Rebellion of a Kingdom by G.N. Wright

Chapter 23


When I wake up again, I am back in bed spooning Cassie. Marcus is curled around me, and Asher is sitting on the other side of Cass, with his laptop open, tapping away. I feel even more settled than I did when I woke up earlier. Three of the most important people in my life are all within touching distance and I feel happier than I thought I could, especially given everything that’s gone on. I sigh in contentment and Ash's eyes immediately find mine.

“Hey,” he whispers with the same sad tortured expression I have become accustomed to back on his face. It doesn’t matter that Cassie is here with us and safe. He will wear that expression until he chases his father and brother into the pits of hell.

“Hey, how’d you sleep?” I ask and I’m greeted with a slight teasing smile.

“Not as good as you, apparently.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and I can’t help but laugh at him as I hide my blush. It’s a gesture I’ve never seen on his usually serious face, but it’s certainly a welcome one.

“Ash.” I squeak back and he laughs at my awkwardness.

“What? Maybe keep it down next time, Hells Bells, some of us were actually trying to sleep.” He teases and I can feel the burn of my embarrassment all over my face.

Marcus groans from behind me, “maybe keep it down now because some of us are still trying to sleep.”

“Sorry, Riviera,” He snorts in response, “I didn’t realize how much beauty sleep the King of the South Side needed.”

“Eurghhh, I remember why I hated you when we were kids now.” Marcus grunts in response. My embarrassment quickly turns to shock as I listen to their light, back and forth banter. When the fuck did they stop wanting to completely kill each other?

I don’t get a chance to ask before Marcus sits up slightly and snuggles into my neck, planting a kiss there. “Morning, baby.”

“River?” Cassie asks as she stirs awake.

“Yeah, it’s me, little one.” He replies without pause and she smiles wide rubbing her tired eyes.

I’m still so wary, just waiting for her to cry or break down and tell me something awful happened, but she seems completely fine. Like she just went and had a little vacation. The most dangerous and anxiety-inducing vacation ever.

“Did we have a sleepover?” She asks and Asher snorts again. I give him the death glare as Marcus laughs behind me.

“Yeah, princess, we all had a sleepover because we missed you so much.” I say brushing her hair from her forehead and leaning down to give her a kiss.

“So fun!” She exclaims excitedly as she sits up, “can we do it again when Santa comes?” She pleads and I falter.

Fuck. It’s almost Christmas. I didn’t keep track of what time it was, let alone what day, while she was gone. Shit. We have so much fucking work to do. I need to make sure this is the best Christmas she has ever had.

Marcus doesn’t miss a beat, “of course we can, whatever you want.”

Her eyes widen as she looks at me, “really Mommy?”

I smile, “whatever you want baby.”

She throws herself at me cuddling me just as tight as she did last night and once again, I breathe her in. I will never allow myself to take one cuddle for granted, when I know what it’s like to be without them.

A knock on the bedroom door breaks our moment and Asher yells that the door is open and a few seconds later, Arthur pops his head round. If he’s surprised to find us all together like this, he doesn’t show it.

Just smiles and says, “just thought I’d see if my little spitfire wanted some chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Yesssss!” She screams, bouncing off the bed and running towards him. He scoops her up and cuddles her. A huge smile plastered on his face, he’s happy our family is whole again.

He focuses back on us. “Anything for you guys?”

“Yeah, we’ll be out in a minute.” I say with a nod moving to sit up and he offers me a mock salute and shutting the door behind him as he leaves.

I huff as I flop back down covering my eyes with my arm, trying not to panic at letting Cassie out of my sight, which is absurd. She is literally with her Grandpa in the next room, but I can’t help the anxiety that crawls across my body like a bunch of spiders.

“I feel it too.” Ash whispers. I move my arm to look at him and he continues, “the fear, wanting to keep her right next to me where I can see her. Even though she is perfectly safe. Yeah, I feel it too.” He exhales deeply and I’m glad I don’t have to be alone in my feelings. I think we will probably feel like this for a while or at least until there is no longer a threat against her. Question is what do we do about that threat?

