Savage Seed by Ivy Sparks



The campsite was primitive,but so was his species. It made sense that all he had was a sparse bed on the ground, a fire pit, and various carving and hunting tools. Despite this, it was exciting to look up and see endless stars in the sky. The prospect of sleeping outside might have been enticing, were it not for the terrifying thought that more beasts might be hunting us.

The way Kade’s eyes roamed up and down my body made me think he was the one hunting me. It made me wonder if he was as much of a beast as the wilds he roamed.

And if that were the case, he’d already caught me in his trap.

I moved my hand over my knife, just in case I had to use it. He could overpower me in an instant, but if that was his true intention, there was no way I was going down without a fight.

He closed in toward me and I held my breath without realizing it. He took me by the hand, so gently I was caught off guard. It wasn’t the first time he’d held my tiny hand in his enormous fist. But it was the first time I had a moment to really feel it.

He led me toward the fire and motioned for me to sit. I did and watched as his eyes left mine and began scanning my body. The heat from the fire rushed across my body and soaked through my clothes into my skin, making me shiver as a wave of pleasure crashed through me.

Thatwas unexpected.

Kade’s eyes returned to mine, and I found I couldn’t hold his gaze. I looked away, but not before noticing his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed.

I desperately wanted to pull my hand from his, but my body refused to cooperate. I dared to look up and found him still staring at me, his eyes now smoldering, deep pools. They were as endless as the skies above. In that moment I knew—don’t ask me how, I just knew—that he wouldn’t hurt me. He was trying to help me.

A feeling of relief washed over me, relief and understanding. Once my brain started working again, I processed the fact that he hadn’t yet done a thing to make me think he wasn’t trying to help. I was just being overly cautious. And, truth be told, I had been more than a little scared of him.

But that fear seemed to be fading fast. Kade’s eyes shifted back to my leg, and I fought the rush of heat between my thighs. “Umm,” I started, my blush intensifying. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I just want you to know there’s no way I’m taking my clothes off.”

He huffed, and the sheer force of it blew his breath across my face and neck, adding more heat to the mixture. I tugged my hand from his, and he quickly took it back, placing it softly on the cut on my hip. I’d done my best to hide it so as not to seem too weak. I didn’t want him to think I couldn’t take care of myself. But the truth was, the pain had been steadily increasing.

“What?” I asked him as he slipped his hand from mine and prodded at the tear in my pants. “Is something wrong?” I leaned forward to get a look at the cut, and saw that it wasn’t a cut at all. More like a gash, one that stretched higher up my hip than I’d realized. Making matters worse—much worse—was the sickly green my skin was turning around the wound. I felt bile rise in the back of my throat and forced it down. “Th-that’s probably nothing!” I said, more for my own ears than his. “Don’t worry about it!”

Kade gave me a sharp look that told me it was worse than I wanted to believe. He hooked his fingertips inside the hem of my pants, and a squeak caught in my throat. “Wait, wait!” I cried, smacking his hand away. “You can’t just take off a girl’s pants whenever you want! I’ll get it. Jeez! If it’s that important to you, I’ll do it.”

I took a few steps back and wished he would turn around, but I knew it was dumb to ask. I took a deep breath. No one had seen me naked, or even this close to naked, in a long time, and anxiety bubbled to the surface. What if he didn’t like what he saw?

My hands shook as I unfastened the tie at my waist. Wait, I thought, a bit of defiance fighting its way up. Why did I care what he thought?

In a single quick motion, I tugged my pants to the ground and stepped out of them. “There! Can you see it now? It can’t be that bad, right?”

Kade gestured to the spot he’d made for me to lie down by the fire. I bit my lip again. Was that necessary? He walked away to his hunting gear and pulled out a small pouch, setting it down by the space he had made on the ground. This time he pointed for me to lie down with much more insistence and intensity, grunting at me as well. His hard look told me he meant business.

Okay, so it was necessary.


I just wanted to get this part over with, afraid I’d embarrass myself or do something dumb. Like reach out and start squeezing his massive arms, or rubbing my hands all over his chest, or grabbing him by the hair and—

Get a hold of yourself, Leslie.

