Huntsman by Cambria Hebert



The door swung open,and I disconnected the call, dropping my phone facedown in my lap to hide the light.

Clinging to the covers, I thought again about what I could use to brain whoever it was when they got close.

“Miss Virginia,” a familiar voice hissed.

“Patrick!” I whisper-yelled, staring at one of the night nurses as he slipped into my room, pushing the door around immediately after entering. His uniform made him glow in the dark, and frankly, it was not comforting. “What is going on?”

“I came to tell you to be calm and please don’t leave your room right now.”

“Agh!”Another scream echoed down the hall.

“How am I supposed to be calm when it sounds like this place is being attacked by a heinous beast?”

“Well, beast wouldn’t be far off,” he muttered but then seemed to realize he was speaking with a patient. Straightening, he smoothed his features. “A new resident has come to stay with us here at the Tower, and his transition isn’t going smoothly.”

My mouth fell open as more sounds of things shattering echoed toward my room. “You’re telling me that’s a new patient?” My hands trembled as if my body couldn’t stop being afraid. I glanced down very briefly at my phone, the small pang of guilt for calling Earth taken over by a much stronger sensation of longing.

I want Earth.

“How is a patient in this place even able to make that much noise and destruction?” I asked, worried.

“He’s not elderly like everyone else here.” Realizing what he said, he rushed to add, “And you, of course. You aren’t old.”

The fact that I was in a home where ninety-nine percent of the residents were far older than me was not something new. And neither was being lumped in with them.

“But what about his condition?” I wondered.

“His condition,” Patrick echoed. “Well, he’s much more capable physically than all our other residents.”

Then why is he here?

More screaming. More thuds.

I slid a glance at the door. “He must be very afraid,” I whispered.

“Him!” Patrick exclaimed quietly. “I think I almost peed my pants!”

“You should go sit with some of the elderly patients. They’re probably confused.”

“You’re going to be okay?”

I pressed my lips together and nodded.

“Stay in your room, okay? No sense in provoking him.”

Fear slithered down my spine.

“We called in some extra help, so we should have him calmed down as soon as we can get close enough to give him some medication.”

They were going to sedate him like he was a wild animal on a rampage.

But really, what else could they do?

“I won’t go anywhere.” I promised.

“You probably wouldn’t get far anyway,” Patrick said flippantly on his way back to the door.

His words pierced my heart with accurate precision, creating an instant hurt.

Realizing he’d spoken out loud, he stopped and turned, shock and guilt so evident on his face I could see it even in the dim light.

“It’s okay,” I told him. “Go be with the others.”

He slipped out of the room just the way he’d come, and I sat there listening to the ruckus the new patient created. My new housemate.

“Get away from me!” I heard a strangely deep voice roar.

Slam! Crash!

I wondered if they were going to have to call the police. I also was curious about his condition. Most people in this place were incapacitated in some way, but from the sounds of things, he was clearly able to move around and move other things around.

The trembling in my hands did not stop even after knowing what was happening. If anything, it only made me more alert. Knowing something volatile was happening, that I could very well be in danger, made it all the more upsetting that I really couldn’t protect myself.

Patrick, while rude, was right. Even if I tried to run, I probably wouldn’t get very far. It left me with a very real feeling of helplessness. It was a feeling I hated, a feeling I often told myself to either ignore or learn to live with.

I didn’t know how to do either.

A sudden eruption of chaos had all my thoughts fleeing and my pulse spiking anew. Through the chaos, I heard Emogen’s voice, and I sat up straighter.

What was Emogen doing here? Was she part of the staff they called in as reinforcement? That was ridiculous! What if she got hurt? My goodness, that man out there sounded like a savage beast!

“I’ll be fine!” Emogen insisted almost as if she could hear my thoughts.


Was she going to try and calm him down?

“Emogen!” I called, the name sounding more like a hoarse whisper than anything.

I couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. I couldn’t just listen to my friend try and deal with a crazed person!

Reaching toward the end of the bed, I grappled for the board I used to help transfer myself to my chair. It seemed heavier than usual, probably because my arms were weak with fear. But I pushed on, dragging it to the side of the bed and pushing it toward my chair.

