The Sheikh’s Stubborn Bride by Leslie North


Stella stretched on her lounge chair by the sparkling infinity pool and gazed out across the beach below to the grand Pacific Ocean. Seagulls called overhead, and the sun shone brightly. Kadir was asleep on the lounger beside hers, his tanned skin gleaming beneath the clear blue skies.

At an umbrella-shaded table on the deck near the house, Stella’s mother was sharing a drink with Aziza, and the two were getting along well, if their laughs and hushed conversation were any indication. Life was good. Better than Stella could’ve ever dreamed it would be.

And it was all thanks to the man beside her. Carefully, she leaned over to kiss his shoulder, inhaling warm, clean male and the tropical scent of his sunblock. Damn, he looked fine in that black Speedo too, all toned muscle and sleek sinew. She started to sit back up, only to have him capture her wrist in one hand, keeping her close. He kissed her slowly and deeply, then smiled up at her, one eye squinted open.

“What’s happening, habibi?” His voice sounded rough with sleep. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing. Just reading and watching the beach.” The breeze blew, and she put a hand atop her floppy sunhat to keep it from blowing away. With her auburn hair and fair complexion, she burned in a blink, so she’d slathered up with plenty of sunscreen herself and wore a filmy seafoam-green caftan over her matching string bikini. Even so, she’d need to go back in soon for more sun protection. With her free hand, she reached over to grab her fruity drink and took the last sip. “I need another. You?”

“I’ll come with you,” he said, sitting up, still holding her wrist, his movements male grace personified. Kadir stood, tugging Stella up and against his sun-warmed body. “But first…”

He kissed her again, and she melted into him. Man, she loved this guy more than life itself. Their relationship had been anything but normal or smooth, but the effort was so worth it. By the time they pulled apart, they were both breathless, and she was glad he held her hand as they made their way up to the house because her knees were wobbling. The guy could kiss. Seriously.

“Ah, the happy newlyweds,” Aziza said, looking spectacular in her oversized sunglasses and designer silk cover-up in a bright coral color. It set off her dark hair and excellent bone structure to perfection. Stella could see where Kadir got his good looks. She could also see why the camera loved this woman. “Where are you two going?”

“Just inside to get more drinks,” Stella said, holding up her empty glass with the tiny umbrella still in it. “Do you ladies need refills? Mom?”

“No, I’m good, honey. Thanks!” her mother said, smiling. “You need some more sunscreen though. Your nose is getting pink. How is your new game coming?”

“It’s coming.” Stella adjusted her hat, wishing she could look as carefree and effortlessly elegant as Kadir’s mother. Though that was partly illusion. She knew the pain and hurt both Kadir and his family were still working through with their mother. On the bright side, Aziza and Ibrahim had started talking again, so perhaps there was hope there, too. If there was one thing Stella had learned through all of this, it was to never give up on people. Just look at her and Kadir. “I’m working on a sequel to the cat game. This time it will focus on the areas of Al-Fatha outside Jazid.”

“Fascinating,” her mom said.

“Come, habibi,” Kadir said, tugging her toward the door. “I’m thirsty.”

“Be right back,” she said to the mothers before she was whisked inside the luxurious beach house. Out of the direct sunshine, the temperature dropped a few degrees, and Stella couldn’t suppress a shiver. Kadir put his arm around her and squeezed, the warmth of his hand on her waist a welcome comfort. There were times she still felt overwhelmed by the opulence of his world, and this was one of them. They’d been staying here with Aziza for a week now, but each time she entered the house, she still felt the same sense of awe.

From the soaring whitewashed pine-beam ceilings to the gleaming hardwood floors, this place was a showpiece. Given how much money Aziza had spent to buy her piece of paradise, it should be, but wow. If Stella had a spare two hundred million lying around, she would’ve bought this house, too. There were three stories and eight bedrooms, seven and a half bathrooms. A huge chef-style, open kitchen, living room, dining room, sunroom, library, den, two offices, and a five-car garage. Plus, a guest house on the side of the property, where Stella’s mother was staying this week.

