Fake Fiancée for Dad’s Best Friend by Gena Snow

Chapter 20






I have no idea how we left the park and got into the taxi. I only know my body and my mind are separated. In fact, my body is no longer mine. It belongs to Alex now. At least it’s under his command. I ache during the few seconds when his arm leaves me to hold the taxi door, and once we’re together on the backseat, I can’t wait to be connected with his lips again. During the short ride, my mind doesn’t stop anticipating the coming night we’ll spend together.

I’m still in a daze when the taxi stops in front of Alex’s condo building. He gets out first and then helps me, wrapping me in his arms as soon as I’m out.

The doorman, whose name is Kevin, opens the door for us. And we thank him.

“You’re welcome, Mr. Anderson,” Kevin says as soon as we’re inside. “And you’ve got a visitor. Miss Taylor has been waiting for you.”

Hearing the name is like having a bucket of ice water dumped all over me from head to toe. I wake immediately before my eyes follow Kevin’s hand and land on the woman sitting on a couch on the other side of the lobby, dressed in a silver dress with many slits. She looks like she’s attending a party, or, at least on a date.

Seeing us, she waves and stands up.

“Why did you let her in?” Alex doesn’t look pleased. “I’m not expecting her.”

Kevin apologizes. “I’m sorry, but she told me you were. And I thought you forgot to inform me.”

Alex sighs and walks toward her, taking me with him. “What is about, Trisha? Why didn’t you text or call first?”

Trisha either doesn’t see the anger on Alex’s face or chooses to ignore it. She throws him a fawning smile. “Oh, Alex. I recalled I forgot to discuss something with you this afternoon, and it was kind of urgent, so I came over unannounced. I hope you don’t mind.”

Alex pauses and clenches his jaw. “Okay, make it short,” he says.

Trisha glances at me and hesitates. I feel insulted because, again, she hasn’t acknowledged me. “Can we go somewhere and speak in private?”

I excuse myself right away. “I can go up first.”

But he holds me tighter. “It’s not necessary,” he says.

Trisha presses her lips together for a moment, and then she says without a smile, “Actually, it is.”

Alex’s eyes look fiercely cold, and he narrows his eyes on Trisha for a moment. “Fine. Give me just a moment.” He then walks me to the elevator. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I promise it won’t take long. Wait for me, okay?”

I nod and go into the elevator, feeling unsettled. What does Trisha have on him?


Back into the condo, I turn on the TV for a moment but can’t pay attention to anything shown on the screen. My thighs feel sticky, reminding me of my make-out with Alex at the park. I decide to shower. After the shower, Alex is still not back. So I figure it’s not going to be anything short between the two.

Putting on a pajama gown, I sit back down at the table to fix some minor problems with my dress. And then I decide I don’t like the ruffle on the hem, so I take it apart. I then clean up the table, putting all the tools back into the sewing kit and the machine into its box.

When I glance at the clock again, it’s ten. I become anxious. I want to text Alex and see whether he’s okay, but I hold my urge. I don’t know what they’re doing. They could be at a bar, or they could be in a hotel… Oh God. Tears escape my eyes, despite my attempt to be nonchalant.

I like Alex, and I can see he’s attracted to me, too, but there is no future between us. What’s between us is just a ripple from our silly fake engagement. This weekend is not meant to be a continuation of the mistake. It’s supposed to be only a complication.

I should thank Trisha for showing up unexpectedly and cooling off my enthusiasm.

With that thought, I go to bed and turn on some soothing music on my phone to help me sleep.