Blood of the Orc Prince by Lionel Hart


Chapter Six

Though he had struggled at first, Taegan slept soundly through the night and woke to the sound of Zorvut packing their things. The half orc was already dressed, some of the same nervous energy from the previous day still lingering on him as he folded up their washed clothes and sorted their packed belongings.

“Good morning,” he said briskly as he noticed Taegan stirring awake. “I went and spoke to Miss Jade about our horses. We can rent stalls in the stable for Ember and Graksh’t, since it didn’t seem like Tom had space for horses. I’ve already paid for the week for them.”

“A productive morning,” Taegan remarked with a yawn. “Was she surprised to hear we would be staying with Mr. Whitmore?”

Zorvut chuckled though his gaze remained on the shirt he was folding. “Yes. I dare say it was one of the few times in her life a woman like that has been speechless. “

“It’s a shame I missed it,” he laughed. “I apologize if I’ve overslept. “

“Not at all, I woke early and couldn’t get back to sleep. I’m just glad I didn’t wake you. No rush.”

Taegan dressed and prepared for the day, and by the time he was ready to go down for breakfast Zorvut had packed everything up and the room was bare once more. When they arrived down in the dining hall, the familiar figure of Miss Jade greeted them.

“You’ll have to tell me your secret, elf boy,” she snapped as she set down plates of food in front of them, what appeared to be steamed fish atop a bed of rice and a light vegetable broth. “How did you sweet talk old Tomlin into letting you stay with him?”

Taegan gave her his most honeyed smile, dripping with over-the-top, insufferable charisma. “Our benefactor is nothing if not persuasive, ma’am. Though Mr. Whitmore has extended his offer out of the kindness of his heart.”

“Psh!” she snorted at that. “Just as likely he owes you. I always figured, a man that well traveled in that lifestyle for so long… of course he’s got a past that would catch up to him eventually.”

Taegan narrowed his eyes as he maintained the same smug smile. It was astounding how close to the truth she was circling, yet how far from it her assumptions were. But perhaps that could be played out in their favor; let her imagine whatever sordid business they had gotten Tomlin Whitmore involved in, and maybe that would be a deterrent to snooping any further.

“All men have a past, that’s certainly true,” he agreed in as conspiratorial a tone as he could manage. “And a man of that renown, well, that’s a safe assumption to make, Miss Jade.”

“But you’re not going to tell me why you’re here, are you?” she asked with an equally conspiratorial smirk. “Yet, at least.”

“Yet,” he agreed, hoping the mysterious air wouldn’t come back to bite him in the rear.

Once their meal was complete, they set out from the inn and strolled through the town square toward Tomlin’s home. It was a picturesque morning, perfectly temperate with a comfortable breeze, and only a few streaky clouds breaking up the deep cerulean of the midmorning sky. They walked a bit closer this time, though there was still a safe distance between them. He missed being able to walk hand-in-hand with his husband, but the safest option while they were here would still be for as few people as possible to know who they were. If they could limit that to just Tomlin Whitmore, Taegan could surely sleep a little easier at night.

So they walked a polite distance apart, though he kept Zorvut’s nervous excitement cradled in his mind. It was not a long walk, so even at their leisurely pace they were soon knocking on the white wooden door again with the yellow curtains fluttering out from the kitchen window.

“Welcome, welcome!” Tom exclaimed as he opened the front door with a flourish of his hand. A wide grin was plastered on his face; there was some clear showmanship in his sing-song voice and the sweeping bow he made as he stepped back, ushering them inside. Taegan chuckled nervously, as did Zorvut.

“Thank you,” he said as they stepped inside, and Tom closed the door behind them.

“This way,” the man said, squeezing ahead of them in the narrow walkway to an equally narrow set of stairs. “Watch your step. Especially you, Zorvut, sorry, I think it’s going to be a bit of a struggle up and down the stairs…”

“Not a problem,” Zorvut answered, though as Taegan glanced behind him he could see the half-orc following him slowly and cautiously with his head bowed low.

