Rebellion of a Kingdom by G.N. Wright

Chapter 10


Iused to be afraid of the dark. Now I hunt in it. I was an innocent little girl dragged into the depths of an eclipse and expected to obey. My demise... warranted. My death… imminent. What they didn’t expect is that I would escape the darkness and bathe in the pain until it coated my body like armor. I took the hurt and turned it into my catalyst to fight, and now it’s time for my second act.

As soon as I left the hospital, I started making my plan. I can’t go after my girl when so many of the people who help the Donovan’s are still alive. They need to be wiped off the board first.

I am sitting in the office of Joseph Kavanagh, clouded by the shadows of the late evening. I knew he would be the first target from my list. He took his law education and has been using it to protect criminals instead of the victims. That stops now. The last thing I need is Elliot Donovan calling in his best attorney to save the day. I won’t give him the chance to have any legal ties to my daughter.

It took me most of the day to put my plan into action, even though it’s relatively simple. He is going to die. Slow, bloody, and fucking beautiful.

At lunchtime, I donned a brunette wig and some office attire to snatch a key card as I flirted with some unassuming intern. Then I spent my afternoon downloading every piece of evidence that Kavanagh has buried for his clients over the years. Every cop he paid off, every witness he discredited and every payment he took from the monsters who controlled him. All of it there in black and white. I also found a sick sense of glee as I used his own office printer to print them all off.

They now sit on his desk in a neat little pile while we wait for him to arrive. See, Joseph Kavanagh knows all about me, knows who I am and what happened to me. He will also know what I have been doing since I came home. But what he doesn’t know, is that I know all about him too.

I know he has three ex-wives who all left him. A variety of reasons were cited in the divorce papers, but after some digging, I found multiple hospital reports from them and even a couple of police reports that had all been squashed. It seems our man of the law has a taste for rough fucking. Whipping, choking, fisting. You name it and he’s into it. No wonder Elliot found himself right at home when he moved to town.

I also know that every Sunday he uses his office for some extracurricular activities. It wasn’t exactly hard to hack into his phone and see the countless hookers he has booked every week, for the last two years. All of them with extremely specific instructions on what he likes, one of them being leather.

How convenient, Mr. Kavanagh. I like leather too.

I’m wearing fitted black leather pants with a matching leather corset. They look perfect with my knee-high leather heeled boots and leather gloves. The perfect murder outfit, if you ask me. Have you ever tried to get blood out of clothes? It’s not easy. Lucky for me, leather makes cleaning up much easier.

Next to the pile of evidence against him on his desk, I have some cable ties, rope, tape and a small bag of tools. Some for him and some for my plan. I have already taken care of all the cameras inside the building, on the street and in the surrounding areas. We are going to be spending some time completely alone and uninterrupted.

I hear the elevator ding and I smile. Showtime.

Joseph Kavanagh stalks into the office how I’m sure he stalks into the courtroom, like a hunter ready to rip his prey apart. Little does he know, he’s the prey tonight. His smile is predatory when he takes in my leather clad form. I am standing in front of the window with only the outside light silhouetting my frame. The perfect backdrop to show off my body, but not my face. Not that he would recognize me. I traded my fake brunette locks for a bright red wig. This piece of shit is getting sliced up by the fucking little mermaid tonight.

“Fuck, you’re delicious,” he grunts, “am I paying extra for such beauty?”

I smirk even bigger as I purr back, “Oh trust me, Mr. Kavanagh. My price is very high, only few are afforded it.”

“And worth every penny I bet.” His sexual tone makes me grind my teeth. I should just shoot him right now in the fucking head, but I have plans first. I want him to know how fucked he is before he dies, and not in the way he enjoys.

He moves to walk towards me, but I halt him with a hand in the air, “Clothes off.”

“Thought I was in charge here,” he teases me, and I roll my eyes in the dark. Fucking slimy prick.

I put on my best flirting porn voice as I beg him, “Please sir, I wanna play a game first.” I see him turn giddy when I say that, and I want to gag.

He unbuttons his suit jacket, taking it off and folding it over the arm of the sofa in a way only someone who grew up rich would. He reaches for his tie to loosen it, “Okay I’ll bite,” he says with a sick smile and wink. “You can have a little fun, but then I’ll have mine.”

I feel the bloodthirst burning through my veins as I reach for a leather riding crop from his desk and his smile turns sadistic. “Pants off, Mr. Kavanagh. Show me what I get to play with tonight.” I don’t even have to fake the excitement in my tone as I think about all the ways I am going to make him bleed.

He wastes no time stripping the rest of his clothes until he is standing in nothing but a fitted white wife beater and grey boxer shorts. His body is toned and muscular and I can see how he fools so many girls into thinking his fake charm is real. He is attractive for an older man, it’s how he landed himself three wives, I’m sure. They didn’t see the devil lurking within, they were too bewitched by his smiling face. But his eyes, that's where the soul lies, and his truth appears. He’s just another sick fuck with too much money and too much power. I am going to relish in making him atone for his sins.

He moves towards me, still trying to remain in control, just how he likes it, well not tonight Satan. As he nears me, I push back against him, leading him backwards until he falls into a chair behind his desk. I turn him so it faces back towards his desk and then slide myself on top of it in front of him. I can already see him hardening beneath his boxers. God. Men really do let their cocks rule them. If he just looked past me, he would notice the flat lay of weapons waiting for him. I part my legs so I can pull him towards me, and he licks his lips as they land on either side of where he's sitting.

Once there, I tease him, dragging my hands across his chest before reaching down to one of his arms and then cable tying one of his wrists before he can even register. He tries to protest, so I reach down and palm his cock until he hisses in pleasure.

