Huntsman by Cambria Hebert



An angry huntsmanwith a blood-stained blade stormed into a building, scanning every nook and cranny for any faceless threat.

Willing to burn the world down over the slightest disturbance, I stalked down the hall, only to be met with an enemy I didn’t know.

Tears. Sobs painful enough to pull on even the blackest of hearts.

All I wanted was a name. Someone tangible I could slay. I growled and grumbled, threatened and snapped. Arms slid around me anyway. A cold nose pressed against my throat.

All I knew was retaliation, blood, and antipathy. She didn’t ask for any of these things. What she seemed to want was solace.

I did not know solace.

But it seemed not to matter because somehow she found it in me anyway.