Wild Card by Ashley Munoz

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I zippedup my suitcase and tugged it off the bed.

Looking around my bedroom, I checked to make sure I had everything I needed: phone charger, clothes, shoes and shit from the closet. I’d sold my textbooks but kept my laptop; I’d need that for job hunting once I got back home.

Exiting my room, I ambled down the hall with my luggage.

“You’re all packed?” Marcus asked, nodding in my direction. He was grabbing a few pictures he’d put out of his family and tossing them into a cardboard box.

“You too?” I nodded and set my things by the door.

We’d both graduated the week before, and now we were moving out of our apartment. I was headed back home to Pinehurst, and Marcus was headed to San Diego with his girl to officially start on their local baseball team.

Marcus set down his box and hesitantly stood. I wouldn’t make him be awkward about asking for a hug, not when I was going to miss him as much as I knew I would.

Leaning forward, I opened my arms and swung them around my best friend.

“Don’t be a stranger,” Marcus muttered, slapping my back.

“You either, and if you need a good landscaper…” We broke apart, me smiling, him glaring.

“I think you’re being a pussy about letting your dream go.”

What did he know of my dreams? Did he know mine had shifted so significantly that I didn’t even recognize myself when I looked in the mirror?

“Yeah, well…” I trailed off, trying to make light of what he was saying. The truth was I didn’t deserve baseball; I’d tainted it with what I’d done to Mallory.

“By the way, I heard about Mallory having to drop her story and the rumors the team started. I would have given you a heads-up about that shit if I knew…” He dipped his head to grab his box again.

We hadn’t really discussed anything over the past few weeks. Getting to this point had been one stressful exam after another. Add in practices, games, and my shifts at the bar, and we’d barely seen each other.

But talking about it now just took me back to that night when I last had Mallory in my arms, when I had her against that door…when everything between us was perfect.

Then it all went to hell so quickly afterward.

“It’s all good, man.” I didn’t hold any of that against Marcus. I knew what role he had to play on the team, and the role he chose to play. More often than not, he was flipping them the bird, so it didn’t hurt my feelings that he’d been on the outskirts of information when I needed it.

“I feel bad for her, though. I heard the team spread a ton of shit about her around school…heard she ended up leaving before she even graduated because of it. I mean, I had no idea her dad was the Charles Shaw, but people shouldn’t have turned into cunts over it.”

She hadn’t graduated? Was she okay? What the hell had happened…?

I didn’t respond; instead I just dropped my gaze to the floor and toyed with my truck keys.

I had kept my distance from Mallory because, after calling every day for weeks and not getting a single returned phone call, I began to get the hint. She wanted space, time—whatever the fuck it was, it wasn’t me.

“So, there’s another thing…” my roommate warned, making me lift my head. He watched me carefully for a second or two before clicking his tongue and giving in. “This is the type of shit that’s gonna make your blood boil, so calm down before you react.” Marcus carefully placed a piece of memorabilia from when he was young in the box before bringing his gaze back up to mine. “E isn’t going pro. The team that had been scouting him to sign dropped him after his last game.”

I had left that game early because one of the team members had gotten injured, and I’d opted to ride to the hospital with him instead of sitting in that fucking box for the remainder.

“I heard he’s headed to New York now, and there are rumors he’s getting hitched to none other than Charles Shaw’s daughter,” Marcus finished with a strenuous tone.

“When did you hear that?” There was no way he was still good for the deal, not after Mallory found out and he’d taken her story away. Mallory knew of my past with him and knew he was dangerous…there was no fucking way either of them would do it.


I headed toward the kitchen to grab a few things, stuffing them in a small box that’d been lying around. My mind raced, wondering how I could reach her. I could have texted Taylor, but she’d been silent with me recently too.

It couldn’t be Mallory. It wouldn’t be her.

Something deep down told me it was. I wouldn’t have felt this panicked if it wasn’t.

“I heard it a few days ago. Elias is packing all his shit and heading home to prepare for his new role as CFO, and of course his upcoming nuptials.”

My fingers were numb from how tightly I’d been gripping the box in my hand. This news shouldn’t have surprised me. I’d walked away…all while he was still going after her. He was still going to get the girl in the end.

“Based on your scowl and your lack of response, I’d say you had no idea what his plans were.” Marcus dropped one of his heavy boxes at my feet, letting a sly smile work at his mouth. “I’d also say you might be the dumbest man I’ve ever met.” His soft eyes searched my face…for what, I had no idea, but he wasn’t wrong.

I felt like the dumbest man alive. How could I lose her to him?

“You need to go see this girl and fix it. No deals, no lies…nothing but you and the truth.”

I ran my hand along the back of my neck, dragging in a ragged breath. My best friend was so much more perceptive than I gave him credit for.

“I told her the truth…she didn’t believe me.”

“Then make her.” He walked closer, lightly punching me in the arm.

“And if she rejects me?”

Marcus watched me, moving his fun jab to a friendly shoulder hug. “At least you gave it your best shot, your hardest swing, tossed in the best card. Don’t forget the rules, brother.” He winked then turned to grab his things.

I stood there, trying to make sense of it. I knew what he was saying, but my stomach twisted with the knowledge that I’d fucked up. How on earth would she give me another shot? I sure as fuck didn’t deserve one.

But maybe…maybe I should just do it. What did I have to lose by at least trying?