Devil in a Kilt by Sue-Ellen Welfonder

Chapter 2

Many hours and countless leagues later, Ranald MacDonnell signaled the small party behind him to a halt. Linnet’s pony snorted in protest, shifting restlessly as she reined him in. She shared his edginess, for they’d arrived at their destination.

After a seemingly endless trek through MacKenzie territory, they’d reached the halfway point where Ranald claimed her husband-to-be would meet them.

Nervous, Linnet patted the linen veil covering her hair and adjusted the fall of her mother’s arisaid around her shoulders. If only she hadn’t coiled her long plaits around her ears, hiding them from view beneath her concealing headgear. Her betrothed thought her plain, but her tresses were bonnie.

Her brothers claimed her hair color rivaled the reds and golds of the most brilliant flame.

Would that she’d worn her hair loose. It was embarrassment enough to meet her new husband, enemy or nae, garbed in little more than rags. At least her mother’s precious plaid lent her a semblance of grace. Even so, she could have kept a wee bit more dignity by flaunting, not concealing her best feature.

But regret served no purpose now, for the forest floor already shook from the pounding hooves of fast-approaching horses.

“Cuidich’ N’ Righ!”The MacKenzie battle cry rent the air. “Save the king!”

Linnet’s pony tossed its head, then skittered sideways in panic. As she struggled to calm him, a double line of warrior-knights thundered into view. They came straight toward her party, forming two columns at the last possible moment, then galloping past Linnet and her small escort, enclosing them in an unbroken circle of mailed and heavily-armed MacKenzies.

“Dinnae you fret, lass,” Ranald called to her over his shoulder. “We willnae let anything happen to you.” Turning in his saddle, he shouted something at her other brothers but the loud cries of the MacKenzies swallowed Ranald’s words.

“Cuidich’ N’ Righ!”

Their bold shouts echoed the MacKenzie motto. The proud words were emblazoned beneath a stag’s antlers on banners held by mounted standard-bearers. Unlike the warriors who’d charged forward, these men held their mounts in check a short distance away. Four abreast, their standards high, they made an impressive sight.

But not near as imposing as the dark knight who so self-assuredly broke their ranks.

Clad in a shirt of black mail, broad sword at his side and two daggers thrust beneath the fine leather belt slung low around his hips, he rode a huge warhorse as black as his armor.

Linnet swallowed hard. This intimidating giant of a man could only be Duncan MacKenzie, the MacKenzie of Kintail, her betrothed.

She didn’t need to see the green-and-blue plaid fastened over his mailed shirt to know his identity.

Nor did it matter that the helm he wore cast his face in shadow, almost hiding it from view. His arrogance came at her in waves as his assessing gaze scorched its way from the top of her head to the scuffed slippers on her feet.

Aye, she knew ‘twas he.

She also knew the fierce warrior-laird found her lacking.

More than that, he looked outraged. Anger emanated from beneath his armor, his gaze narrowing critically. She didn’t need her gift to know his eye color. A man such as he could have naught but eyes as dark as his soul.

Her finely tuned senses told all.

Sweet heather, if only she’d heeded Elspeth’s advice and let the old woman dress and scent her hair. It would have been much easier to raise her chin against his bold appraisal did a veil not hide her tresses.

When he rode forward, making straight for her, Linnet fought the urge to flee. Not that she stood a chance of breaking through the MacKenzie guardsmen. Nor could she get past her brothers. At the dark knight’s approach, they’d urged their horses closer to hers. Their faces grim, their hands hovering near the hilts of their swords, they guarded her even as they allowed her betrothed’s advance.

Linnet took a long, deep breath, ignored how her palms grew slick against the reins. Feeling trapped, she considered her best course.

Escape was not an option.

But pride was.

Hoping the Black Stag couldn’t detect her wildly fluttering heart, Linnet sat straighter in her saddle and forced herself to match the glare he aimed at her from beneath his helm.

It would serve him well to know she found the situation unpleasant. And it was undoubtedly wise to show she wouldn’t cower before him.

To that end, she lifted her chin boldly and waited.

* * *

Duncan raiseda brow at his bride’s unexpected display of backbone. Rage had fair consumed him when he’d seen her threadbare cloak and worn shoes. Even her fine-looking arisaid bore holes. All the Highlands knew her sire was a drunken worm of a man, but ne’er had he dreamed the lout would shame his daughter by sending her to meet her new liege laird and husband dressed shabbier than a peasant.

Leaning forward in his saddle, he peered at her, glad for the shadows cast by the rim of his helm, thankful she couldn’t see his face clearly. She’d surely think he’d found fault with her rather than guess it was her sire’s blatant disregard that stirred his ire.

