Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

The little girlperched behind Sebastian jumps to her feet on the couch and exclaims again, “Bash has lice! Twick, Emwee, help me!”

My gaze darts to Sebastian, who is clearly mortified. “I do not have lice!”

I can’t help it. My lips begin to curl, and a snort rips from my nose. Sebastian shoots daggers at me with his eyes then crosses his arms over his chest. “I don’t like this game anymore.”

Everly is rolling on the couch, laughing her little head off, and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. She clutches her belly then squeals when Sebastian flips around and begins tickling her.

What happened to the asshole I met in the coffee shop last week? ’Cause this guy is most assuredly not him.

Hazel crawls over and pulls herself up at Sebastian’s side, trying to get in on the action. He turns on her, scoops her up, and lays her on the couch beside her sister, and tickles them both. Shrill laughter fills the air, and I am left speechless.

My heart squeezes at the sight before me and the sounds surrounding me. This moment, right here, may very well be the most beautiful thing I have ever observed.

All thoughts of leaving have left my mind as I watch Sebastian play with his nieces. Christ, this might even be hotter than him being an asshole.

A few minutes later, when all the excitement has calmed down, he turns to face me and grins. “Sometimes a little tickle-torture is required to keep the troops in line.”

I nod, fighting to keep my expression serious. “Hmm, yes, I can see that. It’s very effective.”

Everly and Hazel lie on the couch side by side, completely exhausted from their uncle’s attack. They smile happily, and it hits me right in the feels. He doesn’t just look after them; he loves them. This isn’t just a job to him; it’s his passion.

His words from the other day replay in my mind. I love my day job. I don’t foresee anything making me want to give it up.

I have so many more questions now that I know this about him, and I’m itching to ask every single one of them.

Hazel’s little mouth stretches in a huge yawn, and Sebastian picks her up. “Time for a bottle and your nap, baby girl,” he says to her, and she rests her little head on his shoulder as he turns to me. “I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

“Okay,” I say, smiling softly at the image of this gorgeous man smoothing his large palm over the baby’s back as he presses his lips gently to the top of her head.

And there go my ovaries, up in flames.

When he leaves the room, Everly sits up and looks at me expectantly. I have no idea what she wants, and I have no idea how to interact with kids, so I just stare at her.

She narrows her little eyes at me, and I get the distinct impression I’m being judged. “Do you lub my Bash, Emwee?”

My eyes bug out at her. What kind of question is that? And coming from a, what—five-year-old? I clear my throat. “Umm, no, we’re just friends.”

She scrunches her cute button nose and crosses her arms over her chest, seemingly unconvinced.

I swallow and decide it’s time to change the subject. “How old are you, Everly?”

“Four,” she says. “I’m a bid dirl. I’m dunna be five soon.”

Ha! I was close. “Cool. Are you going to have a big party?”

This successfully wipes the glare off her face, and her eyes light up. “Yes! I’m dunna be a fairwee pincess. And Bash is dunna be my pwince.”

Oh my god. I lay my hand over my melted, gooey heart. This is too much. He’s officially lost all his asshole cred in my eyes. I smile at the pretty little girl before me and tell her, “I’d love to see that.”

“See what?” Sebastian asks, striding back into the lounge area with a plate of crackers, cheese, and a sliced apple. He places it at a tiny table beside the couch, and Everly climbs off the couch and takes a seat at it then starts picking at the food.

“We were just talking about Everly’s birthday plans,” I say as he comes to sit in front of me.

He nods. “Yeah, she’s got it all worked out already, even though it’s still three months away. She started planning it when her momma started planning her wedding. She’s got a little book and everything,” he says, smiling fondly at his niece.

“Cool, cool, cool,” I mutter, unsure of what else to say. It feels a little weird to dive right into my interview questions now that I’ve seen him being all normal and shit. He’s become a person to me, not just an author. And besides, it’s not like I can ask him anything about the sexy fun times in his book with a four-year-old hanging around.

Sebastian runs his hands through his hair and says, “So, that brings me to this favor…”

I arch a brow. “What brings you to the favor? Everly’s birthday party?”

He shakes his head. “No, my sister’s wedding.”

“Oh, okay,” I say. “What about her wedding exactly?”

“I’d like you to be my date. And it would be really great if you could pretend you’re madly in love with me and we’re an actual serious item,” he says.

I blink at him several times as I absorb his words. “And the purpose of this would be?”

“It’s a two-birds-with-one-stone situation.” He holds up his index finger. “It would get my sister off my back about getting into the dating game again,” he says. Then a second finger pops up to join the first before he continues. “And I can rub you in my ex’s face.”

Nodding, I tap my chin. “That’s some pretty solid reasoning. I can see the appeal of both those things. I just have a couple of questions first.”

He grins and snorts. “Of course you do. Fire away.”

I shuffle forward to the edge of the coffee table I’m sitting on and bend forward, resting my elbows on my knees then knotting my fingers between them. “How long have you and your ex been broken up?”

“Over six months,” he says.

My gaze rakes over his face. “Do you want her back?”

He shakes his head. “Nope.”

I believe him. There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation in his answer, but I keep prodding. “Did you love her?”


“Do you still?”

“Nope,” he says. And he’s examining me as closely as I’m examining him now.

I ask my final question. “So why do you feel the need to rub another woman in her face if you no longer have feelings for her?”

Sebastian tilts his head then runs a hand through his hair again. “Honestly, I’m pissed at her,” he says. “We were together for a long time, and I’m angry that she left the way she did. I still haven’t told my sister the true reason Jayla and I broke up because it would kill her and ruin their friendship.”

I frown. I know why they broke up. And it’s a really shitty reason. “If I were your sister, I’d want to know the kind of person she really is. I think your sister deserves to know the truth behind your breakup. It should be her decision if she keeps your ex in her life or not.”

He grimaces and laces his hands between his knees. “I’ve been going back and forth on whether I should tell her or not. The problem is, we’ve all been friends since high school. Jayla and I met because of Storm; they were best friends. I don’t want to be the person who ends that.”

“You wouldn’t be,” I tell him, placing my hand over his. “I’ve been in this house with you and your nieces for less than an hour, and I can see how much they mean to you. How important they are to you. How passionate you are about them. I could never imagine asking you to give up the relationship you have with them—not for anything.”

His eyes shine with something I can’t name, but it makes me feel things. Intense, heart-clenching things.

“Thank you,” he breathes. And it’s only then that I realize how close we are to each other.

We’ve moved to the edge of our seats, and I didn’t even know it. I swallow—hard.

“I’ll think about telling Storm,” Sebastian says.

“Good,” I murmur. Our eyes are locked, and my chest rises and falls in rapid succession as my breathing picks up pace.

“I’m finished!” Everly yells right in our faces.

We turn our heads, and she’s standing right there. A huge grin is on her little face, and an empty plate is in her hands.

Slowly, Sebastian and I move away from each other.

Sebastian scruffs up Everly’s hair, and she scowls at him. “Go put your plate in the sink, princess, and I’ll get your coloring stuff out.”

She skips off to do as he said. And I’m once again hit with a bunch of feelings I’m not sure what to do with when he stands and retrieves a unicorn coloring book and some pencils. He sets them up at the little table, drags out a tiny chair, then sits in it.

He looks ridiculous sitting there, but at the same time, it’s so freaking cute. I can’t even.