The edge of the board hit the seat and pushed the chair away from the bed. A sound of frustration vibrated my throat as I inwardly scolded myself for forgetting to lock the wheels in place.

I tossed the board at it again, the edge catching as I tugged, half falling backward as I tried to drag the chair back.

My efforts only resulted in pushing the chair sideways.

Tears built up in my eyes, frustration and fear spilling over.

If I can’t get the chair to come to me, I will have to go to the chair!

Positioning the board one end on the floor and one on the mattress, I maneuvered at the top, legs off to the side, and pushed off to hopefully slide down.

The board was slightly short, and my weight made it slip away from the bed, sending me and the wood crashing to the floor.

A sob wrenched out of me the same moment the door to my room burst in and light flooded the room.

My head shot up as two bodies fought to fit through the door at the same time, resulting in them practically falling over the threshold.

“Virginia!” Neo bellowed, eyes going to the bed. “She’s not here!” he declared merely one second after seeing my empty mattress.

“I’m down here,” I announced, pushing myself up into a sitting position.

Earth lurched around Neo, black eyes widening the second he saw me.

“Virginia,” Neo rushed out, stumbling forward.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Earth. He came. I called him, and he came.

My lower lip wobbled. “Earth.”

Neo paused in the middle of reaching for me. I could feel his probing stare, but I was still unable to rip mine from the intense gaze roaming over me, taking stock of my well-being.

Without thinking, I lifted my arms for him, silently asking.

A rough sound ripped from his throat, and then I was being lifted, swung up into safety as the scent of bread and cigarettes curled around my senses.

“What are you doing on the floor, sprite?” His voice was gentle and attentive, making my eyes fill with waterworks once more.

“I fell,” I admitted.

A frown creased his forehead, and one of his hands stroked a strand of hair off my forehead. “Are you hurt?”

I shook my head. I wasn’t, but the gentleness in his voice made me feel bruised. “You came.”

“Always,” he whispered.

A loud shout and the slamming of something seemed to shake the walls. I ducked into Earth’s neck, trying to control my quivers.

“What the hell was that?” Beau demanded.

Hearing his voice, I remembered that it was not just Earth here. Peeking up, I saw my brother and Beau standing inside the room.

Crash! Shatter!

“We’re gonna have to call the cops,” someone out the hall said.

“No!” Emogen called out. “Give me a few more minutes.”

I made a worried sound.

“Did someone hurt you?” Earth asked, all trace of gentleness gone. Then over my head, he spoke. “Go see what’s going on.”

“No!” I exclaimed, straightening in his hold. “Don’t go!”

Beau and Neo seemed conflicted, hesitating in the doorway.

“We need to know what the hell is going on,” Earth told them.

“It’s a new patient. He’s having trouble adjusting to this place.”

“So he’s trashing it!” Neo spat.

“Patrick said they called in extra help to settle him down.” I chewed my lower lip. “But I’m worried about Emogen.”

“Who the hell is Patrick?” Earth demanded.

“He’s one of the night nurses,” I explained. “I was scared because I thought whoever was out there was breaking into my room. That’s why I called you. But it turns out it was just Patrick coming to tell me what was happening.”

“A male nurse coming into your unlocked room at night.” Earth’s voice was deadly calm, eerily controlled, but promised so much hell. I wasn’t afraid. Strangely, his ire made me feel so safe.

He turned toward Neo. “And you think I’m the problem?”

Neo had the decency to flush. Wait. No. He wasn’t flushed. He was bruised and bloodied!

“Have you two been fighting?” I exclaimed.

“We’re fine, sprite.” Earth tried to soothe me, but I saw the blood and bruises on him too.

Gasping, I grabbed Earth’s chin to study his split lip. “Neo Florian, did you do this to him?” I demanded.

My brother’s head shot up, and his eyes went round. “Veee,” he whined.

“Florian?” Beau repeated. “Is that your middle name?” He began snickering with glee.

“And you!” I said, turning my gaze on him. “What were you doing while your brothers were beating each other to a pulp?”

“They were down at the bar.” He defended himself, no longer snickering.


I snuggled back into Earth’s chest.

“Don’t be afraid.” He soothed, arms tightening around me. “He’s not going to hurt you.”

“Emogen is out there.” I worried.

“I’ll go check on her,” he offered, crossing the room to my brother.

