of times I ran up the stairs checking to see if you were awake. I missed your company enough I thought about tickling the bottoms of your feet to rouse you.”

Prue didn’t understand why he amused her so. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and soft plunks of rain started to fall again from the sky.

“Never fear,” he murmured. “We can play chess and read together by the fire.”

Ordinary, wonderful things husbands and wives did. She took a deep breath to calm her suddenly pounding heart. “I would like that, Oscar, very much.”

Almost thirty minutes later,dressed in a high waist gown of emerald, Prue ventured into the library to meet with her husband. A steady downpour fell outside, and the sky was overcast and rumbling with occasional thunder. Despite the suddenly dreary afternoon, she felt buoyant and excited.

Oscar waited for her on the floor, a picture of stunning masculinity in his indolent sprawl on the lush carpet. Even his shirt was unbuttoned, and she could see the skin of his throat. He was bare foot and his hair tousled as if he had raked his fingers through it several times. On a low table there was a scrumptious feast laid out. Prue spied two roasted quail, slices of roast pork, delicate chicken-filled pastries, paprika prawns, lobster patties, assorted cakes, and a decanter of spiced wine.

Predictably her stomach rumbled its hunger. Oscar glanced up. His gaze landed on her bare toes. Prue sauntered over and lowered herself onto the blankets and rugs. She loved that he sensed this is how she would prefer to spend the day instead of pretending formality in their own home.

The chess set was laid out between them, and three books were stacked one on top of the other. She ran a finger off the spine of the first book. “You read gothic romances, my lord?”

“I know they are a preference of yours. Do not worry; the second title is more to my liking.”

Prue choked. “I will not read a book about machinery and farming.”

“Do not dismiss it out of hand. It has some exciting concepts on crop rotations.”

Picking up a chess piece, she tossed it at him but shrieked when he destroyed the setting of the board to haul her into his lap. They kissed for a long time before pausing so she could sate her hunger. They ate together, talking about all sorts of topics, from the tensions in his political party, to repairs that needed to be done at the ancestral estate. Afterward, they played seven rounds of chess, with Prue winning three of the set. The evening passed in a blur of laughter and reading and more kissing.

Butterflies fluttered around in her stomach, and warm and tender emotions wreaked havoc with her heart. With stunning awareness, Prue realized she was tumbling into love with her husband. Somehow in her quest for Oscar to fall in love with her, Prue had not thought about the fact that she was not in love with him either. She liked what she knew of him, was wildly attracted to his handsomeness, and respected his political beliefs. But only now that she was learning her husband did her heart soften and ache for him in a manner it had not before.

The awareness felt frightening and also wonderful.