Only a Duke Will Do by Tamara Gill


Isolde walked about the grounds of her sister’s Scottish castle and admired its beauty. Elizabeth, who was in her late stages of pregnancy, had invited them to stay at Muirdeen before heading off on their wedding trip.

Merrick and she had left London and its wagging tongues behind, only a day after saying their vows. The gossipmongers were beyond put out over their marriage so soon after her broken engagement to Wardoor and because Merrick had married during his period of mourning. They had decided to break their journey to the Continent by visiting Scotland and the beautiful Highlands. Isolde wanted Merrick to see Avonmore and all its beauty. Furthermore, she wanted to celebrate their nuptials with her sister Elizabeth, who hadn’t been able to attend the wedding so close to her time.

The heather was in full bloom as Isolde strolled through it, picking it absently as she made her way back to the castle. Lady Lily lay asleep in her arms, her perfect dark eyelashes sweeping across her rosy cheeks. Little William ran about before her, his own bunch of heather gaining size with each passing moment. Isolde looked out over the lands before Muirdeen Castle, a locale that could, she admitted, rival that of her own Scottish estate.

But here at Muirdeen her sister and her dearest little nephew lived, and so it was probably slightly better than Avonmore.

Merrick came out of the castle and gazed about, seemingly looking for her. She made her way over to him, inwardly thanking providence that he was now hers.

“Are you looking for me, Your Grace?” A gust of wind lifted her skirts, and she had to hold them down with her hand lest he see her unmentionables…again. She blushed. “I thought you were tasting whisky today with Henry.” Isolde pulled the knitted blanket about Lily’s face to keep the wind away.

“I’ve partaken in all the whisky I can handle,” he replied, grinning, before he kissed his daughter’s head.

“Really?” That certainly didn’t sound like him.

“No.” He laughed, taking her hand. He lifted it slowly and kissed her palm with a lingering look. His face had day-old stubble around his jaw, and handsome didn’t come close to how he appeared.

“I came to seek you all out. I missed you.”

She went into his arms, reaching up to place a small kiss on his cheek. “We missed you, too. But it’s been only about three hours since I saw you last, and William has been keeping me company. Haven’t you,” she stated, catching her son’s eye.

“I have, Father, and look,” William said, foisting a posy of heather toward his papa. “I have heather for Lily. I’m going to have Nanny put it in her room until you return from your trip.”

Isolde noted Merrick’s proud stare. “You’re a good boy, and I hope you behave for Auntie Elizabeth and Uncle Henry. If you do, we shall bring lots of presents back for you both.”

William started to hop on the spot, his eyes bright with excitement. “Will you, Papa? Oh, can I have a toy theater? I read about one, or at least Nanny did in one of your papers, and I would love to put on a play for you all.”

“You’ll have to wait and see,” Merrick said, ruffling his son’s hair, who went back to picking heather, a smile breaking across his delightful face.

Isolde caught Merrick’s gaze, and they stood looking at each other for a moment before Beth waddled out of the castle doors, waving them over.

“Your Grace, how very kind of you to leave my husband asleep and snoring in the library. And that he smells of liquor tells me you enjoyed your visit to the distillery.”

Isolde laughed as Merrick tried to look contrite. “Do forgive me, Lady Muir. I did try to curtail our partaking of the drink, but it really is very good whisky. The best I’ve ever tasted, in fact.”

Beth laughed and gestured for them to come inside. “Come, dinner will be served in the next hour, and we should get changed. Nanny has a bath ready for the children, also. And if I’m not in the dining room on time, please come looking in the library, for I’m surely still trying to wake my husband.”

Isolde laughed and taking Merrick’s hand, proceeded indoors and headed toward their room upstairs. They bade the children good night, but not before undressing William and depositing him into the bath. Isolde kissed both children before making her way to her room. The castle’s old stone staircase circled about, and coming to the second floor, they walked along the long passageway, both quiet with their own thoughts.