“Want me to play with this?” I tease while thinking of how many times I am going to fucking sanitize my hands after this, even though I am wearing gloves. He nods profusely. “Then let me be a bad girl so I can be punished.” He groans at my words and I have to refrain from rolling my eyes again. He allows me to cuff his other wrist and then I use my heeled boot to push him backwards. Once I have him where I want him, I slide off the desk and fall to my knees. I used to think my beauty was a curse, but when I see the lust in his eyes and how it's allowed him to be at my submission. I suddenly realize it isn’t a curse at all, just another weapon in my arsenal.

I drag one of my hands up his thigh, bypassing his cock slightly and keep pushing it up his torso to his shoulder. My other hand reaches behind my back as I lean in and whisper into his ear, “The King sends her regards.”

My words barely hit his ear before I plunge my knife right into his cock. I pull it back immediately and watch in delight as blood pours from his groin. He screams out in pain, but I shove a rag in his mouth to silence them into muffles.

When I look him in the eye, his cocky and lustful stare has been replaced with pain and panic. I smile as I pull the wig off and watch realization hit him.

“Tell me, Mr. Kavanagh. Was it worth it? All those criminals you defended; all those crimes that went unreported, unpunished. Was it worth it?” He can’t answer me obviously, but I enjoy watching him try.

“Anything you had to say in defense stopped mattering the moment Elliot Donovan took his first victim right under your nose.” I’m not even angry, in fact, I have never felt this calm before. There is no adrenaline rush, no worrying about taking someone's life. There is just peaceful contentment. This is what I have to do. To beat the Devil, you have to become a monster.

I track the blood as it slowly seeps down his legs onto the floor, he is panting hard, and his body is covered in sweat. I watch as he tries to control his breathing, his eyes panicked as I reach forward and pull the rag from his mouth now.

“What the fuck is going on?” he manages to stutter, and now I do roll my eyes at him. I mean it’s pretty obvious what is going on. His crimes have caught up with him and it’s time for his death. I thought he was smart enough to realize that.

I bring my knife back towards his face and he stares at it in fear. “How long has Elliot known about Cassie?” I ask him.

He looks between me and the knife a couple of times before his eyes lock on mine. Judging by his defiant glare, he’s clearly decided that I won’t stab him again while I’m questioning him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he starts, but is cut off when I plunge the knife in between his ribs. There is a spot where if you tilt the knife at the right angle, it will miss any vital organs. Painful, but not life threatening.

He grunts out in pain as I respond, “I don’t like liars, Mr. Kavanagh.” I hiss at him as I slide the knife back out and wipe the blood on his bare thigh.

He starts to shake. I think he realizes he isn’t getting out of this alive, finally that legal brain of his is kicking in.

“Okay okay just stop. Please,” he begs.

I pull back ready to listen to him. “When did Elliot find out about Cassie?” I ask again.

“A couple of weeks ago,” he pants through the agony he’s no doubt feeling. “Someone saw you; I don’t know who, he didn’t tell me. Whoever it was is close to Greg and, well, you know what he’s like.” He grunts in pain, “As soon as he heard about her, he wanted her, wanted you and well, Elliot is all about family.” He says the last part like he actually means it.

“After that he ordered a tail on you. He had eyes on you at school, had you followed. But you were always with those little South Side punks, the Riviera boy and his pals.” He grunts, slurring slightly and I know it’s from the pain and blood loss, but clearly, he knows I don’t care because he forces himself to continue. “They tried to get you alone, but you were too well guarded. They worked out an opportunity with the ball and you took the bait, like they knew you would.” He isn’t smug in the delivery of his words, just factual. He is right, they found my weakness and exploited it. Between the need for revenge and the safety of my daughter, they found my Achilles heel.

I think about all the times I have been out with Cassie in the last month and I can pinpoint the moment they discovered her. I know exactly who told Greg and they have just landed themselves a top spot on my list. I take a slow deep breath in as I think about what I have just learned, and then ask my last question.

“Where is he keeping her?” My tone is as harsh as steel as I try not to let my panic show when I think about what could be happening to her.

“Ahh,” he gasps in misery, “Greg will keep her close, but not accessible, he knows Asher is with you, so he won’t risk it.” Hmm glad to know they don’t underestimate my best friend. I nod through his words as I try to think of where she would be. She has to be on the Donovan estate, surely. It’s their most guarded location, aside from their fucking trafficking warehouse. I pray to all the gods she isn’t there.

I have no further questions for him, so I start packing up my stuff. I see it, the moment he realizes there is nothing else he can offer me, nothing but his death as payment for his crimes. He doesn’t even have time to flinch when I bring the knife to his neck and slice in one swift movement from left to right.

Watching someone choke on their own blood sounds like it would be satisfying, but in reality, it actually takes a few minutes for them to die. It’s pretty boring, but I don’t allow him the final satisfaction of being put out of his misery early. I patiently wait until I see the life drain from his eyes and the struggling gurgled breaths pant into silence. Then I wait some more. Once I am sure he is dead, I plant a bullet between his eyes. That one is for my own pleasure.

The hardest part now is getting one of his large glass windowpanes out of its frame. I had to watch a few tutorials and call Oliver to walk me through it a couple of times, but I manage to do it quite easily after that. Once it’s done, I slide it carefully aside, before wheeling the carcass, slumped in his office chair closer. I cut him loose and tie a rope around his upper torso. It takes a bit of maneuvering but eventually, I get him how I want him.

I get the large piece of card I brought with me and scrawl the words on it in black permanent marker before I staple it to his chest. Have you ever stapled into someone's body? It’s quite fun. Once done, I step back and inspect my handywork and can’t help but smile. He looks so perfect.

Then I push him out of the window.