The Beast and the Enchantress by Camille Peters

Thank You

Thank you for allowing me to share one of my beloved stories with you! If you’d like to be informed of new releases, please visit me at my website to sign up for my newsletter, see my release plans, and read deleted scenes—as well as a scene written from Gladen’s POV.

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If you loved my story, I’d be honored if you’d share your thoughts with me and others by leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Your support is invaluable. Thank you.

Coming Soon: The Beast and the Enchantress introduces the kingdom of Rosileya, one of the kingdoms featured in my new fairytale series, The Enchanted Kingdom Chronicles, where the children of Astrid and Gladen will all have their own stories.

This series is still in development, but it’ll release within the next year or so. The first book in this series is Dawn, which is inspired by Hades and Persephone.

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