A small landing on the stairs had a wide, sunny window facing the other side of the street, and a few plants were set up on a table in front of it which Zorvut also carefully avoided. The second set of stairs led to a long hallway with four doors, two on each side.

“Lucky the house has more rooms than I need,” Tom remarked as he led them to the far door on the left. “My room is the first one on the right, and the one across from you’s the bathroom. Next to you is just another spare room, if you need some extra space maybe you could store some things there.”

He opened the door to reveal a spacious, largely empty spare bedroom. The bed, though certainly still on the small side for Zorvut, looked far more plush and comfortable than the thin, hard inn beds they had been sleeping in for the past week. It had a window that opened over the street, and a tall wooden armoire made of a light, warm-toned wood. A writing desk and chair were in the corner, likely just brought in since it did not match the armoire, and on the other side of the armoire was a mirror mounted on the wall. Next to the bed was a bedside table with a small vase and a few fresh flowers. Tom had clearly gone to some effort to make the room comfortable and welcoming for them.

“It’s perfect,” Zorvut said behind him, echoing his own thoughts. He could hear Tom chuckle nervously as he stepped inside.

“Well, it’ll do,” he replied. “I couldn’t do much with the place with just one day’s notice, but I do try to keep things tidy most of the time anyway. Here, do you need any help with your things?”

They did not really need help but Taegan could tell Zorvut did not want to tell him no, so he handed over a pack containing some of their camping gear, bedrolls and their tent. The room was feeling decidedly cramped with the three of them in it, though.

“You know, I think I have a storage space downstairs that might be better for this,” Tom said after a moment of them shuffling around each other. “Why don’t I go take this, and once you’re both settled in, Zorvut, we can get started?”

“Getting right to it, then,” Taegan remarked with a raised eyebrow.

“That’s fine,” Zorvut said quickly. “Yes, we shouldn’t be long.”

Taegan carefully unfolded and hung his clothes, but Zorvut was done with his own pack quickly, clearly eager to get to training.

“Go on,” Taegan said, waving him away with a slight grin as the half-orc hesitated next to him. “I don’t need help. I’ll find you both when I’m done.”

A nervous smile spread across Zorvut’s face, and he knelt down to kiss Taegan, taking him a bit by surprise.

“I love you,” he said softly, his forehead pressed against Taegan’s own. There was a rush of heat between them, the moment unexpectedly tender—after all, he was sitting on the floor with a travel cloak in his hands.

“I love you, too,” he replied breathlessly, starting to lean closer to Zorvut, but the half-orc pulled away quickly with the same expression though perhaps looking a bit more smug now.

“Don’t be too long,” he said as he got back to his feet and moved toward the door. Taegan shook his head, flustered, but chuckled despite himself. He was glad Zorvut was in such a good mood; it was infectious even without their bond, and it was a relief to see him happy after so many days of anxious uncertainty. His own reservations were still a nervous, cold knot deep in his stomach, but he could keep them firmly pushed away for now. Zorvut was happy, he told himself, and for now that was all that mattered. Everything else could be figured out later.

Once his clothes had been hung up to his liking (though many still had an inordinate amount of wrinkles, not that there was much he could do about it without a hot iron at this point), he peeked his head out of the doorway. Neither Zorvut nor Tom were upstairs, though he could very faintly hear their voices. It sounded like they were outdoors, perhaps in a backyard though he was not sure how large of a space was possible in such narrow, close-together homes like this.

He was in no rush to get downstairs, and instead padded across the creaky wooden floor of the landing to inspect the bathroom. It seemed comfortably spacious, about the same size as their room, with a decent copper tub, and a sink and toilet with running water. The bathroom was a bit plain but the few decorations throughout seemed tasteful enough; a dark navy rug on the floor, a painting of the ocean hanging on the wall within a glass-pane frame. A small vase with a single yellow flower was perched on the sink in between the man’s toiletries, and below the window hung a plant with trailing vines. He figured it was a safe bet that Tom liked plants and greenery—there had not been a room in the house without them.

