Echoes & Ink: Raven by Emily Rose



Two Months Later

Isnicker as I notice the wary glances our group is getting. “I think we’re making a few people nervous, ladies,” I announce to the group of women I’m standing with.

We’re at the MC clubhouse for a barbecue, and that means all of us girls are together at the same time. Well, the new MC clubhouse, seeing as they moved all the way out to the sticks.

The girls laugh, and I swear I see a few men step back. Can’t say I blame them. All of us regulars are here, but also Piper’s mother too. They probably think we’re plotting world domination. I like the idea of keeping them on their toes.

“Bunch of pussies,” Rose snorts, but grins wickedly. “Nice to know we inspire that kind of fear.”

“More like they’re afraid of you, Alice, Leonora, and Raven,” Ember laughs. “The rest of us are only feared by association.”

“Hey,” Piper pouts. “I can be scary too”

“Sure, Tinkerbell,” I sneer.

“Whatever,” she mutters, crossing her arms.

We all snicker and head towards the main clubhouse. I can sense eyes on us as we disappear inside, and I can all but feel the sigh of relief. But also the terror at the thought of us being inside alone. We’ll see who’s brave enough to follow us in.

I glance over my shoulder and see Sloan watching, a grin on his face. He winks at me before going back to talking to Bullet, Wolf, Talon, and Nix.

The past few months have been both healing and full of change.

Sloan moved in with Falcon and I only days after the trial. It was a huge adjustment for us, but Falcon was ecstatic. Probably has to do with the fact that Sloan went out and bought a game system to play instead of him having to spend his hard-earned money. That had been our first real argument, but I eventually let it go. Falcon is happy, and it keeps the two of them out of my hair when they piss me off.

Which is often. Just so we’re clear, the male species are disgusting, and I don’t hesitate to let them know. Let’s not even discuss the time Sloan left the seat up and I fell in, in the middle of the night. The cherry on top? Instead of helping me, he laughed his ass off and took pictures.

Yeah, that didn’t end well for him. The man had blue balls for almost two weeks because I refused to let him anywhere near me. Guess who isn’t leaving the toilet seat up anymore? It probably helps that I threatened to nut him if he did it again.

Other than those kinds of things, it’s been great. It’s nice to go home and have Falcon and Sloan waiting for me. On the days I’m home before them, I enjoy the quiet and cooking dinner. It’s familial, and it’s what I’ve wanted for myself but never thought I could have.

After the trial, I struggled with finding my footing. I was raw at having to revisit my past so many times, but Sloan helped me through it. He never faltered. Even on the days I was a raving bitch and not fit to be in the company of anyone. A couple of times I got up in the middle of the night, clenched Melody’s picture and her blanket, and cried for the little life that was lost far too soon.

Sloan eventually convinced me to talk to someone, and the therapist he hooked me up with has been great. She let me get it out, whether by crying or being so damn mad I all but screamed at her. But that was enough to help me over the first hurdle, and it was actually one of her ideas that helped me start moving forward.

She suggested I get my feelings out in some creative way. Drawing, music, or even going to the gym to beat the shit out of a punching bag. I don’t exercise unless under duress, and I prefer listening to music rather than writing it. So that left me with drawing.

I sat down one night after Falcon and Sloan were in bed, staring at the paper, completely at a loss. I remember looking at her picture on the mantel, and it hit me. So I started drawing. I drew everything and anything that made me think of her. In the end, I took the most important ones and sketched an intricate design that was truly all about her.

When I finished it, I was drained. Emotionally and physically. I had finally, finally, purged the hurt and the anger out of me. And I knew what I needed to do with it.

I approached Talon the next day and asked him if he would transfer it into a tattoo. He didn’t even hesitate or question it. He put me in his chair and got to work. By the time he was done, I felt almost whole again. I have her with me forever now.

Now, sitting directly over my heart, is a string of music notes that spell out her name, surrounded by soft pink petals and under the wings of a dove. It’s soft and a lot more delicate than the majority of my tattoos, but it’s perfect. It’s her.

Now, though, I’m ready to embrace my life. Embrace the man who loves me, the brother who came into my life just at the right time, and live.

Starting now with the most important women in my life.

“Grab the wine, girls,” Rose orders. “We’re drinking to our hearts content today.”

We cheer and grab as many drinks as we can handle. When we leave the clubhouse again, every eye is on us. “Shit,” I hear someone mutter. “We’re in trouble, boys. Booze and the lot of them isn’t a good mix.”

“Shut up, Timber,” Rose growls at him as we walk to the empty picnic table in the middle of the yard.

Ember and Ash are snickering, and Piper is grinning from ear to ear. “This is going to be fun,” she preens, winking at her mother.

“Oh indeed. Your father loves it when I get sloppy,” Alice tells her. “He knows he’ll be getting some for sure.”

Piper loses her smile and glares at her mother. “Why do you do that?” she whines. “Seriously? Now I need something much stronger to forget you said that.”

“Like Talon won’t give you that big dick of his tonight when you get home,” Rose snorts.

“Maybe,” Piper says with a shrug.

“Ladies,” Shadow says with a smirk on his lips as he approaches us. “Are we going to have to corral you all tonight to make sure that you behave? Or should I just take up a collection for bail money now?” We all laugh and just grin at him. He shakes his head and walks away.

“Alright, ladies,” Rose announces as we grab our drinks, raising them for a toast. “To the women that keep these men in line.”

“And to all the shit we get up to to keep them on their toes,” Leonora chimes in with a grin.

“To my new friends I wouldn’t trade for the world,” Alice beams.

“To the badass women who I always want in my corner,” Ember says.

“To all you crazy bitches that will corrupt my son before he even starts talking,” Ash laughs.

“To the friendships I’ll never take for granted,” Piper says with a warm smile.

Finally it’s my turn.

“To my family,” I say softly. “The only ones that matter. And the ones that will always have my back.”

They smile at me knowingly. “Cheers,” we all say, clinking our glasses together.

I glance over and see Sloan smiling at me, love clear on his face. Yeah, I definitely included him in that toast. Even when I want to murder him in his sleep for being an asshole. But he’s my asshole.

Doesn’t mean I won’t get my revenge though. Just wait until he gets back to the office on Monday and finds my little surprise.