Savage Seed by Ivy Sparks



My blade was strappedto my thigh again, where it belonged, and as dusk approached, I was grateful to have it. Part of me wished for a more dangerous weapon. But that blade and I had been through a lot together, and my confidence in how to use it had only grown. Switching to one of the weapons Ria had been teaching me with, that I was far from proficient with, would probably be riskier than sticking to my old faithful knife.

We walked for a long time, settling down once complete darkness had fallen. I hadn’t told Kade what his father and I spoke about, and he hadn’t asked. I suspected he knew at least one thing: that his father had told me the painful, yet beautiful truth.

That we were fated mates. I touched my necklace at that moment, and glanced down at it, seeing the slight glow. How did I not notice that before?

And Kade no doubt knew for himself that this was true. He had seen the necklace’s glow; he knew what that meant. But he didn’t want to keep me from my father, or from my old life. He must’ve thought it was better that way, so he didn’t tell me just how much it’d tear him apart to have me leave.

And I appreciated that sacrifice. But it wasn’t one he needed to make. As soon as I got back to my father, I was certain we would figure out a way to make everything work. A way to reinvent the mine, a way to assure my father I was safe, and a way for me to stay with Kade.

But we had to cross this desert first.

Once we’d stopped, Kade ordered the group to quickly set up camp. It was impressive to watch how well they all knew their jobs, how quickly and efficiently the small camp was raised.

A perimeter was set up, watches were assigned, and each person knew just what to do. Except me, of course. But I tried my best to help, finally settling on helping get the fire started and the people fed.

Everyone took turns stopping to eat, giving me a chance to chat with Ria, as well as to get to know Llanos and Novak a little better. Dina sat close and ate as well, offering only the smallest token of thanks for my cooking.

I didn’t realize how much time had passed without much rest until my eyes grew heavy and sore. I finished cleaning up, letting out a massive yawn that Kade spotted from across the camp.

“Do you want to sleep?” he asked once he’d made his way over to me.

“Yeah,” I responded, stretching my arms out high into the sky. “At least for a little while.”

Kade nodded and smiled, playfully—but firmly—grabbing my wrist from out of the air and yanking me off the ground. For a moment I hung in the air and couldn’t help but giggle at his strength and how easily he moved me.

He didn’t know it yet, but he was mine as much as I was his. I wouldn’t let him go, but that was a discussion to have once this journey was over.

“Here,” Kade said, pulling me out of my reverie. A bedroll lay next to one of the smaller fires, this one seemingly at the very center of camp. I looked around briefly, then up at Kade.

“Where’s mine?” I asked.

Raising an eyebrow, Kade smirked. “This is ours, Leslie.”

I felt my temperature grow hot as I looked at him. The firelight accentuated his features, just as it had during the first night we’d spent together. I felt a tingle blossom between my thighs, and I bit my lip. “Okay.”

I let my hair fall in front of my eyes and gave Kade my best shy, embarrassed look. “But this is kinda in the middle of camp. Everyone can see us. Unless you just… plan to sleep?”

Kade snickered loudly, and I could feel Ria and the others looking our way. “You still don’t understand,” he breathed, stepping closer to me. “Whether we sleep, or whether we make love… it’s not a problem for me if they see. It’s not a problem for them if they see. The only one it seems to be a problem for,” his hand ghosted my hip as he stopped directly in front of me, “is you.”

There was no malice in his tone, nothing confrontational. But it was a fair statement, considering how much time I had spent with him, with his people, learning about his culture. I considered what he’d said for a moment; I was definitely still nervous about being watched. The butterflies in my stomach confirmed that much. But did it matter to me? Did it really matter to me anymore?

“No,” I said in answer to a question he hadn’t actually asked. “It’s not a problem for me.”

“Good,” he grunted. “Now lie down.” He pointed forcefully toward the bedroll, as if giving me a command. Though he did it slyly and with a hint of a grin, I could tell it was the way he was used to dealing with people. I point, you obey. But I could also tell it was different with me. He had a different kind of respect for me and we both knew that if I didn’t “obey,” there would be no repercussions.

Still, looking up at him… his eyes, his rock solid jaw, the bulges in his arms as he reached out, pointing… Submitting to him felt good. Natural.