Curiosity overtook him, and he went around the corner to Tom’s own room. This bedroom looked much more lived-in and cozy, with an unmade bed the same size as theirs, a dark wood armoire and a desk stacked high with books and loose parchment. He seemed to have abandoned the white-and-blue motif in his own room; the walls were still white but his bedding was a deep maroon, matching the curtains that were currently open over his own window and the deep mahogany wood of his chest of drawers and his desk. He could also make out part of a bookshelf, which seemed quite full of books and trinkets of all kinds, probably from his extensive travels, and a similar trailing plant with vines hanging from the top shelf down to some middle shelves but none quite long enough to reach the floor.

Taegan only looked in from the doorway, unable to bring himself to fully enter the room even though the door was ajar. From what he could tell, though, Tomlin Whitmore seemed to be a well-off man, not fabulously wealthy but certainly comfortable and enjoying his retirement after a successful and profitable career. Nothing about him seemed particularly untoward or heinous, at least that he could tell. Though he still longed for his own home, this was not a terrible alternative for now.

Taegan stepped away from Tom’s bedroom and opened the door of the other spare room, the one they were not inhabiting. It looked like it had been haphazardly reorganized recently, in a more noticeable state of disarray compared to the room he had provided them. It had a similar bed but no armoire, instead a heavy chest pushed up to the foot of the bed and a display case on the opposite wall. There were some instruments hung up on the walls, lutes and stringed instruments of various sizes. Inside the display case was some kind of flute, though Taegan did not quite recognize it, and next to the display case was a harp. He guessed this was normally Tom’s music room though he seemed to have repurposed parts of it for now; the chair in their room looked like it matched the wood of the bedframe and the chest in this room.

His curiosity sated for now, he quietly closed the door of the spare room and made his way down the stairs. From the landing of the stairway he could hear their voices more clearly coming from outdoors, and could just peek into the backyard from the window there. It was as small as he had imagined, not much more than a patio with stone flooring and a few potted plants.

“Well, I haven’t done anything too combat-heavy in some time now,” he could make out Tom saying, his hands on his hips. “But I can definitely show you what I know. And maybe that’ll bring back some of it. It really is like muscle memory, you know.”

Taegan continued down the stairs, no longer able to hear their conversation as he moved away from the window. It took a moment of wandering the downstairs to find the door to the backyard, but eventually he joined them out on the patio as well.

“Everything unpacked?” Zorvut asked as he entered, giving him a bright smile.

“Yes, all good for now,” he replied with a nod.

“Your, um—I mean, Prince Taegan,” Tom stammered, glancing uncertainly between the two. “Did you want to join us? I’d be happy to teach both of you if you’d like…”

“Please, just Taegan,” he replied, waving his hand. “And, no, thank you. I can’t say I have much magical ability, myself, so I’m afraid your efforts would be wasted on me. Zorvut is the one with the potential between us.”

“Taegan. All right,” Tom agreed, though his glance took on a bit of curiosity of his own. Elves were known for their magic; while not all elves had the same degree of magical prowess, he supposed he could not expect a human to understand the nuances of the elvish bloodline. “Well, you’re welcome to sit out here with us, although it might get a little cramped. The door opens up all the way if you’d like to still sit inside.”

He opened his mouth to say he had no need, but he met Zorvut’s gaze and felt a faint tug at the bond, wordlessly hoping that he would stay. A smile played at his lips as he glanced away.

“I’ll bring up a chair,” he said, and went to pull one from the kitchen. A trickle of gratitude came from the bond as he did so.

When he returned, chair in tow, Tom and Zorvut had switched places, Tom closer to the open door now and Zorvut nearer to the gate. Taegan set up his chair just inside the doorway, leaning back to watch the both of them as the cool ocean breeze ruffled his hair.

