Rebellion of a Kingdom by G.N. Wright

Chapter 40


The next week at school is quiet. Too quiet. Everyone outside of our group gives us a wide berth, since what happened with Cherry. We are still yet to face any backlash from the Donovan’s. You think I would be relieved, but I’m the opposite. The longer they don’t retaliate, the longer they have to make plans. Whatever they do next, is going to be something big. We need to be ready.

My hand runs along the knife that rests in its usual place, on my thigh. The steel of the gun tucked in my waistband, a constant reminder that I’ve got my back. It’s the period before lunch and Marcus, Lincoln and I are heading towards Biology. Jace stopped to talk to Jack, but now, as the second bell goes, I can’t see him anywhere. The hallways begin to empty and as the boys enter the classroom, I linger at the door. When I still don’t spot Jace, I start to worry.

“I’ll be right back.” I tell the guys, but Marcus grips my arm.

“Elle, nowhere alone remember.” He moves to follow me, and I halt him.

“Mase is just down the hall.” I nod towards where Mason lingers, and Marcus nods in acknowledgement. “He’ll come with me,” I assure him.

“Five minutes,” he warns, and I smile, leaning up to give him a quick kiss.

“I love you.” I whisper, dashing away, but not before I hear him say I love you too.

I don’t have to think that hard about where I might find Jace and nod for Mason to follow me. We move through the empty hallways until we reach the back double doors and I push out of them. Mason checks around the area, hand on his gun, as we head towards the bleachers.

As soon as I’m close, I spot Jace’s relaxed physique laying across one of the benches. If I weren’t so pissed, I’d roll my eyes. I storm towards him and when I’m close enough, I yell out to him.

“What don’t you understand about nowhere alone, pretty boy!” I huff, annoyed that I even need to remind him.

He sighs loudly, sitting up to watch me march up the stairs, “Elle.” He greets me.

My name on his lips sounds sad and full of grief. Fuck. I drop down next to him, nudging his shoulder, “everything okay?”

“Just needed to breathe.” Is all he says. His stare fixed on the woods in the distance. The same woods I was taken from. The same woods Rachel's body was found in. I’m not stupid, I’ve seen the darkness clinging to him. The same darkness I sensed in him early on, but he never let it fully manifest. It’s been swirling close to the surface. He needs snapping out of it.

I stare into the woods with him, until an idea hits me. I bring my gaze back to him and smile, “wanna sneak out for Starbies?” I offer him and for the first time I see the tug of that real Conrad smile.

“Won’t we get in trouble?” He asks, and I laugh a little.

“Pretty boy, we are always in trouble. Come on.” I drag him down the bleachers towards Mason.

“Hey Mase.” I say sweetly, and he smiles eyeing us both.

“Elle.” He nods his head, “what can I do for you?”

“Coffee run. Wanna grab everyone a little pick me up.” My smile is casual as I hold my breath, awaiting his response, I expect pushback. With everything going on, running out for a coffee isn’t exactly essential, but that's what having the extra security is for.

He eyes me before speaking, “you armed?” He asks, and I scoff.

I flash my weapons, “aren’t I always?” I say, cocking my brow at him and he laughs.

“Come on then, take your car and I’ll follow you.” His response is quick, as he turns on his heels and walks away from us.

Hmm, that was easier than I expected, I guess I forget that they do, technically work for me. I’m just so close to them, that they always feel more like extended family than employees. I smile and toss Jace a wink and he laughs as we both move across the open school grounds and head to the parking lot.

I let Jace drive and before I know it, we are slipping through the gates with Mason on our tail. We drive silently and aimlessly, both of us lost in thought and enjoying the pretend freedom we feel, from just being able to drive. No mission planned, no killings warranted, just two friends heading for coffee.

We pull into the first Starbucks we come across and skip the drive through, to park up. I call Mason and ask him what he wants and once I have his order, Jace and I head inside. It's relatively quiet considering it's the middle of the day, and we slot in line and wait our turn, joking back and forth while we pretend our problems don't matter. Once we have placed our ridiculously oversized order, since I tried to remember to get a little something for everyone, we snag a table and wait.

Jace focuses on his phone with a frown, “something wrong?” I ask and he shrugs.

“Not sure,” he starts before sighing, “I haven’t heard from Taylor.” He adds, and then it’s my turn to frown a little. He made it perfectly clear he didn’t want her involved.

“Were you expecting to?”

“Yes. No.” He sighs again, and I laugh. “She asked me out,” he admits, and my eyes widen in shock, “I said no and told her she should stay away from me.”

“What and now you’re mad that she actually listened to you?” I’m only half teasing him, but he shakes his head with a laugh anyway, tossing his phone onto the table.

