Undone by Leslie McAdam


Some authors base their books on classic stories like Pride and Prejudice or Beauty and the Beast. I chose a more modern fairytale: a viral Gay Star News article about a Redditor worried he was homophobic because he was a jerk to his gay roommate’s dates. If you’re familiar with the article, well, yes, that’s the match that sparked the fire of this story. Thank you, anonymous Redditor, for being my inspiration and also to the author of the article for finding the romance.

Special extra gratitude to Sarina Bowen for taking a chance on me and for creating such a rich world for us to play in. You inspire me to step up my game. Thank you to Jane Bush Haertel for helping with the outline and being a cheerleader. I’m also so appreciative of the organized, efficient, and helpful support for the series from Jenn Gaffney and Natasha Leskiw.

I am surrounded by astonishingly good people who help me so much. Thank you to Mary Carr for stepping outside your comfort zone and giving me your spot-on insight. Kristy Lin Billuni—I can’t thank you enough for your help with characters, story, and giving me permission to let Murph be OTT. Lex Martin, girl, I love you. Your tweaks made it better.

I had the luxury of working with the incredible editor Alicia Z. Ramos (who has not seen these acknowledgments, so any grammar issues are mine). Simply stated, I could not have asked for a better editor for this project had I asked the Universe to custom-tailor one for me. You are amazing.

Thank you to my many beta readers who are fearless. Bottom line: the fact that you’re unafraid to give me your honest opinions makes my work better. Thank you to Deb Markanton, Phala Theng, Julia Heudorf, Melissa Williams, and Michell Hall Casper. I’m also thanking Mary Carr again. Yes, she’s in here twice.

Katy Cuthbertson deserves a special shoutout for her unwavering support and enthusiasm. Thank you so much for cheering me up on so many occasions as well as the scribbles from your electronic pen. Yes, Murph can be your best friend.

Jerica MacMillan always has my back. I’m extremely grateful for our friendship. And for your proofing.

Virginia Tesi Carey—thank you so much for your careful eye and giving me the confidence to turn it in.

Thank you to Heather Roberts for calming me down, picking me up, and packaging me. Much appreciation to Christine Frieseke-Miller for organizing me.

Thank you to all of the other True North authors, but especially Marley Valentine, Garrett Leigh, Jay Hogan, Annabeth Albert, Kim Hartfield, Kate Hawthorne, and Regina Kyle, who gave me feedback on early drafts and who were so generous with letting me use their characters.

Thank you to Cory Stierley and Joshua Alexander for taking a hot cover photo. Thank you to cover designer Christine Coffey for making it work.

Thank you to my long-suffering husband who only asked me two or three times, “When are you going to be done with this book so we can see you?” Given the deep dive I took for this book, that is remarkable restraint.

And all my love to my children. May you grow up to be exactly the people you wish to be.