“First, let’s just see what it is you can do,” Tom was saying, making a gesture with his arms for Zorvut to proceed.

“Right,” he agreed, though his brows were now furrowed in visible concern. The half-orc seemed to ready himself, his stance widening slightly, then he extended a hand and after a brief moment, a flickering handful of flame appeared in it as if he were holding a candle.

“Not bad, not bad,” Tom said, mimicking the gesture and quickly summoning his own handful of flame. “We can work on responsiveness, there was a bit of a delay… How far can you extend it?”

“Extend it?” Zorvut repeated; though his expression was blank Taegan could feel his nerves mounting. “I’m not sure what you mean. I was able to throw it, once, the first time I used it, but… Since then I haven’t been able to do much more than just summon the flames.”

“I see,” Tom said, rubbing his chin. “Let’s focus on that first, then. You said you threw it, but it helps me to think of it less as something I’m throwing and more an extension of my own hand. So try just extending it like you’re reaching your hand out, instead of throwing something. Watch me.” With a flick of his wrist, he summoned another small fireball in his hand, and pointed at a slab of stone fencing in the alleyway between his patio and the building behind them. With a slow and deliberate movement more like tossing a coin rather than throwing a weapon, the flame burst forth from his hand and streaked through the air to hit the stone wall, where it flickered into embers before dissipating entirely. “Now, you try.”

Zorvut nodded, looking toward the stone Tom had aimed for. He shifted his stance awkwardly, trying to get into the same position Tom had used, before summoning the small flame in his hand and making the same gentle tossing movement. This time, it stayed lit once it left his hand, but did not quite make it to the wall, soaring only a few feet through the air before sputtering out in a puff of smoke.

But the bond still flooded with excitement and awe, and Zorvut looked first at Tom and then back at Taegan with a wide grin. “That worked,” he said breathlessly. “Thinking of it more like that, it worked. Even practicing with the warlocks back at the castle I couldn’t get it to last—thank you, Tom.”

“Very good,” Taegan said, letting his pride filter through the bond. Zorvut had struggled with his magic for so long, it was heartening to see even a small success now.

“I’m glad that helped,” the human replied with a self-satisfied grin. “We’ll work on that for today. Let’s see if you can get it to reach all the way to that wall.”

For most of the afternoon, they took turns throwing small fireballs at the wall. Luckily, whoever owned the fence either seemed to never notice or care, for no one came out of the building the fence led to. Taegan sat and watched for most of it, occasionally getting up to bring them some water or stretch his legs, but he did want to give Zorvut as much support and attention as he needed. It took a while, with Tom frequently moving to adjust Zorvut’s stance, guiding him in the exact motions he had used, but eventually the half-orc’s own smaller flame lasted long enough to sail through the air and strike the stone wall in a shower of sparks.

“Yes!” Tom exclaimed, clapping his hands. “Excellent, excellent. It will take some practice but you’re a quick learner. Very good.”

“Thank you,” Zorvut replied, panting. He was sweating now, between the heat of their fires and the effort of practicing for so long. He glanced at Taegan with a slight grin, which he returned.

“I think we’re done for the day, then,” Tom said, wiping his own brow. “I don’t know about you, but I could go for a nice, cold drink about now. Do you have a preference?”

“Ale,” Zorvut replied, following him back into the house. Taegan pulled his chair away from the door and closed it behind them as they headed for the kitchen.

“Dark? Light?”


“Ha! Well, that’s something you didn’t inherit from me. I’ll get a cold pint of my favorite dark ale for each of us. Did I show you the ice cellar? Here, it’s this door in the kitchen. Goes right down beneath the house.”

By the time Taegan had caught up to the kitchen they had gone through the cellar door and he could hear their faintly muffled voices coming from below. That miffed him, but he tamped down the annoyance and waited politely at the kitchen table until they came back up a few minutes later, each with a heavy tankard of beer in their hands.

