Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose

Chapter Thirteen


Iroll my eyes at the whimpering guy bent over my counter. Not that he can see, of course, but still. The guy only had his freaking ear pierced and he’s blubbering? Guess he won’t be getting that Jacob’s ladder he was thinking about, if this is how he is after just his ear.

By the time he leaves, Talon’s out front and snickering. “You grab him by the balls, Raven?” he taunts. “The way he was crying, I figured he got fresh with you.”

“He wishes that was the reason,” I grumble. “Guy was crying from me giving him a piercing in his left ear. Wants to look like George Michael did in the eighties or something. Before that, he was talking about getting a Jacob’s ladder.”

Talon winces, and I can see him resisting the urge to cup his junk. Some guys love the stuff, but Talon isn’t one of them. The time I mentioned giving him one, he all but threatened me with bodily harm if my hands went anywhere near his junk with a needle. Guess Piper won’t ever get to experience that kind of pleasure, though with the size of Talon’s dick, I don’t know if any more could fit in there.

Lord help her if she ever gets pregnant. I’d be demanding a C-section. No joke. That kid’s head will probably be the size of a freaking watermelon.

“Why a guy would do that to his dick makes no sense to me,” Talon grumbles. He holds up his hand. “I don’t want to know, woman, shut it.” I snicker, but keep my mouth shut. “So how was your night in the apartment?”

“It was fine,” I say with a casual shrug, even though I feel anything but.

Holy hell, Sloan kissed me.

It was the hottest kiss I’ve ever experienced. Probably why I didn’t push him away the minute he touched me. Hell, I can still taste him. The man is potent. Makes me want to knee him in the balls again just on principle. I spent all night tossing and turning, and my fingers and vibrator did little to douse the fire burning inside me. Images of what Sloan could do with his mouth plagued my dreams, meaning I got little sleep, so I’m not in the best of moods.

Something Falcon must have picked up on, because when I went in and woke him up for school, he didn’t argue or put up any kind of fight. He got ready, had a quick breakfast, and didn’t argue when I walked him to school.

Either way, I still want to go give Sloan a piece of my mind. This whole fake relationship is supposed to be just that. Fake. Except when the social worker is around and that can be solved without being all touchy feely.

Admit it, you want him to kiss you again, my traitorous brain taunts me smugly.

I ignore that and look back at Talon who’s watching me with curious eyes, like he knows there’s more. I scowl at him. “What?” I snap.

“You’re in an awfully shitty mood for someone who’s living in a condo worth more than all of our salaries combined and then some,” Talon muses thoughtfully.

“Says the man with a fifty million dollar trust fund,” I sneer.

Talon shrugs. “I don’t really think about it, and I’m donating a lot of that to the shelter and different charities around here. I don’t need that kind of money. Never did.”

“Sorry,” I mutter, feeling like a bitch.

He waves that off. Talon’s grandfather left him a huge trust fund his family tried to take from him because they got themselves in big trouble with the Russian Mob. Yep, you heard that right, the mob. They tried to declare Talon mentally unstable so they could get their greedy hands on it; and when that didn’t work, they kidnapped him and some psycho doctor tortured him.

Yeah, it was all sorts of fucked up.

Now though, he and Piper seem to have moved on and started their life together, and despite that much green in his account, Talon is exactly the same. Probably why I like him so much. He’s kind of like the brother I always wanted and thought I never had.

“So you got shit figured out with the social worker?” Talon asks, bringing me back to the conversation.

“Yeah,” I say with a nod. I don’t tell him how because I’m not ready to announce that kind of news just yet. I’m still getting used to it myself.

“That’s good. You have any more problems, just let me know, alright?”

I nod and he heads back towards his station. I sigh and sit down in my chair, staring blankly at the screen in front of me. I have a bunch of appointments to confirm and some paperwork that needs to be finished up, but I have no desire to do any of it today. My mind is too full of everything else.

Namely Sloan Lincoln and the way he’s forcing himself into my life. Into Falcon’s life too.

I didn’t get to talk to Falcon yet about our plan, but I plan on discussing it with him tonight when we get home. I don’t know how he’s going to take it, but I hope he’ll agree to go along with it. I wonder how he’ll react to Sloan when he meets him.