“No!” I refused, tightening my arms around his neck when he moved to hand me over.

More flurry of activity burst in through the door as Ethan, Fletcher, and Ivory rushed into my room.

“We’re here! What’s going on? Virginia, are you okay?” Fletcher exclaimed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, surprised. The last thing I expected was my entire family filling up my small room in the middle of the night.

“We called them from the car,” Beau explained.

“Why would you bring Ivory?” Neo exclaimed, pinning Ethan with a look. “We had no idea what kind of danger we were walking into!”

“Don’t be a caveman, Neo! Honestly, the entire family is here, but you wanted me to stay home? I’ve survived much worse than this!”

Earth’s body went taut against mine, his muscles nearly vibrating with tension.

I looked up, questions filling my gaze.

He avoided my stare and handed me to my brother.

“I’ll be right back,” Earth told me.

I caught his arm as he turned away. “Earth, no. You might get hurt. That man sounds dangerous.”

To punctuate my worries, there was another loud thump.

“What in great gods was that?” Ethan wondered.

“Some crazy new patient,” Beau informed him.

Gently tugging his arm from my grasp, Earth leaned in to kiss my temple. Tingles of awareness brushed across my scalp and down my neck. “No one is more dangerous than I am.”

I frowned, wanting to ask so many things but realizing now was not the time.

“Go with him.” I turned pleading eyes on Ethan and then Beau.

The two men moved to follow, as did Fletcher.

“Hell no, puppy. Stay here,” Ethan told Fletch, stopping him with a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m just as capable as you are,” Fletcher argued.

“I know that.” Ethan acknowledged. “But Neo might need backup here.”

“And what are we?” Ivory retorted. “Helpless women?”

“We don’t have time for this,” Earth snapped, his voice cold. “Fletcher. Stay,” he ordered and then stomped out into the hall.

Fletcher scowled but stayed behind as the three men disappeared into the hall.

“You okay, princess?” Neo asked Ivory, stepping closer to her.

“What happened to your face?” she exclaimed, reaching out to cup it gently. “What is going on?”

Feeling like a definite third wheel literally wedged between my brother and his lover, I cleared my throat. “Could you please put me down?”

“Oh.” Ivory drew her arm back. “I’m so sorry, Virginia. I just saw his bruises and reacted.”

“I understand,” I told her sincerely. “You have every reason to be worried.” I looked at my brother. “Put me down now.”

The second I was on the bed, Ivory was in my brother’s arms and making tsking sounds over his battered face. He scolded her for not staying home. They were so in love, and usually, it made me warm all over, but tonight, it just made me stare anxiously at the door.

“It’s very quiet out there,” I murmured.

Fletcher climbed onto the bed beside me, one of his hands wrapping around mine. “They’re okay.”

“You really think so?” I asked, squeezing his fingers.

“Of course. I trust Ethan.” His eyes widened. “My brothers too, of course!”

“Of course,” I echoed.

“What’s going on anyway?”

I briefly explained to Fletch and Ivory, all the while watching the door.

“You sure you’re okay?” Neo asked me. “What were you doing on the floor?”

“My goodness!” Ivory worried, turning her vivid blue eyes to me. “Did you fall out of bed?”

“Kinda,” I muttered, embarrassed. Thankfully, I was saved from having to recount my own stupidity because Beau and Ethan walked back in. Anxiously, I gazed past them, waiting for Earth to appear. When he did, I felt my shoulders relax.

“How is Emogen?” I worried.

“Girl, you know I’m fine. Takes more than some pissed-off patient to bring me down.” Her voice floated in behind Earth, and then she stepped into the room.

Her eyes went wide, seeing the entire family here. Hands planting on her hips, she shook her head. “It ain’t visiting hours. What in the world are you all doing here?”

“We were worried about V,” Fletcher said, still holding my hand.

“Everything’s fine now,” Emogen announced. “The new patient is sleeping. There’s no cause for concern.”

“Until he wakes up,” Earth muttered darkly.

He was standing across the room, and it was too far away. I felt needy and scared, feelings I really hated but feelings I had just the same.

“Maybe you should come stay with us for a while,” Ivory suggested. “At least until we know that this new patient is not a danger.”

“I don’t think he is.” Emogen spoke up.

