Seduce Me, If You Dare by Alyssa Clarke


Prue slipped from her husband’s arms, sated with contentment. They had spent the night wrapped in each other bodies, delighting in sensual pleasure. She was exhausted from their passionate fervor, yet she also felt exhilarated.

The warbling echo of a rare bird sounded again in the stillness of the night. The very insistent call which had roused her could only have been made from a member of their club. A quick glance at the clock showed it to be minutes after three in the morning. Oh, blast! Shoving the covers from her feet, Prue scrambled from the bed and hurried over to the windows that had been left open to counter the balmy night.

“Don’t tell me your friends also have a secret signal?” Oscar murmured.

Muffling her laugh, Prue glanced around, noting he stared at her with lazy satisfaction and a wicked gleam.

“Yes, and you better get that look out of your eyes,” she muttered before turning back and pushing up the partially open windows.

From the garden lanterns that remained lit throughout the night, Prue spied a slim figure that stood below dressed in black breeches and shirt. The hair was also covered in a black cap. Prue cleared her throat and that face tilted up.


“Yes…it’s me!”

Her friend’s voice wobbled before she squared her shoulders.

“It is very late, and why are you dressed like that? Would you like to come inside?”

Charity shook her head.

“Then why are you here?”

“Your house is only a few houses down…I supposed I panicked.”

Dread pooled low in Prue’s belly. “A few houses down from where?”

A tense silence lingered, then her friend said, “I executed the dare tonight.”

Oh, blast!“You broke into the Viscount’s home?”

Charity nodded quickly.

“Bloody hell,” Oscar muttered behind her.

“What happened? Did you get the letters?”

“Yes. I have them.”

Prue wilted against the sill in relief. “Then what—”

“I was caught.”

For precious seconds Prue was rendered speechless. “You were what?”

Charity glanced around frantically. “Keep your voice down, Prue!”

This was a disaster. Visions of scandal and ruination for her friend danced in Prue’s head. Charity did not deserve this. “We will convince Lord Sallis—”

“It wasn’t the viscount who caught me,” Charity muttered.

Prue stared at her in incomprehension. “I…what do you mean?”

“There was someone else there in the blasted house with me…in the dark, and it was not the viscount!”

Good God.

Charity looked around once more as if the mystery man had followed her. Prue leaned through the window, looking out the empty streets. “Charity, I am not comfortable with you leaving. Please come inside.”

“I am supposed to be at a ball. I should change back into my gown and return home.” She took a deep breath. “I…I suppose my nerves were more shattered than I realized. I did not mean to disturb your rest. We will talk tomorrow.”

Then her friend turned and gracefully ran off. Prue whistled sharply, and Charity stopped and hurried back.


“Who was with you in the dark. Did you identify the person? More importantly, did they identify you?”

There was a slight hesitation, and to Prue’s shock, Charity blushed fiercely. So it was a gentleman then. One who was also breaking into the viscount’s house. What rotten luck.

“Who is he, Charity?” Prue asked again, impatience roiling inside.

Instead of answering, an odd smile…a bit mysterious, touched her friend’s mouth before she turned around and melted into the shadows of the gardens.


“Tomorrow, I am going to trounce her, to leave me with such anxiety!”

Oscar wrapped his hands around her waist, and she leaned her head against his chest. The wall of heat and muscles behind her was very comforting.

“I believe she was a bit shaken but is not really afraid. That possibly means she did not find this person’s presence threatening. Another lady from your club taking on a dare?”

Prue frowned. “She blushed. The garden is barely lit, and I saw that blush, it was a gentleman, and I fear he bloody well took liberties!”

“Did she seemed scared or hurt?”


“Then trust that she is well and only startled.”

He turned her around, and she rested her head against his chest. “I am still throttling her in the morning.”

Oscar chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Prue?”


“Will you do me the honor of going away with me for two weeks?”

She glanced up at him, astonished. He tenderly gripped her chin and gruffly said, “I never took you on a honeymoon. Let me take you away.”

Prue smiled, happiness bursting in her heart. Tipping on her toes slightly, she kissed him. “Yes,” she murmured against his mouth. “Take me away.”

“I love you,” Oscar replied, rubbing his nose gently against hers. “As much as I love Cleo.”

He swallowed her laugh with a kiss that was at once tender and rousing.

“I love you, my wife.”

“I love you too,” she whispered achingly, smiling as he swept her into his arms and carried her over to their bed.

Thankyou for reading Seduce me, If you Dare! Download the next book in the series Ruin me, If you Dare, for Charity’s story.

Get it Today!

A proper lord. A rebellious lady. A wager that could ruin them both