Isolde’s maid, Fanny, dipped into a curtsy when Isolde dismissed her for the night, smiling at Merrick as the young woman’s face lit up at the kind gesture.

Merrick stood beside the dressing table, slowly undoing his cravat when his gaze lifted and their eyes met in the mirror.

Pleasure spiked through her as she watched him. Watched as he looked at her like a lion looked at its prey. Ravenous and without remorse.

“Do you need help with your cravat, Your Grace?”

His eyes darkened with passion and butterflies took flight in Isolde’s stomach. “I’ve got this.” He turned and strode over to her but not touching her, just stood there, undressing himself before her and teasing her senses.

“I’ve thought about having you to myself in this room all day.” His whispered words sent spirals of desire coursing through her blood.

The room was shadowed in the afternoon light, twilight upon them in this part of the world and, with the small windows that the rooms had, shadows danced in every corner.

Merrick’s lips came down hard on hers, and she clutched at his shoulders, wanting, needing to be as close as she could.

His tongue swirled with hers, and need, hot and heavy, buckled her knees. “We have only an hour, my love,” she gasped as he ground against her.

He groaned. “That shouldn’t be a problem.”

Merrick had to have her. Now. Pain tore through his body at the thought of stopping. It was too late for that. He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs about his hips. Her heat scorched him. Her body, open and willing, made him wild with need.

He strode toward the door, the closest purchase he could find, and pushed her up against the wood paneling. She fumbled with the front falls of his breeches until they were together, skin on delicious skin, body against aching body. He slid against her center, feeling her readiness and inflaming his own.

“You’re so beautiful. I want you so badly it hurts.”

Their gazes met, and it slammed into him how much she was enjoying herself. The wild urgency he read in her gaze drove him to distraction, and he had to take a deep breath lest he lose control and disgrace himself against her slick heat.

“I have to have you, too.”

Merrick took her with little finesse. She gasped, her eyes closing slowly in ecstasy. His hands slipped about her ass, holding her against him as he relentlessly pumped into her hot core. The door creaked behind them, their labored breaths forgotten as they lost themselves in each other.

“Oh yes. Merrick,” Isolde gasped, her hands wrapping about his neck and holding him close. “Don’t stop.”

He couldn’t. She was the perfect fit for him. The moment she came, her body clamping around him and pulling him toward his own pleasure, was too much. He didn’t stop, just took her again and again as she climaxed in his arms, her moans muffled by a kiss.

“Would you be averse to eating in our room this evening?” He nibbled her neck and steadied her when she wobbled in his arms.

She met his gaze, grinning. “Not at all. That sounds perfect.”

He slid his hand about her breast, and she shivered in his arms. Always so willing, so loving and responsive to his touch. How he loved her and all that she was. “What will your sister think of us missing dinner? You’re turning into a scandalous wench.”

She kissed him, her hand sliding down his stomach to his nether region, helping him place it back into his pants. He gritted his teeth, enjoying the moment far more than she’d ever know. “Careful love, or I’ll not allow you to leave this room ever.”

Again she drove him to distraction, her soft kisses against his neck sending delectable shivers down his spine. “Then my work here is done.” She smiled up at him. “I do believe I’ll enjoy being locked up in this castle room with you. How long do you think we could remain just so?”

“Forever, if I had my way, but alas, I received word that our ship to France will dock next week and so I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we’ll be leaving the delightful Highlands for the Continent sooner than you thought.”

Her eyes widened with surprise and excitement. “France. I cannot wait even that long.”

“And Switzerland, followed by Italy. I want to explore the world with you, make up for the time we lost.”

She reached up, hugging him close. “Oh, thank you, Merrick, for fighting for me, for loving me as much as you do. I cannot imagine my life without you, William, or Lily now.”

Merrick picked her up and strolled over to the bed. “Nor I, and you’re most welcome, the pleasure is all mine.”

She threw him an impish grin. “And mine, too,” she said as he kissed her soundly. They did not make the dinner, as planned.