Unexpected Lovers Box Set by J.B. Heller

“How much ofthat did you hear?” Lennon asks so softly that if I wasn’t as attuned to everything about her, I could have missed it.

“All of it,” I admit. Ain’t no shame in my game. I’ve been one hundred percent honest with her since the beginning, and I’m not stopping now.

She swallows, her eyes darting farther down the hall to Bates’ closed bedroom door.

“He wanted to be alone,” I explain to her unasked question, then I reach for her, tilting her chin in my direction. Our eyes lock, and I move a fraction closer. “You want me,” I state.

Lennon doesn’t flinch or even attempt to deny it. She does, however, try to pull her head away, out of my grasp, but I don’t let her. I sink my fingertips into the soft flesh of her jaw, holding her in place.

“Admit it to my face,” I demand, bringing my mouth so close to hers, the feel of her breath feathering over my lips.

Hearing her semi-confess to her friends filled me with even more determination than I already had. But I want to hear the words directed at me. I need it.

Her pupils dilate, and her breathing becomes ragged. And the longer we stand here, the harder I’m getting. My dick throbs in my jeans. I grit my teeth to stop myself from slamming my mouth down on hers, giving us what I know we both want.

“It doesn’t matter what I want,” she says in a hoarse whisper. “I can’t have it.” Then she yanks her head out of my hold and storms to her bedroom, where she shoves inside then slams the door behind her.

Well, shit. I run a hand through my hair, frustrated not just with her constantly pushing me away, but sexually, too. I rearrange my dick so it doesn’t look like I’m sporting a massive erection then go say my goodbyes to Emory and Sebastian.

“I’m out, guys,” I say when I round the corner into the living room where they’re still cuddled up together on the loveseat.

“Later, man,” Sebastian says, holding out a fist for me to bump on my way past.

Emory turns around, resting her elbows on the back of the couch and cradling her face in her palms. She’s looking at me expectantly, and I have no idea why.

“So,” she says, “when are you going to fix that?” She points her finger toward the hall.

I frown. “Bates? What do you want me to do? He’ll talk about it when he’s ready.”

Emory rolls her eyes at me. “Not him, you big idiot. Lennon.”

“Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that. She’s stubborn and stuck in her I-don’t-need-a-man ways. You’re going to have to up your game.”

Sighing, I run a hand through my hair again. “I know, and I’m working on it. How long until you move out again?”

She smiles and says, “Next weekend. Why? What’s the plan?”

I glance down the hall, making sure both Lennon’s and Bates’ doors are still closed, then I round the loveseat to sit on the couch. “Okay, so I’ve been dropping in on her randomly at work a lot, and since Bates moved in here, I’ve been around all the fucking time, right? I’m just going to be up in her face as much as humanly possible until she gives in.”

Emory frowns, deep creases forming between her brows. “Mm-kay. What’s that got to do with me moving out?”

Now, it’s my turn to smile as I tell them about my three-step plan.

“That should do it, I reckon,” Sebastian says, nodding.

Emory’s rubbing her baby bump, a thoughtful expression on her face. “It might just work. I can see her getting over the fact that you’re her client if you make the appropriate promises regarding your business relationship. You and I are both aware of how she feels about her career. But what about Bates? How do you plan to deal with that little roadblock?”

“Bates and I have been friends forever. He knows I’ve never been a player or treated a woman with anything but respect. Shouldn’t that be enough?” I ask. “This has nothing to do with our friendship.”

Sebastian pipes up again. “Dude, bro code states you can’t do your bro’s sister.”

I wave him off. “Yeah, if all you want is a one-and-done situation. But that’s not what this is.”

“Are you sure? How do you know your attraction to her isn’t because she’s, like, the forbidden fruit or something?” Emory asks.

Hmm. To admit we’ve already slept together or to keep my mouth shut since Lennon obviously hasn’t told her girl that we did the dirty?

But I don’t get a chance to respond. My obvious pause has Emory’s eyes narrowing with suspicion. “You two already boned, didn’t you?!” she whisper-hisses.

My eyes widen, and I shrug helplessly. “I—fuck—maybe . . .”

Her smile lights her entire face. “Oh my God, when? Where? Was it love at first orgasm?”

A bubble of shocked laughter erupts from me. “Love at first orgasm? Is that even a thing?”

“Oh yeah,” she says seriously. “Definitely.”

“Right, well, I’ll take your word for it.” Taking a deep breath, I launch into the story of how Len and I ended up sleeping together. By the end of it, I’m drained. Fighting for Lennon is fucking hard and tiring. But I know, without a doubt, that she’s worth it, and I’m up for the challenge.

