Hunted By Firelight by Krista Street

Chapter 13


My heart was going to explode. Wyatt’s head was lowering toward mine, his cheeks were smooth and sculpted, and his firm lips were so ridiculously beautiful that I couldn’t stop watching them.

And his eyes. His eyes were glowing.

My stomach turned into a jumbled mess of nerves, somersaults, and fireworks all at once. I squirmed, not knowing if I should pull back or pull him in.

But I did know that once again my belly was cramping and I had the urge to squeeze my thighs together.

Wyatt growled, the light in his eyes growing. “You smell delicious, Little Flower.”

Little Flower? Another whisper of something brushed against my mind, a gentle scrape, a questioning flicker. Was that the name he’d once called me?

Before I could question it, his lips were on mine, brushing against my mouth so slowly and gently that a soft moan escaped me.

My tongue flicked out, and a moment of embarrassment flowed through me that I’d done such a thing, but before I could pull it back, a deep possessive growl tore from Wyatt, the sound low in his belly. Then his lips were devouring mine, slanting over my mouth as he nipped at my lips and slid his tongue inside my depths.

Another breathy moan escaped me, the surprise of how good it felt to kiss him making me jolt. “Wyatt,” I whispered.

“Yes, my love?”

He didn’t stop, and the feel of his mouth felt so . . . what was the word? I didn’t know.

Since I enjoyed this sensation, I closed my eyes and let myself get lost in his touch.

My fingers wandered up his chest as he trapped me in his embrace, plundering my mouth in a way that made my insides heat with internal fire and yearn for things I couldn’t describe.

His other arm snaked around my waist, hauling me even closer until his hips pressed firmly against mine, and—oh my—his rigid length tried to spear my abdomen.

“Wyatt,” I breathed again.

“Yes?” He tore his mouth free and pressed urgent kisses down my neck.

My eyes rolled back as his tongue darted out to taste and fondle the tender skin near my nape.

A delicious thrill ran through me, and I clamped my thighs together, the ache between them growing so strong.

“I can help with that,” he said softly, whispering into my ear.

“Help with—” I panted, unable to continue. The man was a sorcerer with his mouth. He kept nipping, kissing, and tasting the most sensitive parts of my neck and below my ear. “Help with what?” I finally managed.

His hand wandered down and cupped me between my legs, rubbing the juncture of my thighs. “That,” he breathed.

“Oh!” I cried out when his fingers ran over my pants, rubbing and tapping. One of his taps sent a bolt of pleasure skating along my nerves.

“Do you want me to help with that?” he asked softly, his mouth still on my neck, then on my lips again, sucking and tasting me.

He was driving me mad.

“What do you say, Little Flower? Do you want me to ease some of the tension you’re feeling?” He tickled the area between my legs again, and a zing of fire coursed through me.

“You . . . you want to do that to me?”

He pulled back just enough for me to see the devilish smile curving his lips. “Oh yes, more than you could know.”

Before I could respond further, a rush of air flowed around me, and then I was in Wyatt’s arms and he was laying me down on the massive bed.

A breath of surprise escaped me as I sank into the soft covers. Wyatt hovered above me, his eyes like liquid gold.

“Your eyes change color,” I breathed when he dipped his head to kiss the peek of flesh by my abdomen, that tiny sliver exposed by my short sweater. My stomach clenched when his lips met my skin. Dear Gods, how does that feel so good?

“They do.”

“Why?” I managed before another breathy moan escaped me when he pushed my sweater up just enough to kiss more of my stomach. I could be wrong, but I felt for certain that his mouth was heading toward my breasts.

“Because you make me feel things. Werewolves’ eyes glow when we’re overcome with strong emotions.”

“I make you feel things?” I squeaked, then gasped when he nipped at my breast’s peak. I was wearing a bra, but that didn’t seem to deter him. If anything, he seemed to find the lacy black garment entirely fascinating.

“So beautiful,” he whispered. He reached underneath me and flicked the clasp. The next thing I knew my breasts were spilling out of the material and he was rubbing one, his thumb brushing over my erect nipple.

The sensation made me buck.

Another growl rumbled his chest before he said, “Still so responsive, and yes, you make me feel things. Very, very strong things. But I think we’ve done enough talking for now. I believe I promised to help you with that achy feeling I can scent between your legs.”

“Then why are you at my breasts?” I managed to say as he leaned down and pulled one nipple into his mouth. I gasped, my fingers automatically threading through his hair as he sucked and nipped while rolling that taut bud between his teeth.

“Because this is part of the process of relieving that ache.” He sucked my tit more, then cupped my womanly mound again, delicately fingering me through my pants.

My hips bucked, completely out of my control, and I bit back another moan.

He chuckled. “I believe you’re wearing too many clothes. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, I uh, yes.” My mind became a fog. Sensations rolled through me, so vivid and strong that the ever-present electrical storm inside me, my internal power, waxed and waned. Good Gods, I had no idea he could elicit these kinds of feelings in me.

Wyatt unzipped my slacks, and in a blink, they were in a heap on the floor, and somehow he’d whisked my sweater over my head, tossing it along with my bra over his shoulder.

And then I was nearly naked on the bed, the only thing left the scrap of black lace covering my womanly area.

For a moment, Wyatt hovered above me, his chest heaving as his eyes turned to molten gold. “I will never tire of looking at you.”

Hearing that I’d been like this with him before, so exposed and hot, made my natural inclination to cover myself disappear. In fact, looking at him as he gazed down at me with reverence glowing in his eyes, made a heady feeling of bold power flow through my limbs.

