A Family of Her Own by Rose Pearson


The day of the wedding dawned with heavy fog. But Sophie did not care. For her, the sun was shining as brightly as it ever had. She had been walking on air for weeks, ever since Claveston had proposed to her. She was in love and she was loved. Her parents had arrived just three days ago, laden down with gifts, eager to embrace and kiss Sophie over and over again.

Claveston had charmed them from the start, and they were so delighted about the upcoming wedding. Papa was pleased as punch to be able to give her away, at last, and Maman could hardly stop crying tears of happiness every time Sophie walked into a room. They were all staying in the London townhouse of the Duke of Mormont. Lady Charlotte and her father had made a joyful reacquaintance, and she had proudly introduced her son and daughter. Maman took to them straight away and George and Emily to her, the three were rarely to be parted.

Captain James and Lord William had accompanied Charlotte, though Lady Mary had remained at Caldor, as her time was nigh, and they feared the travel would do her no good. Mr. and Mrs. Watts had sent gifts and much love, and Miss Knorr would be joining them on the day as she was already in London, acting as a companion for another young lady, now.

Sophie had rarely felt so surrounded by people she loved, and as she bathed in the tub, she marveled at how happy she was. It had been such a difficult time, and such a wonderful one, this past year. Much had happened, and much had been learned. She had feared that she would never find love yet had found it with a man she had believed would never know what it truly meant. And she knew he did love her, as she loved him.

She could so easily have lost everything. Without Claveston’s love, without his faith in her, she could have been put out of Compton Hall – perhaps even found herself in front of a magistrate for a crime she had not committed, yet here she was now, marrying him, loving him, and a true member of his family in every way.

Gertrude burst into her bedchamber. “Good morning, sister,” she chirruped as she held up a bath sheet so Sophie might get out of the tub. “Are you ready to be wed?”

“I am,” Sophie admitted as she got out of the tub and pulled the bath sheet around her slender curves. “I can hardly believe it is ‘appening, but I am ready for it.”

“I know you have told me to stop apologizing to you, Sophie,” Gertrude said, her face falling for a moment, her expression contrite. “But I really am sorry. I could have ruined everything for you and Claveston, and then you would both have been unhappy – or worse.” She shuddered at the thought of how badly things might have gone. “I wish I had never done it, and I can assure you that I will never, ever do anything so foolish again.”

“I know, Gertrude. You are a different girl to the one who did that,” Sophie said warmly, swapping her sheet for a robe. She sat down at her dressing table and began to comb her wet hair through. “You ‘ave grown up.”

“I have,” Gertrude said proudly. “I think Lord Alex may ask for my hand before the Season is done. Should I say yes?”

Sophie laughed. “How do you feel about marrying Lord Alex?” she asked.

“I like him. He is an excellent dancer, but…” she tailed off.

“But, what?”

“I don’t think I am ready to be married,” Gertrude said honestly. “I am still barely sixteen. This is only my first Season. I don’t doubt that I like him, but if he really likes me, will we not still feel the same way next year?”

Sophie turned and caressed the girl’s cheek. “Yes, you really ‘ave grown up,” she said. “I think that waiting is a very sensible thing to do.”

Gertrude beamed. “I shall send in my maid to help you do your hair if you’d like me to?”

“That would be lovely. I should love to ‘ave some of those tiny pearls in my hair to match my gown,” she admitted.

“Oh, that would look lovely,” Gertrude agreed and bounced off again, as Maman appeared in the doorway.

“You look lovely, my darling,” she said tenderly, kissing Sophie’s cheeks and caressing them gently.

“I’ve not done anything more than ‘ave a bath,” Sophie said grinning.

“A woman in love ‘as a glow, do you not think?” Maman said.

“Per’aps,” Sophie agreed. “I am so glad that you and Papa are here.”

“We would not ‘ave missed this day for anything,” Maman said. “You are our little girl, and we are delighted you ‘ave found a good man who loves you and will take care of you.”

The next few hours passed in the twinkle of an eye, as people hurried in and out of Sophie’s rooms, doing her hair, helping her into her dress, spraying her with scent, and chattering about all manner of things. Charlotte was the last person to come in, as everyone else disappeared to get ready themselves and to depart for the church. “You truly do look radiant,” Charlotte said. “I am almost glad I let you go so you could find such happiness.”

“Almost?” Sophie queried.

“I have missed you terribly. Can you not convince Claveston to buy a property near us in Alnerton so I might see you more often?”

Sophie smiled. “I can try,” she said. “I must confess, it would be the very best wedding gift I could ask of him.”

“Are you ready?”

“I am.”

Sophie stood and the two friends walked down the stairs together, arm in arm. Papa was waiting for her in the hallway, with tears in his eyes. He hugged her tightly and in a choked voice told her how much he loved her. “I love you, too, Papa,” Sophie said, trying hard not to cry along with him. “But don’t fret. I am so happy, and now I shall be able to come and see you more often as Claveston and his family often travel all over the world. I am sure I can convince him to take me to France from time to time.”

“I should like that,” Papa said happily.

The three of them got into the open landau waiting for them outside. Passersby hollered greetings and good luck as they passed by, making Sophie feel very special. As they reached the church, she could see the faces of everyone she loved most in the world, and the tears began to pour down her cheeks. Papa wiped them for her, and Charlotte reapplied the light touch of rouge that he had accidentally wiped away with her tears, and they got out of the carriage.

All of a sudden, Sophie felt nervous. Her stomach churned and she began to shake. Papa clasped her hand on his arm tightly and gave her a reassuring wink. She smiled at him and they went into the church. Immediately she saw Claveston at the altar, her nerves disappeared. She looked into his eyes and saw only love. And she knew that was what she would always see every time she looked at him.

When Papa placed her hand in Claveston’s, Sophie felt whole. “I love you,” she whispered to him as the minister began to cry out the opening prayers.

“I love you,” he whispered back. “You are perfect.”

The ceremony seemed to pass in the wink of an eye. All too soon they were walking down the aisle of the church and out into bright sunshine. Sophie turned her face up to it, enjoying the warmth on her skin. “I bought you a gift,” Claveston said as he pulled out a rolled document from inside his jacket. He handed it to her.

Sophie removed the wax seal carefully and unrolled it. She read it slowly, then turned to beam at her husband. “You bought us an ‘ouse in Alnerton,” she said, utterly delighted. “Charlotte and I were just joking about such a thing before the ceremony.”

“I know how much you love it there, and the people. We will have to spend much of our time here in London, and at Compton, but I see no reason why we can’t spend some there, too.”

“You know me so well,” she said reaching up on tiptoes and kissing him warmly.

“I have learned to listen,” he said kissing her back and sweeping her up into his arms. He lifted her into the carriage and set her down upon the bench. “I love you, Lady Sophie, with all my heart.”

“And I love you with all of mine,” she echoed, unable to stop smiling as he got into the carriage beside her and put his arms around her. Wherever she was now, as long as she was with him, she would be at home and he would never need to wish for love ever again, as she would give it to him freely every day of their lives.

Sophie gother happy ever after although it didn’t seem like that would happen! Did you miss the first book in this series? Please check out Loving the Scarred Soldier