Indeed, her raised chin and defiant glare pleased him. The lass wasn’t meek. Most gentleborn females would hang their heads in self-pity and embarrassment were they caught dressed in rags. Yet she’d met his perusal with a show of courage and spirit.

Slowly, Duncan’s frown softened and, to his amazement, the corners of his mouth rose in the beginnings of a rare smile. He caught it, though, clamping his lips together before the smile could spread. He’d not taken the lass to wed so he could find favor with her.

He only wanted her to put an end to his doubts about Robbie, to care for the lad, and keep him from his sight should his suspicions prove true. Her character scarce mattered beyond her suitability as a new mother for Robbie. But it pleased him to see steel in her blood.

She’d need it to be his wife.

* * *

Linnet ignoredthe glares of her escort, her gaze on the Black Stag as he urged his steed forward, reining in mere inches from her pony. She squared her shoulders, refusing to show the awe she felt for his magnificent warhorse. Never had she seen such an animal. The beast towered over her shaggy Highland pony.

She hoped her awe of the man was well hidden, too.

“Can you ride farther?” The MacKenzie’s deep voice came from beneath his steel helm.

“Should you no’ be kissing her hand and asking if she is weary from riding before you ask if she can go on?” Jamie, Linnet’s favorite brother, challenged him.

Her other brothers echoed Jamie’s sentiments, but Linnet’s own bravura faltered when instead of answering Jamie, her betrothed swept them all with a dark glare of his own.

Did he not think enough of her to give her a proper greeting? Was she so low in his esteem he’d forgotten the rules of chivalry?

Still, she sat rigid, angry at his lack of courtesy.

“As well you know, I am Linnet of Dundonnell.” She lifted her chin a notch higher. “And who are you, my lord? I missed your introduction.”

“Now is not the time for pleasantries. I would that we make haste from here if you are not too weary.”

She was bone weary, but she would rather perish before she’d admit weakness.

Linnet glanced at her pony. His coat was slick with sweat, and heavy breathing bespoke the toil the long day’s excursion had cost him. “I am not weary, Sir Duncan, but my mount cannae continue. Can we make camp here and journey onward tomorrow?”

“Marmaduke!” The MacKenzie shouted rather than answering her. “Hie yourself over here!”

All the proud resolve she’d mustered fled when the object of his bellowing rode forward. The knight with the harmless-sounding name was the most formidable man she’d ever seen. Marmaduke wore the MacKenzie plaid over his hauberk, and, like the other guardsmen, his only headpiece was a mailed coif. But in his case, Linnet wished he’d donned a concealing helm like her betrothed.

His disfigured face was so fierce, her toes curled within her slippers. A scar made a wide slash across his face, beginning at his left temple and ending at the right corner of his mouth, pulling his lips into a permanent downward sneer. Worse, where his left eye should have been, was a frightful mound of puckered flesh.

Linnet shivered. She knew she should feel naught but pity for the brawny warrior, but the fearsome look in his good eye, which was focused on her, only filled her with terror.

Fear sent her blood rushing so loudly through her ears that she did not hear what Sir Duncan told the man, but she knew it concerned her, for the one-eyed Marmaduke kept his piercing gaze on her, nodding once, before he turned his horse and galloped off into the woods.

Her relief at his abrupt departure escaped in one quick breath. If the saints were with her, he wouldn’t return.

Unfortunately, her relief was short-lived for Duncan MacKenzie shot out one arm, scooped her off her pony, and plunked her down in front of him on his great charger. With his free hand, he snatched her mount’s reins. She could barely breathe, so firmly did his arm hold her in place.

A great roar of protest rose up from her brothers, Ranald’s voice a shade louder than the rest, “Handle our sister so roughly again and you’ll be dead before you can draw your blade!”

In a heartbeat, her betrothed wheeled his horse toward her eldest brother. “Cool your temper, MacDonnell, lest I forget this was meant to be a friendly meeting.”

“I will not allow anyone to manhandle my sister,” Ranald warned. “Especially you.”

“Are you Ranald?” The MacKenzie ignored Ranald’s anger. At her brother’s curt nod, he returned one of his own. “The kinsmen you seek are in the woods beyond my standard-bearers. They’ve been assured any further raids onto my land will be punished with a worse fate than being held hostage. The cattle your sire awaits are in your men’s care. I have kept my word. We shall leave you here.”

“No’ so fast, MacKenzie.” Ranald bristled. “We mean to see our sister safely to Eilean Creag Castle.”

“Dare you suggest I cannae protect her on the journey to my own keep?”