“You’ve seen me naked before?”

“Yes, but not nearly as many times as I would like.”

“And you’ve touched me here?” I placed his hands between my legs. “Before?”

He groaned, and the emboldened feeling in me backfired when his fingers curled against me, pushing my damp panties into me.

His fingers. A flash of memory scorched my mind, but before I could try to grasp it, he was on my tits again, licking and sucking them as he deftly flicked my panties to the side. His fingers rubbed against that bundle of nerves between my thighs. Except this time, with his fingers on my bare flesh, the pleasure ripping through me increased tenfold.

I cried out, arching off the bed just as one of his fingers sank into me. My inner walls clamped around that digit, tightening as a deep ache overcame me. He pumped into me again, slowly, his finger curving and scraping against something that felt—

“Oh!” I cried out when a meteor of sensations shot through me.

A rumble sounded from Wyatt’s chest, that strange purring sound again, his movements never slowing. If anything, he quickened his pace, his fingers continuing their sweet torture as his mouth moved from my breasts to my lips.

I held on to him, entwining my fingers through his hair as waves of ecstasy began to build.

He kissed me and nipped, then sank a second finger inside me as his thumb continued to rub and play with that part of me that felt so alive I wanted to scream.

“Wyatt?” My breaths came so fast now I could barely suck enough air in to stay functioning.

“Yes, Little Flower?” he whispered.

His fingers increased their pace, stuffing me so full and scraping and rubbing against my inner parts—parts of me that I hadn’t even known existed, yet were parts that felt as if they were made for him to do just this.

“Oh!” I cried out again when another ripple of pleasure overtook me, and the wave following continued to climb higher and higher with no end in sight. I clamped my eyes shut, the sensations coursing through me taking on a life of their own.

Wyatt moved again, his hard body drifting down mine, sucking, tasting, and kissing every inch of my skin. His fingers never stopped. He was a master of this torture, playing me like the finest violin, stroking and tweaking a torturous symphony from me which I was helpless to resist.

As his fingers continued their masterful onslaught, the waves rose again, except sharper this time, more acute.

“Wyatt!” I cried out, when a particularly charged wave rushed through me.

“Yes, Little Flower?” But his fingers didn’t stop. They kept pumping and rubbing, his thumb doing incessant swirls that were making me turn feral.

“Wyatt!” I snarled.

He chuckled. “I could get used to you screaming my name like that, but I think I’ve tormented you enough. Would you like release now, my love?”

“Yes!” I panted. “Please, yes!” My face screwed up in a painful need for . . . something. Gah, I hated that I couldn’t remember doing this before.

A rush of warm breath washed over my sex, and my eyes snapped open to see Wyatt kneeling between my legs. “What are you doing?”

“This.” His tongue slid out and licked that area where his thumb had been torturing me only a moment ago.

I screamed, bucking off the bed, and then . . .

It was like he became unleashed.

His fingers increased their relentless pumping, and his mouth devoured my sex. His tongue stroked, licked, nipped, and sucked that taut bud until I was a mindless tangle of limbs and need beneath his touch.

“Come for me, Little Flower. I want you to come on my face.”

The wave in me rose higher again, his fingers pumping and pumping as his tongue—Gods, his tongue—wouldn’t stop its relentless torture on my center.

“Yes,” he breathed just as the mountain peak was reached. “That’s it my love. Scream for me!”

I cried out when my insides came undone. The sensation ripped through me in a deliciously savage wave, commanding my body and slamming through my senses. Through it all, Wyatt’s mouth continued his torture on my sex making the pleasure even more intense and prolonged.

And when I finally returned to the soft bed I lay on, the gauzy curtain above fluttering in an unseen breeze, I opened my eyes to see a very large and very satisfied male peering down at me.

“You look so happy,” I murmured, barely able to keep my eyes open as sleepiness fogged my brain.

He grinned. “I am.”

I cocked my head. “But why? You didn’t seem to enjoy it like I did,” I replied, referring to the fact that such a powerful feeling hadn’t ripped his body into a million pieces.

“How wrong you are. I enjoyed that just as much, if not more, than you.”

I tried to follow his logic, but that sleepy feeling again weighed on my senses. “I don’t understand,” I finally said.

“You still respond to me like you used to, Little Flower.” He settled down beside me to haul me into his arms while running his hands lightly up and down my back. I shivered as zings of pleasure shot through me, eliciting goosebumps in their wake. If he kept that up, I’d be asleep in no time. “And knowing that I can still pleasure you like that makes me want to beat my chest in satisfaction.”

I giggled. “Beat your chest? That seems rather—”

“Barbaric?” He grinned and then shrugged. “I think all wolves feel that way when they please their—”

I cracked an eye open again when the silence stretched between us. “Their what?”

That golden glow rimmed his irises, filling the emerald color with liquid gold. “Their mate,” he said softly.

I lay silently, my heart pumping harder. “Charlotte said something about you wanting to claim me. Is that a mate thing? I don’t really know what all of that means.”

“All you need to know right now is that it means that I enjoy what I just did to you so incredibly much.” He kissed my neck, his tongue darting out to taste me. “You look tired. Maybe we should sleep?” He kissed me again, this time softly on my lips.

I moaned at the taste and feel of him, and his scent. Gods. I inhaled. He had the most delicious oak and pine scent, but he was right. I was tired, incredibly tired, since I basically hadn’t slept last night.


The last thing I remembered was the feel of the covers being draped over us and the hard feel of his chest on my back. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. Surely, this was what absolute bliss felt like.