“Oh, my apologies!” Tom exclaimed upon seeing him. “What can I get for you?”

“I’m alright, though I wouldn’t say no to a glass of wine,” he replied with a wry grin. Tom nodded, squeezing past Zorvut to descend back to the cellar. When the cellar door swung closed behind him, Zorvut set his beer on the table and came around to the side where Taegan was, embracing him.

“Thank you,” he said softly, the words rumbling through his chest against Taegan’s ear. He could feel the heat rising in his face, and even though Zorvut was damp with sweat he raised his arms to wrap around his husband’s torso, looking up at him with a questioning eyebrow. “I’m glad we made the journey here. I’m glad you came with me.”

“I’m glad you’re happy,” he replied with a slight smile. The scent of his exertion sent a shiver of arousal through him, though he did not think their room was quite private enough for any such intimacy to be comfortable. Hopefully they would not remain too terribly long. Zorvut’s amusement from the bond only confirmed his thoughts, though the half-orc squeezed him a little tighter. Later trickled through his head from the bond, and he nodded wordlessly against his chest.

The sound of Tom clearing his throat loudly came from the other end of the kitchen, and they glanced over to see him coming up from the cellar door, looking down at his feet with a slight reddish hue to his cheeks. His embarrassment was apparent, and Taegan took a smooth step away from Zorvut, letting his arms fall to his sides. He was not quite sure what the man’s flustered body language meant, but Tom held out a bottle of wine toward him which he took.

“I hope you like white wine, since that’s all I have at the moment, unfortunately,” the human stammered, not quite meeting his eyes. “Here, let me bring you a glass.”

He retrieved a wine glass from a cupboard, and after a moment they were all sitting around the small round kitchen table with a drink in hand, an awkward silence descending upon them. Taegan glanced at Zorvut next to him, who met his gaze and echoed his own uncertainty with a faint shrug. Tom was looking down at his tankard, and took a long drink from it before finally looking back up at Zorvut.

“Are you all right?” Zorvut asked, and Tom laughed with a grimace.

“Yes, yes,” he said. “Sorry. I was, um, a bit surprised to… That is—I don’t really know how to say this. I guess I had figured since this was an, ah, arranged marriage…” He gestured between the two of them, his discomfort apparent on his face. “Forgive me. I don’t mean to be rude. I suppose I had this idea in my head that Pr—ah, Taegan—was here more to keep an eye on things rather than, well, moral support. I was surprised to see such, um, affection between you two. Not that I…” He trailed off, biting his lip. “Well, I’m really digging myself into a hole here. I have nothing against you two, is what I’m trying to say. I guess I just had an idea about you that was wrong.”

“I see,” Zorvut replied slowly, his brow furrowed. Taegan glanced between them before speaking.

“That’s understandable,” he answered quickly, leaning toward Tom over the table. “And, to be fair, I think it is a very safe judgment to make. After all, elves and orcs have been at war with each other for a very long time, and are at war again now as we speak. I don’t think Zorvut would mind me saying that if you had met us at the beginning of our relationship, your assumption would have been correct, Tom.” He looked back at Zorvut, who was watching him with a neutral expression despite the mixed feelings of uncertainty and something like appreciation he could feel coming from the bond. “But Zorvut and I found we are much more compatible than I think anyone would have anticipated at the time the peace treaty was drafted. He has my heart, and I’m thankful for the circumstances that brought us together now.”

Zorvut’s lips slowly twitched into a faint smile, and he nodded in agreement. Taegan glanced back over at Tom, who was watching them with an expression of surprise that he quickly masked when their eyes met. “I understand the mating customs of elves can be seen as unusual by humans, but I hope you can look past that to see that we are indeed happy together.”