I moved by the fire and laid down on my back. The flames licked the air toward me, warming my body to even hotter temperatures. But that heat was nothing compared to when Kade put his hands on me. He bent over my body and gently touched my hip. Applying more force, he rolled me onto my side so that my hip was raised toward him, the fire at my back.

His hands were scalding as he rolled down the edge of my panties to inspect the gash. He blew on it, and the cool air made me gasp. I felt his hand twitch against me and knew he’d heard it.

Damn it, Leslie!

“Look, I’m trying really hard to stay calm,” I murmured, leaning up on my forearm to look at what he was doing. “But this is actually terrifying. You’re terrifying. But I think… I know you’re just trying to help me.”

His green eyes locked onto mine, and my heartbeat quickened. His fingers lingered on my skin, sending tiny electric jolts through my body that nestled between my thighs. I clenched them together and bit my lip, praying he wouldn’t notice my arousal. There was something about this man, something about being so close to him…

I found myself wishing he would wrap those hands around my hips, both of them, and pull me onto his lap. I could feel myself growing flushed at the thought, and he surely noticed; a hint of a grin crossed his lips and his muscles seemed to tense ever so slightly. The shadows from the firelight further enhanced his physique, and I couldn’t stop my eyes from touring the planes of his chest and arms.

He cleared his throat and adjusted his position over me, turning slightly in an attempt to hide what he was doing next. Reaching down to his crotch, he tugged at his pants. I was momentarily confused by why he was doing this, but a second later it was impossible to misunderstand.

Itmust have just grown, because there was no way I would have missed it before. It was too big—much too big—to miss. His manhood, fully erect and poking against his pants like a tent pole. It must have been painful, pushing against his pants with such force, because he grunted as he readjusted himself.

My face was on fire. No, my body was on fire, the heat radiating from my pussy and engulfing my entire body. Something must have been wrong with me—terribly wrong with me—because I wanted this man. This alien. I wanted more than just his hands on my body—I wanted every part of him, from the tip of his tongue to the length of his cock.

Satisfied with the repositioning of his manhood, he turned his attention back to the gash on my hip. I choked on a moan as he pressed his fingers deeper into my hip bone to inspect my wound, and I prayed, prayed that he hadn’t heard it and would remain focused on his task.

Kade sniffed and arched an eyebrow, but otherwise spared me the horror of turning to face me.

Embarrassed out of my mind, I quickly covered my burning face with my hands and wished I would die. I wanted the mysterious roaring beast from earlier to leap across the desert and swallow me whole. I didn’t want to survive anymore. Nothing was worse than how my body was reacting right now!

I felt Kade’s hands leave my body and grasp my wrists, pulling my hands gently away from my face. His eyes were dark, his pupils dilated, every bit as aroused as I was. His grip was firm, his voice rough and gravelly. When he spoke, I felt goosebumps break out across my flesh.

What he said made my heart flutter. I have no clue what it was, of course. But the way he said it—the tone, the reassuring look, the tiny hint of a smile—made his sentiment clear. What I was experiencing was natural and shouldn’t be clouded with shame or doubt.

He tore his gaze from mine, leaving me longing for him even more. With renewed purpose, he reached into the pouch and sprinkled a generous amount of gray powder over my wound. The pain dulled almost immediately, and I suddenly realized how much that pain had distracted me from the true impact Kade was having over me.

Without that buffer of pain, everything felt magnified. The feelings and sensations were nearly overwhelming, and although the fire was actually behind me, I felt like it was within me. Burning me in ways I had never imagined, in ways I’d never felt before.

I ached for more. And Kade wasn’t shy about his own desires. He rubbed his thumb against my hip bone, and a muffled sound caught in my throat. He lowered his head closer toward my crotch and looked up at me with a hunger that took my breath away.

His calloused palms followed the curve of my hip, trailed across my abdomen, and brushed the edge of my panties, dipping lower and lower… and making me wetter and wetter.

Could I stop this? Did I even want to?