Either way, Sloan is going to be around and we have to get used to it. Though, for me, it’s going to be making sure I keep my hands to myself. Last night I learned exactly what that man is hiding in his pants. He isn’t Talon-sized, but he’s definitely not tiny either. Guess that Tiny Tim joke isn’t going to work anymore. I’ll have to come up with something else to insult his dick.

My phone buzzes, pulling me away from my thoughts, and I feel a flutter in my belly when I see it’s Sloan. No, no, I scold myself firmly. None of that. He might have a nice dick and a wicked mouth, but we’re not in a real relationship. I open the message and snort out a laugh when I see it’s a picture of him sitting on the bag of peas I had delivered to him. Dress pants and all.

Sloan: My balls thank you for your thoughtfulness. Though I think any kids we might have may be stunted.

Me: Might want to re-freeze those because I have the feeling that you’ll be needing them lots in the foreseeable future.

Sloan: Then plan for you kissing them better before we’re through.

I shake my head. He doesn’t give up, does he?

Me: In your dreams, Lincoln.

Sloan: Why yes, you were. In fact, I had interesting ones after that kiss. Want me to tell you about them?

Desire shoots through me, and I can feel my panties getting damp. This is not something I need to entertain. Normally I’m all about sexual satisfaction between two consenting adults, but I’m not about to jump into that pool with Sloan. No way. That’s asking for trouble.

Me: Nope. I slept like a baby.

Sloan: Liar.

I smirk to myself. He’ll never know, now will he?

Me: Get back to work, Lincoln. The world can’t be bought if you’re texting me.

Sloan: Alright, snookums. I’ll talk to you later.

I growl low in my throat at his obvious attempt to piss me off. Probably his whole point in texting me in the first place. Fucking pet names. I don’t bother answering him back, since I know he’ll be expecting it. Nope, I need to plan something better. A knee to the balls will be expected too, so I’m going to have to be clever about this.

The door to the shop opens, and I see two of the Devil’s Soldiers, Viper and Torque, coming in. Torque is Bullet and Rose’s middle son, and the quietest out of the three . He’s pure Bullet in looks and build, but every once in a while I get a flash of Rose when he smirks at me. Or when he opens his mouth because you never know what’s going to come out. He’s damn good looking, but the two of us never clicked. He’s too interested in working at the garage the MC owns, but I know the man is a genius with anything engine related.

“Hey there, doll face,” Viper says warmly as he leans against the counter. “Still waiting for you to change your mind and go out on that date with me.”

I roll my eyes. Viper has been making it clear that he wants me in his bed, but at this point, it’s more reflex. “Never,” I tell him, the same reply I always do. “I’d eat you alive.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for, doll face,” he smirks, winking at me.

I laugh, because hell, I walked right into that one. “Shut up. You two assholes here for tattoos?”

“He is,” Viper says with a flick of his thumb towards Torque, who’s listening to us with an amused smile on his face. “I’m here to hold his hand. Biggest pussy around, this one.”

Torque flips him off and says, “I’d rather the black widow here hold my hand than your ugly ass.”

“Black widow?” Viper asks, confused.

“Female Black Widow spiders kill their mates after sex,” Torque explains. “Don’t you ever read a book, asshole?”

I snicker and Viper rolls his eyes. “Why would I when I have your brain to do it for me?” he retorts. He looks back at me. “Though I see the resemblance. Piss you off and you’re liable to bite off my dick instead of suck it.”

I flash him a toothy smile. “And don’t you forget it,” I purr.

Viper laughs. “So how’d things go with that social worker? I know you said it was good, but I got experience with those assholes so if you ever need help, just let me know. I got your back.”

I forgot about that, but I remember Viper mentioning his ex trying to make his life hell when it comes to his son. A son that she’s using as a pawn to try and get more money out of him.

“She’s a bitch,” I tell him honestly. “I know her type, and she’s going to try and cause me as much trouble as she can before this is finally over.”

“She looked like she had a major stick up her ass,” Viper agrees. All humor is gone from his face. “You let us know if she harasses you. We’ll put a stop to it.”

I nod, not really wanting to know what ‘putting a stop to it’ would entail.The MC might not be 1%ers, but they’re definitely not choir boys. “Sloan Lincoln is going to help me out,” I tell him.