Emory is practically bouncing in her seat. “This would make an epic romance novel,” she says, then her hand flies out, whacking Sebastian in the chest. “You should write it!”

He rubs at the spot. “Yeah, babe, I’ll get right on it. After the other hundred ideas you have for me.”

“So, you guys think this will work?” I ask, genuinely wanting their opinions.

“I’m an advocate for love, so I vote yes,” Emory says.

Sebastian tugs her closer and brushes a kiss to her temple then says, “Yeah, man, I mean, her walls are bound to start fracturing soon with you up in her space, reminding her you’re not going anywhere.”

I nod my agreement. “Right? How much longer can she resist me? I’m a fucking catch.” I grin and push to my feet. “Alright, I’m really leaving this time. Thanks for the chat.”

“Keep me posted,” Emory calls to my back when I head for the door.

“Will do,” I assure her as I leave.

Once inside the elevator, I let my head rest on the mirrored wall behind me, thinking about what Lennon said tonight. It wasn’t an admittance, per se, but it wasn’t denial either. So, I guess that’s progress.

I stop by the packaging store on my way home and pick up a stack of moving boxes and a few rolls of tape. If Emory’s moving out next weekend, I’d better get cracking on the packing.

* * *

“Beers at yours tonight?”Bates asks as we shower after a grueling practice on Wednesday night.

“Sure.” I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to put step three into action, and this is it. Emory will be moving out in a few days, and my lease will officially be up in just over a week.

I finish scrubbing down, then I rinse off and grab my towel.

Back at my locker, I’m pulling my shirt over my head when I overhear Jonesy talking to some of the other guys about Bates’ fuck-hot sister. My jaw clenches, and my fist curls.

“The fuck did you just say?” I yell, shoving the slightly shorter guy against his locker.

He frowns at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “You’ve seen her. Don’t act like you wouldn’t hit that if Bates wasn’t around.”

You have got to be fucking kidding me. My eyes narrow to slits. “Do you have a death wish? Keep talking like that and I’ll be happy to grant it,” I sneer in his face.

Bates appears, still dripping wet from the shower, a towel wrapped around his hips. He pushes me back with a forearm to my chest. “The fuck’s goin’ on in here?”

I glare at Jonesy, just waiting for him to open his fat mouth and say something else about Lennon. But wisely, the jackass keeps his thoughts to himself in front of Bates.

“Nothin’. Your boy got his nose out of joint ’cause I told him he was off his game tonight. His pitches were shit,” Jonesy says, puffing his chest out.

Bates glances at me over his shoulder, and I shrug then turn back to my own locker and grab my phone and keys.

“Wait up,” Bates calls after me. “Let me get dressed, asshole. You’re my ride.”

“I’ll be in the car,” I mutter then carry on my way. If I stay in the same room as Jonesy the little bitch, I’ll do more than shove him.

Half hour later, we’re back at my place, and I hand Bates a beer before popping the cap off my own.

“What’s with all the boxes?” Bates asks, kicking his feet up on one in front of the couch.

It’s go time.

“Didn’t I tell you? I pulled out of that house on Valentina Drive. A problem came up with the plumbing or something, and I didn’t want to deal with that shit, so I withdrew from the contract.”

Bates’ brows bunch as he looks around my almost fully packed apartment. “So, why are you still packing?”

“I forgot to resign the new lease on this place. I gotta be out in, like, ten days. Still looking for somewhere to go, though.” I take a deep drag from my beer.

“Ten days?” he repeats. “How the hell are you going to find somewhere to live in ten days, man?”

I run a hand through my hair and sigh. “I have no fucking clue.”

My best friend scratches his neck as his gaze sweeps the room again. “You know Emmy’s moving out this weekend . . .”

“No shit?” I say, playing dumb.

He nods, his eyes lighting in the way they do when he has what he calls an epic idea. “Move in with us,” he says. “There’s plenty of room. You don’t have that much shit.”

“Really? That’d be fucking perfect. Thanks, man, you’ve always got my back.”

And he does. Ever since we were kids, Bates has been there for me, no matter what.

I feel like a shit for lying to him. But what was I going to say? Hey, man, I’m into your sister. Can I move in with you guys so she’ll finally give in and be my girlfriend?

Not only would I lose my man card, but Bates would probably beat the shit out of me. I figure once we’re together, we can tell him, and he’ll be cool with it because we’ll both be happy. And at the end of the day, I know that’s all Bates wants for both of us.

Bates slaps me on the back. “No problem. You know you’re like a brother to me and Lenny. We’ll be, like, one big happy family.”

I cringe. I might see Bates as a brother, too, but I certainly don’t see Lennon as a sister. The things I want to do to her are very unbrotherly . . .