Cruel Kings by Skye Knight



I shivered as a breeze swept past my bare legs.

“You can have my pants,” said Corey as Caleb fixed the latch of a helmet under my chin. “I’m a confident man and don’t care what haters think.”

“I’m fine,” I said for the tenth time.

Corey wouldn’t stop offering me his pants since the time we left Luke’s bedroom. Caleb’s shirt and Corey’s jacket felt warm inside the house but my legs felt the cold air once we stepped outside.

“It’ll be colder when you’re on the bike,” said Corey.

“I’ll be fine,” I huffed. There was no way I was letting him ride a bike with his bare, hairy legs on display no matter how confident he felt.

“Don’t you want to punish me too?” Corey asked. “I’m telling you. I’ll do it for you.”

Surprise flitted through me. Corey wanted me to punish him? I was doubtful whether he felt guilty at all.

My emotions were still a mess. I was still hurting and feeling the sting of laughter and insults thrown my way while I was covered in rotting blood and reeking like crap.

I didn’t see Luke on the way out. The staircase and hallways were quiet and empty as Corey and Caleb led me outside to their bikes.

Anxiety settled in my gut. Corey promised they didn’t hurt Luke but I couldn’t be sure.

Deep inside I knew I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if he got hurt because of me. He was such a good friend to me. I wouldn’t have been able to escape Noah’s trap without his help tonight.

“Come on,” said Caleb. “You’re sitting behind me.”

“Hey, not fair,” Corey complained at once. “She’s never once sat with me.”

“That’s why she’ll feel safer with me.”

Why were they suddenly caring about what I wanted? Was something waiting for me back at my apartment? Corey had the key after all...

“Get on, Milla,” Caleb’s deep voice jerked me from my thoughts.

They were on their bikes, waiting for me to get on.

Moving forward, I swung my leg over Caleb’s bike and awkwardly climbed it. Corey sniggered at me but Caleb kept the bike steady, helping me settle myself securely behind him.

“Ready?” Caleb asked.

“Yeah.” My arms wrapped around his waist tightly as the powerful engine came to life.

Soon, we were passing through a pair of tall gilded gates and shooting toward a deserted highway. My hold on Caleb’s waist tightened as he accelerated.

Cold wind gushed past me. The world around me turned into a blur and I could almost imagine myself being transported to a different place.

Maybe that’s why riders loved their bikes so much. The speed and thrill acted like drugs, making them forget about the cold, cruel world around them.

Relief spread through me when the bike slowed down, giving me a glimpse of the residential apartment buildings that lined the street. Corey and Caleb kept their promise to bring me home.

The bike came to a stop outside the building where I lived.

I climbed off the bike and waited for Corey and Caleb to dismount as well.

Corey took off his helmet and shook his head, freeing his dark locks. He grinned at me. “You okay?”

“Give me my key,” I said, extending my hand toward him.

“What’s the rush?” Caleb asked. “We brought you this far. We can climb a couple of stairs and take you inside.”

“I don’t want you guys following me,” I said. “My roommate’s probably back from her trip.”

“Are boys banned?” Caleb asked.

“No, but I don’t think she’ll like me bringing strange men into the apartment.”

“Strange men?” Corey chuckled. “If she goes to Silverlake, she’ll know who we are.”

I stayed quiet, knowing I’d lost the argument. Everyone knew who Caleb and Corey were.

“Come on,” said Caleb, walking inside the dim interiors of the old apartment building.

Corey wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me alongside him.

Defeated, I let them lead the way up the stairs to my apartment on the fourth floor.

The light over the doorway wasn’t on which meant that Kendra wasn’t home. She was still out of the loop with everything that was happening in my life. We never got a chance to talk properly after she returned from her trip.

Relieved that Kendra wasn’t around to witness my shame, I let Corey unlock the door.

The apartment was cold and dark. Stepping inside, I quickly turned on the lights and the heat.

There was a faint musty smell to the place that instantly eased some of my anxiety. The place was old and tiny but it felt like home.

I walked into my room and threw open my closet. After taking some clothes out, I shut the door.

I quickly changed out of Corey and Caleb’s clothes and donned a hoodie and long PJs. The thick, rough fabric against my skin was welcoming.

Opening the door, I walked into the central space that acted as a living room, a kitchen, and a dining space. “Here are your clothes,” I said, dropping the shirt and jacket on the table.