“What you propose is an insult to my sister,” Jamie protested. “We planned to stay a few nights to discuss the wedding preparations. Our father expects tidings upon our return.”

“You planned in vain.” Duncan adjusted his hold, pulling Linnet backward against his chest. “Inform your sire all has been arranged, the banns read. We shall wed the morn after we reach Eilean Creag. The MacDonnell needn’t bother himself with the journey.”

“Surely you jest!” Jamie’s face reddened. “Linnet cannae marry without her kinsmen present. It willnae-”

“It would be wise to remember I do not jest.” Duncan turned back to Linnet’s elder brother, tossing him her pony’s reins. “See to your sister’s mount and be gone from my land.”

Ranald caught the reins with one hand, his other going to the hilt of his sword. “I dinnae ken who is more the bastard, you or my father. Dismount and draw your steel. I cannae allow-”

“Humor an old woman and cease bickering, all of you!” Her gray hair mussed from the journey, and her plump cheeks red with exertion, Elspeth Beaton spurred her pony through the circle of men. With a shrewd gaze, she turned first to the MacKenzie guardsmen, then to the MacDonnell brothers. “Unhand your blade, Ranald. ’Tis no secret your sister would enjoy her wedding more without the likes of her father present. It would be foolish to shed blood over what we all know to be better for the lass.”

“Foolish?” Ranald’s frown deepened. “She would be alone in a strange place.”

“I will be with her. Do I count for naught?”

“Dinnae twist my words.” Ranald glanced at his brothers, then back to Elspeth. “To be sure, it is good she has you.”

“Then all is well.”

“I dinnae agree, but my argument is no’ with you.”

“Indeed.” Elspeth waited until Ranald let go of his sword, then turned to Duncan. “Will you not allow the lass to have her brothers present at her wedding?”

“And who are you?”

“Elspeth Beaton. I’ve cared for Linnet since her mother died birthing her, and I dinnae mean to stop now.” Her voice held the confidence and authority of a well-loved and devoted servant. “Your broad shoulders speak of hard training, my lord, but I am not afraid of you. I have lived long enough to speak my mind – even if my words may offend.”

Twisting round to peer up at him, Linnet saw a corner of her betrothed’s lips rise at Elspeth’s boldness. But the faint smile vanished in a heartbeat, quickly replaced by … nothing.

Suddenly she knew what had bothered her the most since he’d hauled her onto his horse.

The rumors were true.

Duncan MacKenzie possessed neither heart nor soul. Naught but emptiness filled the huge man who held her.

“I alone decide who sleeps under my roof. Linnet of Dundonnell’s kinsmen may rest here this night and depart MacKenzie land at daybreak. You, my lady, shall continue with us to Eilean Creag.”

Duncan signaled to a young man, who rode forward leading a riderless gray mare. Turning back to Elspeth, he said, “The mare was meant for your mistress, but she shall ride with me.” He gave the squire a quick nod. “Lachlan, help the lady mount. We’ve tarried long enough.”

The squire, young but well-muscled, sprang from his horse and plucked Elspeth off her pony as if she weighed no more than a feather. In one smooth motion, he hoisted her onto the saddle of the larger gray. As soon as she’d settled, he made her a low bow, then swung back onto his own steed.

Elspeth blushed. No one else would notice – for her cheeks were already flushed from the long ride and her anger.

But Linnet knew.

Her beloved Elspeth had been charmed by the squire’s gallantry.

Then Duncan MacKenzie gave the order to ride. In a daring move, her brothers spurred their horses forward to block the way.

“Hold, MacKenzie! I’ll have a word with you first,” Ranald yelled, and Linnet’s betrothed reined in immediately, having no choice unless he cared to plow through the wall of horseflesh made by her brothers.

“Speak your piece and be quick about it.” The MacKenzie raised a hand, halting his men. “I will no’ hesitate to ride straight through you if you try my patience overlong.”

“A warning, naught else,” Ranald called. “Know this. Our father is not the man he once was, and he may not care for Linnet as he should, but my brothers and I do. These Highlands won’t be big enough to hide you should you harm a single hair on our sister’s head.”

“Your sister will be well treated at Eilean Creag,” came Duncan MacKenzie’s terse reply.

Ranald gave him a sharp nod, then, one by one, her brothers freed the path, and the MacKenzie warriors kneed their horses. The lot of them surged forward as one. Linnet barely managed to bid her brothers goodbye. Their own shouts of farewell were lost in the thunder of hooves, the clank of heavily armed men, and the creak of saddle leather.

Her betrothed held her well and she was glad for his strong grip. Never had she sat upon a beast so large, and the distance to the hard ground speeding past beneath them was daunting.