“Sloan’s helping you out with what?” Wolf asks as he walks up to the desk. He does a bro handshake and shoulder bump with Viper and Torque before turning to look at me, brow arched in question.

Shit. I don’t really want to tell them. “Just with the social worker issue,” I answer vaguely.

Wolf, of course, doesn’t buy it. “Spill it, woman. What’s going on with you and Sloan?”

“What’s up with Sloan?” Nix asks as he comes down the hall, obviously having heard the start of this conversation.

“Don’t you assholes have work to do?” I ask them with a glare.

“Did you forget that I’m your boss?” Wolf glares back.

I scoff. We both know that threat doesn’t work on me. These guys would be lost without me. “My personal life doesn’t have anything to do with my work,” I retort.

“You know, the more you stall and argue, the more time it gives me to make some calls of my own and find out,” Wolf points out smugly. “I’ll just call Sloan and ask him myself.”

I can only imagine what would come out of Sloan’s mouth if Wolf did call him. I throw up my hands in exasperation. “Fine. He’s pretending to be my boyfriend to keep the social worker off my back. Are you happy?”

Wolf’s mouth drops open in shock, Viper’s eyes widen, Nix snorts out a laugh, and Torque just stares at me. Huh, who knew that was all it would take to shut them up? Should have tried that sooner, apparently.

“You and Sloan are in a relationship?” Wolf asks slowly. “As in Sloan Lincoln?”

“A fake relationship,” I stress with a frown. “The social worker was making noises that I couldn’t afford the place when she showed up, and that she was taking Falcon because I couldn’t be trusted to give him a stable home. Sloan opened his big mouth and told her that we are in a relationship and that he provided the apartment. She bought it and backed off, but now we’re kind of stuck pretending until she goes away.”

“So what? He’s going to be living with you guys until she stops checking in?” Wolf asks.

I shake my head quickly. “No. This is fake. How many times do I have to say that? We’re not living together or actually dating. It’s only to get the social worker off my back. Nothing more.” Except for the fact that he kissed you and that sure as hell was real, my mind so graciously reminds me.

Viper smirks. “Should have figured you would turn me down for a rich bastard like him,” he pouts dramatically. “I can let you go, doll face, as long as he makes you happy. Though we both know he’ll never be as good in bed as me.”

“Oh for fucks sake,” I groan, putting my face in my hands. “You assholes are going to drive me to drink.”

Viper laughs. “Doll face, you do whatever you have to do to keep that bitch off your back, but you make sure you call me if you need help, got it?”

“I’ll be fine,” I assure him, but roll my eyes when he glares at me. “Fine, I’ll call you if I need you,” I reluctantly agree.

“Good. Oh, and if that asshole and his fancy suit tries to pull any stunts, I’ll make sure to help out with that too,” he adds with a lethal smile. “He hurts you and they’ll never find his body.”

“He won’t hurt me,” I growl. “You can’t hurt someone in a fake relationship. I doubt we’ll even see each other that much. Now, Torque, go with Wolf before I have to shoot him with Viper’s gun.”

“Who says I have a gun?” Viper counters, but he winks at me. I highly doubt any of these MC boys are ever without a weapon.

Wolf chuckles. “Alright, we’ll get to work, but make sure you let the girls know about this plan before they hear it from somewhere else. Or you’ll have them all showing up at your doorstep at the end of the day.”

“Yeah, I will, after I talk to Falcon,” I promise him.

Wolf nods. “Come on, Torque. I even pulled out the big needles for you this time.” Torque flips him off but follows him down the hall.

Viper looks down at me with a serious expression once they’re out of earshot. “Listen, doll face, I was serious when I said you call me if you have a problem, or even if you just need someone to talk to. I’ve been in your shoes and it fucking sucks.”

“Thanks, Viper,” I say with a smile. “I might take you up on that, but I think I have it under control for now.”

He nods. “And I am serious, if pretty boy hurts you, I’ll make him hurt.”

“If he hurts me, I’ll hurt him myself,” I tell him with a lethal smile of my own. “But I’ll call you for clean-up.”

He gives me a fist bump. “Works for me. Now, find me a spot with Nix so I can get some more ink. I got some ideas for that open spot on my back.”