“Subtle,” Caleb muttered.

“You guys should go now,” I said in a grim tone. “I really can’t deal with anything else tonight.”

“You don’t have to be scared of us,” said Caleb. “We’re not going to hurt you.”

“Why not?” I snapped. “According to you guys, I’m a whore. You’re entitled to treat me however you like.”

Caleb’s stunned expression matched Corey’s.

“I’m the daughter of an evil woman who’s out to get you guys,” I said, my voice getting louder with every word. “Why not kill me? That’ll protect your precious little mansion and all the dollars hidden in your bank vaults.”

“Milla, stop,” Corey said in a pleading tone.

“Why?” I yelled, feeling my emotions breaking free. “It’s the truth, after all. Go ahead! Rape me! That’s what you guys are best at.”

“We didn’t rape you tonight!” Corey shouted back.

I clapped my hands loudly. “You want a prize for that? Here, have this.” I threw an empty glass tumbler at him.

Corey was quick enough to dodge it.

The glass fell on the floor and shattered to pieces.

“Will you calm down?” Caleb shouted.

“Why don’t you calm me down?” I challenged him. “Tear off my clothes, force me to suck you off while the other fucks me from behind.” A burst of wild laughter escaped me. “Do it! I’m used to being your whore anyway.”

Angry tears rolled down my cheeks as I glared at them both.

Caleb moved toward me, looking weirdly calm.


My hand moved on its own accord. A loud crack sounded in the still, quiet room as my hand connected with his face.

I breathed hard, knowing what was coming. There was no way these guys would let me get away with slapping them.

A long minute ticked by.

Corey and Caleb stood rooted to the spot and simply stared at me with wide eyes.

“What are you waiting for?” I yelled. “Hit me back! Teach me a lesson.”

I moved past Caleb and threw punches at Corey’s wide, hard chest. I hit him with all the strength I could muster, intent on hurting him. Somehow, I no longer cared what happened to me afterward.

I just wanted to hurt my bullies before going down.

“Stop, Milla,” Corey said in a low voice. His hands closed over mine, stopping my assault on his perfectly muscled, chiseled chest. “You’re going to hurt yourself if you don’t calm down.”

“Is that a threat?” I asked with a wild laugh. “Finally! Show me what a big man you are! Hit me! Come on!”

Corey suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me against him. I expected him to hurt me but he just held me.

“No one’s going to hurt you,” he said in a gentle voice. “You’re safe with us.”

“I don’t believe you.” My teeth sank into his shoulders hard.

I waited for him to push me away but he didn’t. He quietly let me bite him.

My breaths came out in harsh pants. My heart pounded painfully, seeming to want to break out of my chest.

“Why’s she making those sounds?” Caleb asked in a worried tone.

“Milla?” Corey whispered gently and held me away from him and stared at me. “Shit! She’s hyperventilating! Quick, Caleb. Find her a bag or something.”

I heard the sound of drawers being pulled and a variety of items crashing onto the floor. My chest heaved but I wasn’t able to draw a breath at all.

“Caleb, hurry!” Corey muttered.

“I’m searching,” Caleb shouted. “Here, try this plastic bag.” Moving over to me, he held a small plastic over my mouth.

“Breathe, Milla,” said Corey. “Breathe.”

The sound of heaving breaths filled the room. It took a while but as I realized no one was coming to hurt me, my mind gradually settled down.

My breathing became regular and suddenly, I felt so exhausted I could barely stand on my two feet.

Strong arms held me as I swayed on the spot.

“We should make her lie down,” said Caleb.

“Good idea.”

Corey bent before me and with one swift movement, he swept me up in his arms. They headed inside my bedroom and laid me on the bed.

Caleb pulled a blanket over me and quickly tucked me in.

“There, you go,” said Corey. “A Milla burrito sandwich!”

“I’m so tired,” I said in an exhausted voice as my eyes drooped closed.

“I know, baby,” said Caleb, gently caressing my cheeks. “You can go to sleep now. We’ll watch over you.”

“I don’t trust you,” I said, still wanting to retaliate. If I had the energy, I’d have probably continued to hurt them.

“You don’t have to trust us,” said Corey. “Just sleep.”

I closed my eyes.

Even if they did something to me, I didn’t care anymore. I was exhausted, both mentally and physically. It was time this day got over.