Fool Me Twice by Lizzie Morton







Finishing my shift at the local diner, I step outside, inhaling the warm evening air. If I’d known I was going to be finishing this late, I wouldn’t have parked my car away from my usual spot. I know the security detail my brother had assigned to me is close by. They always are. But it still doesn’t stop me from looking over my shoulder as I quickly walk along the sidewalk.

It’s a relief when my car comes into view. When I get closer, I unlock it. A few steps and my hand is on the handle, about to open the door. I stop. A folded piece of white paper and a single lily underneath the window wiper catches my attention.

Not wanting to hang around outside on my own too long, I pick them up and quickly climb in the car, locking it. Discarding the lily on the passenger seat, my heart races as I slowly open the folded piece of paper. It’s probably nothing, I tell myself. Please let it be nothing.

I focus on the chicken scrawl writing. I read it once, blink, then read it again. Then I hold my hand to my mouth trying to stifle a scream.



What a beautiful name, it’s a shame it’s not your own.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, shame on us both.

There won’t be a thrice.

Run, Josie, run.

This game is coming to an end and only one person can be the winner.


My heart hammers in my chest. What do I do? I don’t want to run, I want to fight back. But I know if I stay I won’t be the only one at risk. Becket’s spent most of his life protecting us, now it’s my turn.

Struggling to swallow over the lump in my throat, I pull out my phone and bring up Evan’s number and blinking through the tears type out a message:


I’m sorry.


I hit send then shove the paper in my pocket, discarding the phone on the passenger seat. Before I have a chance to second guess myself, I grab my bag and clamber out of the car, disappearing into the night, quiet as a mouse, leaving Freya behind.