“Can you guarantee it?” Earth challenged.

She fell silent.

“I don’t know,” I murmured, glancing at my brother. Things between us were kinda precarious right now. If I went to stay with them, would we just keep arguing? Would he make it even harder than he already did for me to see Earth?

He’s a killer.

Did I want to see Earth?

Yes. Yes, I did.

“Y’all can discuss this tomorrow. During visiting hours,” Emogen emphasized. She wasn’t even dressed in her usual scrubs and had on not one stitch of makeup. Instead, she was wearing a pair of loose sweatpants and a T-shirt, likely because she rushed here straight from bed when they called her in.

“I’m not leaving her here,” Neo announced, stubborn.

“The patient is sedated. He will not be awake anytime soon. You can come back in the morning,” Emogen told him. “And what in the world is wrong with your face?”

As if she knew, Emogen turned to Earth, taking in his busted lip and bruised eye. Her tsk, tsk filled the room. “Saw that coming,” she said to no one in particular.

“What?” Fletcher wondered.

“Beau, could you get me the first aid kit from the bathroom, please?” I asked.

“Earth and Neo were fighting?” Fletcher surmised. “But I thought you made up already?”

No one answered as Beau handed me the small white and red kit.

“Oh, no. They can clean up their mule-headed behinds by themselves. At home. Everyone out,” Emogen declared, her voice taking on a don’t even try me tone.

“Do you want to come home with us?” Fletcher asked, tugging on my hand.

I smiled. “Thank you for the offer, but it’s late. I’ll just stay here.”

“If you change your mind, call. We’ll come right back.” He glanced at Ethan. “Right?”

“Of course.” Ethan agreed. “Just call if you need anything at all. And we will call you tomorrow to check in.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, tears filling my eyes.

Fletcher hugged me, and I returned the embrace. Sometimes I felt so alone even though I knew I wasn’t. But then other times—like tonight—I was reminded of just how lucky I was to have this family.

“Let’s go for hot chocolate again soon. Okay? And then you can come visit Gwennie!”

“I’d like that,” I said, thinking fondly of the cat Fletcher had found in a subway.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Beau told me, still close by. “Call me if you need anything.”

I nodded, giving him a watery smile. He patted me on the head, which made me giggle, and then he moved to the door, following Ethan and Fletcher.

Neo was standing there stubbornly, his feet planted like there would be hell to pay if we told him to leave.

“Go with Ivory,” I told him. “Let her clean up your face. You look like dog meat.”

He pursed his lips, shaking his head. “I can’t do that.”

“You can. I’m just going back to sleep. I’m exhausted.” It wasn’t entirely a lie. I was exhausted, but I doubted I would be able to sleep.

Then to everyone, I said, “I’m so sorry to worry you all like this. But thank you for coming. I appreciate you all.”

My eyes slipped to Earth, who was still too far away, still avoiding my gaze.

Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.

“We’ll come back in the morning, talk more about you coming to stay with us,” Ivory suggested.

I nodded.

She gave me a warm hug. She smelled of lavender, and even in the middle of the night, her midnight hair was glossy and her fair skin flawless.

Everyone started toward the door, Neo trudging along as though his feet weighed a hundred pounds. “You too,” he intoned, stopping beside Earth to glare.

I looked at the man I wanted to leave least of all, wanting him to stay, knowing he could not. His eyes narrowed into half-moon shapes when my brother tried to kick him out. Then instead of heading for the door, he moved deeper into the room.

My heart somersaulted, and a light feeling crowded my stomach.

Earth stepped to my wheelchair to gently push it right up to the bed and then locked the wheels in place.

The board still lay on the floor. He picked it up and laid it on the seat of the chair.

The second he was done, he turned to leave. He hadn’t even looked at me once.

My lower lip quivered, so I sank my teeth into it, trying to make it stop. “Thank you,” I said, voice small.

He stopped, his head turning like he might glance over his shoulder.

I anticipated his eyes. I wanted whatever expression he would show me. I was so hungry for him, so hungry I was starved.

Neo made a rude sound, and Earth’s head whipped back around.

Anguish cut through me, lancing me with pain. I thought about arguing and calling my brother out.

I was tired.

And then my family was gone. I was alone in my tower once more.