Tom raised a placating hand quickly with a shake of his head. “No, of course. That’s not it at all—I mean, who am I to judge? I’ve known a handful of elves in my day, and I have some understanding of your customs. Really, I’m glad that you’re happy.” He looked over at Zorvut and smiled—it seemed forced at first but melded into a more genuine expression as he spoke. “The way I see it, being able to marry for love is always superior to a political marriage, but if you’re able to have both, that seems like the best case scenario. It’s a relief to hear that, really. I was just surprised, is all.”

“We are very happy,” Zorvut said slowly, nodding as he glanced between the two. “Clearly, Taegan is the more well-spoken between us, but I agree with everything he said.”

“Well, then,” Tom said with a chuckle, and he raised his tankard. “To love?”

“To love,” they agreed, and raised their glasses as well before drinking deeply.

* * *

“That went very well,” Zorvut said with a sigh as they were in their room later that night. He had bathed and changed, sitting on the edge of the bed as Taegan sat at the writing desk, reading a book next to the flickering lantern he had set up when the sun had set.

“What, your lesson? Or convincing him that you’re not in a loveless marriage?” he replied dryly, though a grin played at his lips as he said it.

“Both,” Zorvut replied, and he stood, stepping closer to Taegan. “You know, I was wanting to thank you for, well, saving the day back there.”

“Is that so?” he replied, raising his eyebrow. But his confident teasing faded quickly when Zorvut knelt down in front of him, grabbing the chair and pulling him toward his chest. “Wait, wait—I thought you didn’t want to?” he hissed, glancing nervously at the closed door. He had no idea how much sound the simple wooden door might block.

“Now I do,” he replied with a low growl. “I like to see you take charge like that. It’s okay. You just have to be quiet, alright?” He unlaced Taegan’s breeches as he spoke, and his hard cock springing free betrayed his protests.

“Wait—ahh!” he started, but trailed off with a gasp as Zorvut took his cock into his mouth, sucking him down to the base in one quick movement. Taegan pressed a hand to his mouth, biting back a whimper of pleasure as the warm suction enveloped him. His other hand reached down to grasp one of Zorvut’s tusks, pushing against him fruitlessly. He would not have been able to push the half-orc off him even if he had truly wanted to. He felt more than heard Zorvut chuckle around him at the weak effort, vibrating through his cock and forcing him to stifle another moan.

“Zorvut,” he whispered, his eyes squeezing shut. “You—I—“

Quiet, he heard through the bond, and the word was so clear, so commanding, that he could not help but obey. He nodded silently, his eyes fluttering open to watch the half-orc suck his cock. The hand that had grabbed Zorvut’s tusk moved to run his fingers through his hair; though it had grown a tiny bit in their time on the road, there wasn’t enough to grab onto anymore. But Zorvut made a soft noise of appreciation, eliciting another muted whimper from Taegan.

It was so much harder to remain quiet than he had thought it would be—he was so used to being able to voice his pleasure without concern as the walls of the castle kept their noise contained, but the struggle of it and the danger of being overheard, of being caught still at the forefront of his thoughts, only served to turn him on more. Much as he would prefer Zorvut’s hard cock filling him to the brim, this was certainly a close second, his length surrounded by hot, wet pressure and Zorvut’s tongue moving against the sensitive spot on the underside of his cock sending wave upon wave of ecstasy through him. He thrust his hips weakly in time with the half-orc’s head bobbing up and down, and the increased friction drove him to the brink. He clenched his hand harder in Zorvut’s hair, holding his head in place as he came, his other hand still pressed hard to his mouth to stifle a moan. The half-orc sucked him through it, greedily squeezing out every last drop of come and drinking it down.

Taegan remained there, struggling to catch his breath with his eyes closed for a long moment. When he finally was able to open them, Zorvut had released him and was grinning up at him smugly.

“Now you,” Taegan said, pushing his chair back to stand.

“Me?” Zorvut asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Don’t be coy,” Taegan said, glancing down at the hard bulge in Zorvut’s own breeches. “You’ll have to be quiet, too.”

