Rebellion of a Kingdom by G.N. Wright

Chapter 36


Ican’t stop my knee from bouncing up and down as I wait for Elle to come outside. It’s been seven minutes, three more and I am going in. I put Rebecca in the front passenger seat and strapped her in, she is still yet to say a word, her vacant stare constantly scanning the surrounding area. Jace is pacing back and forth outside, furiously smoking a cigarette. Just as sirens start to blare in the distance, I see Max burst out of the side door, followed by Mason and Liam. I hold my breath, but then Max turns and ushers out Elle, with Linc and Ash quick on her tail. As soon as I see her my whole body relaxes.

As she gets closer, Jace rushes over to her, gripping her by the shoulders and checking her over, like he just needs to reassure himself that she’s okay. She smiles, saying something I don’t hear, and nods her head towards the car Max and his guys are heading to. He fist bumps Lincoln and they both follow Max as Elle and Ash make their way over to me. Asher opens the door for her, letting her climb inside before he joins me in the back. Elle is covered in blood, but I say nothing as we speed off into the night.

She eyes us in the mirror and nods, and we head off in the direction of the South Side. With the speed she is going it doesn’t take long for us to get to the Crows clubhouse and when we approach, I think she is going to slow down, but instead, she presses down on the gas and crashes through the gate, without warning.

They burst open and before I know it, she slams on the brakes and jumps from the car, just as men pour out of the buildings, guns raised. It isn’t long before their President pushes his way to the front. When his stare lands on Elle, he frowns, swinging his gaze to the car, as Asher and I step out. I move towards Rebecca's door and pause waiting for them to lower their weapons.

Connor waves his hand, and they all drop their arms, as he speaks, “you really are as fucking crazy as they’re saying.” He eyes the blood covering her but doesn’t comment on it.

A slight shrug is the only reaction she has to his words, and with a nod from their President, all but three of the Crows, head back inside. Not before they all let their stares linger on Elle, as she stands there with her clothes clinging to her body thanks to the water and blood covering her chest. Once it’s just the four of them, Elle turns towards me and nods. I pull open the door and go to help Rebecca out, but she bats my hand away. Stepping out alone, head held high. She is wrapped fully in the black cloak from the club, and looks almost regal as she brings her gaze to her father's.

“I held up my end of the deal.” Elle says calmly, as Connor O’Sullivan stares at his daughter in shock before stalking towards her and engulfing her in a hug. She doesn’t react at first, but then her arms slowly curl around his waist and a tear slips down her face.

Connor looks over her shoulder to speak to Elle. “Whenever, wherever, call us and we’ll be there.” He says, and one of the guy’s lips curls in distaste at his words.

Elle nods at him, as he turns to one of the guys standing here, “Get Frank here now!” He snaps before turning and taking Rebecca inside. She halts, turning to look towards us before leaving her father’s arms and slowly approaching Elle.

They stare at one another until Rebecca steps up to her, close enough so she can whisper in her ear, as she grips her arm. All six of us just watch them, unable to hear what she said, but when she pulls away Elle smiles and nods her head. We all watch her leave with her dad and then I notice Elle’s focus has moved to the three men still standing here.

“What?” The one wearing the VP patch snaps, as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it up, blowing the smoke out.

Elle shrugs, “Nothing, Aiden. Just thought you guys would be a little happier at Rebecca being home.” She cocks her head to the side as she surveys them. “Or was her being gone better for you? Did one of you fuck her and you don’t want daddy to know?” There is a teasing glint to her voice, but I can tell she is serious as she watches them all closely. The one on the left huffs slightly and she zones in on him, “was it you Ezra? Did you take a taste of Daddy’s little princess and thought you could take it to the grave?”

“None of your fucking business.” Aiden shuts her down, and she smiles like she got the reaction she wanted.

“Interesting. Well, you’re welcome.”

Ezra breaks his silence, “what's the matter princess? Want us on our knees, ready to taste that sweet cunt in thanks, like every other man in this town?”

“Watch it.” Ash snaps, stepping forward before I can, and the third one's eyes flash in delight as he takes his turn to speak.

“How’s that brother of yours, Donovan?” He purrs.

Ash smirks, taking the bait, “not nearly as dangerous as I am, Killian.”

“I’ll bet.” Is all he responds, flashing him a grin of his own.

“Where’s the Mayor?” Ezra asks, and Elle looks at him.

“Running, if he knows what’s good for him.” She responds, and he frowns.

“You let him go?” He spits, out and I swear if he moves an inch towards her, I’ll fucking end him right here.

“It was him or her.” She replies, simply and he grinds his jaw as he realizes what she means. All three of them stare at her intently with furious expressions until Aiden brings his gaze to mine.

“I’d take your girl home now, Riviera.” I can’t help the laugh that bursts out of me.

“I don’t take my girl anywhere.” Is my only response and Elle flashes me a smile over her shoulder, before she looks at them and slowly backs away.

“I look forward to seeing you again very soon, boys.” Her tone and the way she handled them has me hardening in my pants. Doesn’t matter when or where, whenever she takes control like this it gets me hot as fuck. She moves towards the driver's side, but I snag her by the waist and drag her to the back door, opening it and pushing her inside. Asher rounds the car without complaint and gets behind the wheel to get us out of there.

I ignore the blood coating her as I grab the back of her neck and slam her lips to mine, and she gasps in surprise, allowing me to slip my tongue right into her mouth. Her hesitation doesn’t even last a second before she is kissing me back, devouring each other's mouths like we are both chasing our next breath from the other.

I pull back, planting my forehead against hers as we both try to catch our breath, “do I even want to know whose blood this is?” I ask, only slightly jokingly, and she huffs a little laugh.

“It’s Jonathan King's.” Is all she says, and I can’t keep the surprise off my face.

“And Cherry Daniels'.” Asher adds from the front, and I groan.

“That shouldn’t turn me on, but it does.” I whisper and she laughs like I’m crazy. Fuck it, I am. Totally and insanely crazy, and all for her. She presses her hand to my thigh so she can shift closer to kiss me again. When her fingers graze against my hard cock, she pulls back in surprise. Her eyes dance with lust of their own. “It’s going to take a very long, hot shower to get my baby clean.” I tease, and she grins. I move to whisper in her hair, leaving a trail of kisses as I go, “all of them wanted you, looking at you like you aren’t mine.” I say, thinking about how every guy let themselves check her out.

She tilts her head to the side giving me better access to her neck, “too bad I am all yours.”

Her hand squeezes me over my jeans slightly and I groan again, nipping her ear before gritting out, “that’s right you are.”

“Please don’t fuck on the back seat while I’m here with you. It’s bad manners.” Asher’s voice halts us both in our tracks, freezing like a pair of naughty kids. We look at each other and then burst out laughing,

“Sorry, Ash.” Elle says, with a laugh.

“Yeah sorry, man.” I add, and he just shakes his head and mutters ‘insufferable’ under his breath and we both laugh again. I turn back to Elle and lean in to whisper one more time, “later,” is all I say and the wicked smile she gives me in return tells me how much fun we are going to have when we get home. I look forward to that shower.