“No, this is a good thing. It’s what I wanted.” There isn’t a hint of the playboy Rebel everyone knows, here with me, and my heart hurts for him. Then in true Jace style, he shuts it down and offers me that panty-melting smile of his, “just think of all the girls that will have missed me by the time we finish with our little problem.” He winks.

I scoff, “our little problem, is that what we are calling it these days?”

“Of course, Queenie, the Donovan’s scream little dick energy.” He’s completely serious and I can’t help but laugh at him.

“Don’t let Ash hear you say that. He will probably cut your little one off.” I tease. and he scoffs.

“Nothing little here, Queenie, don’t make me prove it.” He winks. and I throw a napkin at him.

“Then I’ll have to cut it off.” I give him my best sadistic grin as I pat my concealed knife. and he shudders. Our banter is cut off when the barista finally calls our names, and we move to pick up our order. It takes two trips for us to secure all the coffees into the car and when we are finally happy, that they won’t spill all over, we climb inside.

Jace pulls back out onto the road, and as we drive, I notice Mason isn’t behind us. There’s a black truck behind us, but it’s not what Mase was driving, so he must be behind that. Jace keeps driving, as my eyes dart to and from the mirror looking out for Mason, but when I don’t see him, I start to panic.

“I don’t see Mason.” I say out loud, and Jace eyes me before checking his own mirror.

“Maybe he’s behind that truck.” He says, sounding like he doesn’t believe that for a second.

Keeping my eye on the truck, which is maintaining a close distance to us, I direct Jace, “take the next left.”

“But that isn’t the way back to school.” He starts, but I cut him off, “I know Jace, just do it.”

He doesn’t hesitate to cut across two lanes, so he can take the next left and I hold my breath as we round the corner. Nothing. And then the black truck takes the corner and comes back into view. Fuck.

I pull my phone out, dial Marcus and it connects to the Bluetooth system in the car. He picks up after a couple of rings, and I can tell from his strained tone he was already worrying. “Hey baby, where did you go?”

“We’re being followed.” I cut to the chase and I know from his pause, that he’s confused. He probably hadn’t even realized we’d left school grounds yet. Jace takes another unplanned turn and thirty seconds later, so does the truck.

“Jace and I slipped out for coffee with Mason, we were on the way back and we’ve lost Mason and a black truck is following us.”

“Where are you? I’m on my way.” He snaps in response. I shake my head even though he can’t see me and then grip the door handle as Jace takes another turn, at speed.

“No!” I shout, “You go straight home and don’t leave Cassie’s side, no matter what, River. Promise me. You and Asher stay with her, don’t let her out of your sight.”

“Baby…” He tries again, but I cut him off.

“Promise me, Marcus.”

“Fuck!” he curses away from the phone, muttering quietly before coming back to me, “I pinky promise, baby. Max is coming, okay? Linc is locked in on your location, just stay on the phone, okay?”

“Okay.” I respond, as Jace takes another turn, then speeds down the road to take another one, before the truck can see what direction we went in. I take the gun from my waistband, check it, and then pull off the safety. My eyes don’t leave the rearview mirror as I wait.

I can feel Jace looking with me, and after a few agonizing minutes, he releases a breath, “I think we lost them.”

I think he’s right and I turn towards him just as the truck comes into view again, “Jace, look out!” I scream, but it’s too late.

It smashes right into the side of us at full speed, Jace’s side taking the force of it and in an instant, we are rolling. Everything feels like it starts to happen in slow motion. The car spinning, the windows smashing, the coffees spilling, the blood pouring. I feel the gun slip from my clenched fist as my body is forced in all directions and my head smashes into the glass at the same time it shatters. The impact of the crash wracks my entire body with instant pain. I think I black out, I’m not sure, but I hear voices outside and Marcus' distorted voice still coming through the speaker.

A voice I don’t recognize comes closer, “we got her, she isn’t alone.” There is a pause before the unfamiliar voice continues, “the one with the man bun.” He adds. I look over to Jace and immediately wish I hadn’t. He’s unconscious and bleeding and I feel the fear and tears claw at my throat instantly. This is it, they found us. I reach for the phone in my pocket, as the voice outside speaks again.

“Boss says to bring them both.” He says calmly, and the crunching of glass tells me they are getting close.

I press the button on my phone that disconnects the Bluetooth, as my vision starts to blur, “River.” I gasp out.

“Elle!” He screams, “Elle what the fuck happened?” He sounds so far away yet I can feel his desperation as if he’s next to me. I can feel myself starting to fade and I know without a doubt we are about to be taken. “Ells, talk to me please.”

A gas canister is thrown through the smashed window and I push out one last word before the darkness and the Donovan’s, both take me.