Zorvut laughed, shaking his head, but Taegan could feel his interest was piqued. The half-orc allowed himself to be led to the bed, laying down and lifting his hands to run his fingers through Taegan’s hair as the smaller man crawled into the space between his spread legs. “I’ll be quiet.”

“Good,” Taegan said, and pulled down the half-orc’s trousers. There was no way he could get Zorvut’s massive cock all the way into his mouth the way he had done with his own, but it certainly couldn’t stop him from trying.

With his mouth open wide he was able to get the head of his cock past his lips, swirling his tongue around the thick member. Zorvut made a soft noise of appreciation then seemed to catch himself, closing his eyes in concentration. If Taegan could smirk with his mouth so full he would have. Instead he sucked as hard as he could, filling his mouth with as much of the cock as he could hold, both of his hands working up and down the rest of his shaft.

Zorvut was breathing hard but deeply and evenly, his eyes closed and his hands held firmly at his sides when he glanced up at him. If it were not for the pleasure arcing through the bond with each slight bob of his head he might guess that Zorvut was meditating. There was an eroticism to his silence but the thought of being able to force a sound of pleasure from him despite his disciplined self-control made his own cock twitch in interest again. He squeezed a little harder with his hands, feeling along the thick vein running up the underside of his cock, hollowing his cheeks with constant suction. One hand trailed down a little further to cup and squeeze his balls, eliciting a slight gasp and a hitch of his breath. Almost, but not quite.

Taegan could feel his cock hardening, feel himself wet with slick. He thought of Zorvut fucking him, the cock that was too big to fit in his mouth filling his hole perfectly, and tried to push the thought toward Zorvut as he sucked, letting his teeth brush lightly against the sensitive skin.

“Taegan,” was all Zorvut said, his voice low and restrained as his head tipped back with his eyes still closed. He felt his balls tighten against his hands and his mouth was flooded with come, thick and hot. He swallowed hard, drinking down as much as he could, but still it spilled from between his taut lips, dripping down his chin. He could not stifle the faint moan that escaped him as the hot liquid filled his mouth and belly. When he finally pulled away he was still dripping with it, and Zorvut’s eyes had opened to watch him.

“Gods,” Zorvut groaned, barely above a whisper as one hand lifted to stick a finger in Taegan’s mouth, eliciting another whimper from him as his mouth was pulled open, smearing his face with come. Their eyes met and the heat between their gaze felt palpable. Zorvut hauled him up into his lap and kissed him hard; Taegan moaned as the half-orc’s tongue invaded his mouth, exploring every inch of where his cock had been and tasting the same saltiness he had given him.

When they finally pulled away he could not ignore the wet spot of precum where his cock was straining against his loosely-laced breeches — and neither could Zorvut, as he was pushing down his trousers again and started to stroke his over-stimulated member.

“Fuck,” Taegan breathed, biting back a cry as Zorvut’s other hand found his slick hole and fingered him.

“My spoiled prince,” Zorvut whispered, stroking him hard and fast. “Always getting to come twice.” Taegan’s hands clenched into fists against Zorvut’s shirt, the fabric bunched up between his fingers as he struggled to stay quiet as he came again. He could only produce a few weak spurts of come that spilled onto Zorvut’s shirt, but pleasure crashed through him in waves just the same, arcing from the stimulation to his cock to clench around Zorvut’s fingers inside him.

It took a long moment for him to catch his breath, his cock still in the half-orc’s grasp. He hissed when Zorvut finally pulled away, releasing his softening cock and pulling out of his hole with a slick sound.

“My love,” Zorvut said softly as he leaned back with a self-satisfied smile. “I don’t know if we should keep doing this. I don’t think I can be that quiet every time.”

Taegan stifled a laugh as he stumbled to his feet. “I would agree with you, but I think we both know that won’t last long.”