I plopped my butt down on the bedroll, letting my legs spread slightly out in front of me. “Aye aye, captain,” I said with mock seriousness, offering him a quick and sloppy salute. He gave me a confused—but amused—look in response, then turned away from me.

“Hey!” I yelled. “Where the heck are you going?”

“I need to make sure everything is secure,” he said, stopping and turning back to me. “Make sure everyone is in their proper position, standing ready. Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon enough.”

“Ugh!” I said, rolling my eyes. Just when I was starting to really feel the heat. And not just from the fire.

He gave me one last smile before walking away, the scimitars on his back practically glowing in the orange light. I really was tired, I realized, another gigantic yawn escaping.

I felt an odd contentment in that moment, as I lay down next to a fire on a bedroll made for one. He’d be back soon enough. I was confident about that. And in the meantime, I could lie on this thin canvas, touch the sand that had almost started to feel like home beneath me. Look up at the stars, unmarred by any artificial, man-made lights.

That was my last fleeting thought as sleep quickly overtook me.

* * *


He kept watching her.He kept watching my mate.

Although I was listening to Novak report on his perimeter search, my eyes never left Trag. He wasn’t camped too far away from Leslie, and just as my eyes were on him, his eyes were on her. Every time she shifted in her sleep, I watched his own body twitch and move.

I suspected he wouldn’t be able to help himself. And that was why I brought the bastard with us. I’d never be able to do away with him in the village, but in the desert…

The rules were different.

All I had to do was wait for him to make the first move. And if that meant baiting him, then so be it.

Because the sooner I rid myself and Leslie of him, the better.

After Novak had completed his report, I dismissed him and strode directly over toward Leslie. By now the fire had died down enough to cast a glow of embers, almost like candlelight.

The time had come. Time to settle this with Trag once and for all. I would show him, in the way of our people, that the days of him coveting what was mine were over.

And after I had shown him, if he then continued to refuse to show me the respect I have earned… Then I would have no choice but to cast him out. A move he most certainly wouldn’t like and would most likely lead to a fight. A fight to the death.

The others were watching as well as I made my way to her, but unlike Leslie, I had no negative feelings toward it. It was our way of life, and a sense of pride. Whether they knew or sensed the part Trag played in the coming display didn’t matter.

I slid onto the bed beside Leslie and brushed my fingertips against her bare skin, kissing the goosebumps that formed from my touch. She stirred, and her eyes cracked open just enough for her to register my presence.

“Kade,” she whispered, her tiny hand clutching my chest. “I missed you.”

It was a small admission, sweet in its openness. My chest swelled nonetheless, and I pressed a kiss to her collarbone. She sighed, and her hand gripped me tighter.

“Leslie,” I whispered, thankful when she opened her eyes. I gripped her hip and pulled her against me. The tiny gasp she made caused blood to rush to my cock, and I groaned in response. She shifted and rubbed her thigh against my crotch, letting out a little sound as she felt how large I had already become.

I took the briefest of moments to scan the faces of my people and to make sure Trag was very aware of what was happening. He remained where he originally was, a glare on his face as he watched. Satisfied, I returned my attention to the only place it now needed to be. My beautiful mate. My Leslie.

This was about more than just Trag. My desire for Leslie had never waned since the moment I saw her. And while I had claimed her in camp on that first night, that had mostly been for show. To protect her and keep her safe among the more savage members of my people.

But I could no longer bear my unfulfilled desire. Although she was going to leave us—leave me—once she returned to her people, I still needed to make her mine. To truly claim her. And to maybe make her finally understand what I had understood for weeks.

She was my fated mate.

With her eyes only partly opened, my Leslie seemed completely at ease. She must have known we were being watched. Maybe she really had finally reached a place where she could accept that for what it was.

I sighed heavily as her lips parted, her tongue slipping out to wet her lips.

With one hand still gripping her hip, I rolled us over so that I was on top. She inhaled sharply, and I could already smell the beginnings of her arousal. The scent made my mouth water. I leaned over her, aligning my hips to hers as I did so.

There was nothing beneath our clothing to keep us apart, and my cock pressed against her folds as though it knew exactly where to go. Her back arched and pressed her harder against me. I flexed my entire body to keep from moving any further.

My intentions were clear. Now I just needed her to say yes.