But while Duncan MacKenzie’s firm hold kept her secure, and his mighty presence warmed her physical body, he exuded an unholy chill that went straight to her core. It was a deep cold, more biting than the darkest winter wind.

A shudder shook her and, at once, his arm tightened, drawing her nearer. To her surprise, the gesture, whether meant to be protective or done out of sheer instinct, made her feel secure. It touched her, too, making her belly go all soft and fluttery.


Despite the cold of the man.

Linnet sighed and let herself rest against him – only for a moment, then she’d straighten.

He was a MacKenzie after all.

But never before had she been held in a man’s arms. None could blame her if she relaxed for just a wee bit and tried to understand the unusual sensations stirring deep inside her.

* * *

Several hours later Linnet awoke,stretched out upon a bed of soft grass, her leather pouch of herbs beneath her head. Someone had wrapped her in a warm wool plaid. She found herself in the midst of a camp full of MacKenzies.

Big, bold men - all in varying stages of undress.

Elspeth slept nearby, next to a crackling fire, and Linnet did not fail to notice the old woman’s snores sounded quite content.

Too content.

Apparently her beloved servant had accepted their predicament. Pushing herself up on her elbows, Linnet peered at the sleeping woman. Elspeth might be swayed by the courtly flirtations of a MacKenzie squire, but she wouldn’t be.

She didn’t care how many MacKenzie men played the gallant. Nor did it matter that being held by her husband-to-be’s strong arms had nigh turned her belly to mush. The pleasurable feeling had surely been caused by her relief upon knowing he wouldn’t let her be dashed to the ground.

Ne’er would a MacKenzie arouse stirrings of pleasure in her. Nae, it was unthinkable.

Unlike Elspeth, she found nothing appealing about being surrounded by the enemy.

Especially near-naked ones!

“Lachlan, help me off with my hauberk.” Her betrothed’s voice, deep and masculine, came from the other side of the fire.

“As you wish, sir.” The young man scrambled at the MacKenzie’s command, fair falling over his feet to do his master’s bidding.

Linnet stared as her future husband pulled his helm from his head, revealing a tousled mane of lustrous dark hair.

Praise the saints he stood with his back to her, for she’d begun to tremble.

As she watched, he let the steel headgear fall to the ground with a heavy thump, then removed his gauntlets. With both hands, he ran his fingers roughly through black hair that fell in thick, sweat-sheened waves to his shoulders.

Linnet swallowed hard, uncomfortably aware that her stomach was beginning to grow mushy again. Could the man be a spellcaster? Had he bewitched her? With hair as dark as sin, and glossy as a raven’s wing, she supposed the rumors about the devil spawning him could be true.

’Twas common knowledge beauty and evil often walked hand in hand.

When his squire pulled the black mail hauberk over Duncan MacKenzie’s head, her breath left her in a rush. Indeed, she feared her heart would stop beating. The sight of Sir Duncan’s broad back captivated her as thoroughly as if a sorcerer had cast an enchantment over her.

Flickering light from the campfire played upon finely honed muscles that rippled with each move he made as he bent to aid his squire in removing the rest of his garb. Not even Ranald’s fearsome build matched Duncan MacKenzie’s.

Her heart sprang back to life, leaping to her throat as he rolled a pair of thin woolen braies down his muscular legs. Faith, even his buttocks appeared fierce and proud. Linnet wet her lips and gulped, hoping to ease the sudden dryness in her mouth.

She’d seen every one of her eight brothers and a goodly number of her cousins unclothed. But nary a one had looked as intimidating as the giant who stood across the fire from her.

Nor as fine.

As she stared, unable to tear her gaze away, he stretched his arms above his head. Powerful shoulder muscles rolled and bunched beneath skin burnished deep gold by the firelight. Faith and mercy, nothing in all her years had prepared her for such a sight. Magnificent as he was, he could pass for a pagan god.

The thought of being bedded by such a man filled her with more trepidation than if she’d been ordered to tame one of the sea monsters known to dwell in Highland lochs!

But even that fear dwindled in the face of the terror that seized her when he turned around. She didn’t even spare more than a quick glance at the impressive array of virility displayed proudly at his dark groin.

Nae, it was her first good glimpse of his face that chilled her to the very marrow of her bones and brought back a long-suppressed memory.

With horrible clarity, she realized why she’d gotten gooseflesh upon hearing her betrothed referred to as the Black Stag.

St. Columba and his host of holy brothers preserve her condemned soul. She’d been sold to the man of her most frightening girlhood vision.

The man without a heart.