“Should we leave?” I ask, not really aiming my question at any one of them in particular. “Do we just take her, run and never look back.”

I feel Ash shrug, while Marcus remains silent, “It was a close call.” Ash says. Yeah, real fucking close. “But does leaving really solve anything?”

“She’d be out of danger.” I shrug back.

“Could you really do that? Leave behind your revenge and move on, knowing they’re still out there?” Ash replies.

“Yes.” No. I don’t know. All I know is I almost lost my daughter thanks to my revenge, but hundreds of others will continue to lose theirs if we do nothing.

“What do you think?” I focus on Marcus and he looks shocked that I would direct my question at him,

He looks to Ash, then back to me, “I think my opinion on it doesn’t really matter.” It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a hint of sadness in his eyes, while he’s been thinking about Cassie. He doesn’t realize how serious I am about us. He is it for me, and if he’s a part of my life, then he’s a part of her’s too. Always.

“Please don’t start being a whiny bitch again. I thought we were past it.” Asher huffs at him and I have to smile. “I’m family, you’re family, we are all fucking family, everyone gets a vote.” He adds on and I don’t miss the shock on Marcus' face that Ash sees him that way. It’s how I’ve always seen the two of them but having them both here now. My best friend and the man I love. It’s everything.

“I think leaving isn’t as easy as it sounds.” Marcus shrugs.

“Why?” It isn’t so much my curiosity that asks the question, but my feelings. Would Marcus not be willing to leave his hometown?

“Zack.” He glares like the answer is obvious, but when neither Ash nor I say anything, he continues. “Clearly the Donovan’s know you are with him and well he’s Zack Royton, tech billionaire. It’s not like he can go into hiding.”

He's right. Of course, he is. Zack isn’t someone who can just go and disappear. He has a company and people that rely on him. Even if we ran, how far would we have to go for someone not to recognize him.

“Zack isn’t the only issue,” I muse out loud. Having Cassie back reminds me that someone else is still missing their daughter. “Elliot took the President of the HCMC’s daughter. That’s how he keeps them in line.”

Ash frowns, “Connor O’Sullivan?” He questions, and I nod. “I wasn’t aware he had a daughter.”

“It was a well-guarded secret; her name is Rebecca.” I tell them “she’s at the Mayor’s house.”

“Fuck.” Marcus curses and it’s my exact thoughts too. Getting to her, would be the hardest thing to do.

“She’s not our responsibility,” I argue without much value, because I know how much I want to save her. But is she worth risking us all?

“That’s a big fucking risk.” Ash huffs, mirroring my thoughts. “Leaving doesn’t sound so hard now.”

“It would be hard, but if we had help.” I think about the note I found in the treehouse.

“What help could we possibly require that we don’t already have?” Asher questions but before I can answer there is another knock at the door.

This time when I shout, ‘come in’, we are greeted with Logan as he whistles, “Damnnnn, sis, this is my kind of party. Where was my invite?”

Marcus pretends to grab me possessively, “watch it, Royton.”

He rolls his eyes. “Calm down, lover boy, I’m hardly gonna mack on my own sister.” He purrs, tossing me a wink, “besides, I’ll take my little psycho over here any day.” He adds gesturing to Asher and for the first time ever I’m sure I see a slight blush on Ash’s face.

He covers it quick enough that I can’t be sure before replying, “in your dreams, Logan.”

“Every damn night, dark prince.” He purrs back using Lincoln's nickname for him and I can’t help but laugh.

He switches his attention to me, “don’t know what you're laughing at King, we all heard your late-night activities, loud and clear.”

He starts motioning thrusts and I almost die of embarrassment. I throw a pillow at his head before stalking to the bathroom and slamming the door to block out the chorus of laughter coming from all three of them. Fuckers.