She and Kadir got their drinks in the kitchen, then Stella started back outside before her husband stopped her, taking her hand and steering her toward the hallway instead.

“What’s going on?” she asked, frowning as he pulled her deeper into the mansion.

“Come, habibi,” he said, pulling her into his side. “I want to see some of my mother’s collectibles.”

And what collectibles they were. Everything from signed movie posters from the many films she’d been in, to shelves of awards she’d won for her acting, and even a few props from the sets she’d been on. It was quite impressive, especially to an artist like Stella.

“Look at all this stuff,” she said, leaning in to read the small golden plaque on the wall beneath a shelf holding a pair of golden cuff links. “Oh my god. Did you know your mother was in a secret agent movie?”

Kadir laughed. “No, but that doesn’t surprise me. I remember as boy sitting on her lap and watching those British spy movies over and over. She loved those things.”

They moved farther down the hall to where a group of personal photos hung. Many of them were of Aziza with a who’s who of Hollywood elite, from top directors to celebrities to producers and even a mayor or governor or two. Kadir froze beside her and stared at an older photo, black and white. At first, Stella wasn’t sure who was in the picture, but as she leaned closer, she recognized the faces.

“That’s you, isn’t it?” she said, squeezing his hand.

He nodded. “My mother was in her late twenties then. She’s holding my brothers on her lap and that’s me playing near her feet. My father is behind her, his hand on her shoulder. Naziha was still an infant then and was in the nursery.”

“You all look so happy there,” she said, treading carefully, knowing what a minefield his childhood had been. “What a beautiful family.”

He continued looking at the photo, his expression distant and his voice quiet. “I remember the day that was taken. It was about a week before my mother left us.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, for lack of anything better. Things with his mother had improved, but she wasn’t sure that deep pain would ever fully go away. That loneliness lingered around her handsome husband’s edges. It was sort of like the hint of sadness that had stayed with her since the day of her negative pregnancy test. She hadn’t been prepared for a baby and had moved on since then, but she still missed the idea of a pregnancy, and she really couldn’t even say why.

“I’m okay,” Kadir said at last, turning to her, concern flashing in his dark eyes as he took in her face. “But you are troubled, habibi. Tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s nothing. Silly, really.”

“Your heart is never silly to me, Stella. Please, share with me.”

With a sigh, she gave in. “It’s just weird, the way I’ve been feeling since that day at the summer house. The negative pregnancy test and all. I should be happy, since we weren’t ready for kids at that point, and I know we’ll have them when we’re ready, it was just…” She shrugged and stared down at her bare toes. “It made me realize how much I want kids. I was—still am—a little disappointed, honestly.”

“Yeah?” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her tenderly, wiping away the tears she hadn’t been aware were falling from her cheeks. Then he smiled, slow and sexy. “Well, if it’s a baby you want, then there’s no reason we can’t have one.” He kissed her again, fast, then took her hand and led her toward the stairs. “How about we start now?”

“Now?” Stella’s eyes widened and she dug her heels into the cool hardwood. “But what about our moms? They’re right outside!”

Kadir laughed and pulled her into his arms at the stairs, his teeth white and even against his tanned skin. “We’re married, habibi. I’m pretty sure they know we’re sleeping together. Don’t act so scandalized.”

Heat prickled her cheeks, but soon Stella found herself laughing too. “I guess you’re right.” After a quick glance down the hall to make sure their mothers were still deep in conversation on the deck, Stella took off her floppy hat and tossed it onto the sofa before flinging her arms around her husband’s neck. “Fine. Take me, sir! I’m all yours.”

Kadir swept her into his arms and climbed the stairs, interspersing each step with a kiss. “I love you, habibi.”

Stella buried her face in the base of his neck and smiled, happier than she’d ever been in her life. All thanks to this man and the wonderful life they had together. “And I love you, my king.”