Alien Warrior’s Promise by Sue Mercury

Chapter 3

“He should be hereat any moment,” Heather said, giving Macy a comforting smile. “I can sense you’re nervous, but I promise you that Warrior Dakk is your perfect match. He’s your soul mate, in fact. As soon as you walked in here today, I heard his name in my head and saw his face when I blinked. That’s how it usually happens for me. I just know.”

Macy forced a smile, remembering how Heather’s eyes had flashed white several times before she’d announced Dakk’s name. “I’m not nervous.” The lie tasted bitter, and she kicked herself for not speaking the truth. Even if Heather weren’t psychic, Macy sucked at hiding her feelings. “Sorry, I don’t mean to lie to you, it’s just that… well, my reasons for coming here are a bit complicated. I, um, appreciate you taking the time to see me today, even though I showed up unannounced.”

Heather reached across the table and squeezed Macy’s hand. “I sense your fear. You don’t feel safe here in Starzzia, and you also don’t feel ready to take a mate. But Warrior Dakk is an honorable male, and I promise he will treat you well.” She released Macy’s hand and sat back in her chair, her expression turning serious. “By the way, you’re lucky you made it here without being accosted by an unmated Vaxxlian male in the street. I still can’t believe you walked here on your own. Do you want me to call your guardian and let him know what’s happened?”

A shuddering breath escaped Macy. Heather was right. She was lucky she’d made it to Vaxxlian Matchmakers today without being jumped in the street and carried off by an unmated warrior. Single human females were required to always have a guardian with them while out in public—and for good reason.

She’d intentionally taken alleyways and set out before warrior training ended for the day, in hopes that she wouldn’t run into any trouble. Just as she’d entered the building, a few lone Vaxxlians walking in the street had paused and looked her way, but she’d ducked inside before they had a chance to get closer. Before they’d had a chance to smell her.

“Well?” Heather asked. “Should I call Myadd for you? He’s your guardian, right? I’ve met him and his brothers, Axall and Khann, a couple of times—my mate is friends with the three of them—and I’ve heard your name and your sister’s name come up in conversation before. Your sister is Skylar, right? Does she know where you are?”

Macy flushed and shook her head. “I-I will contact them soon and let them know what’s going on. I just wanted to come here and do this myself. The sooner the better—I don’t want Skylar trying to stop me. As you can probably guess, I sneaked off to come here today.”

A look of understanding passed over Heather’s face. “I don’t have to be psychic to know you’re sneaking around. There’s a sense of urgency about you. But you’re not running from something.” Heather blinked a few times, then her eyes flashed white before returning to their normal shade of blue. “You’re hoping to mate as soon as possible so that Skylar will finally come to Vaxxlian Matchmakers herself. That’s it, isn’t it?”

“You see a lot,” Macy replied as guilt swept over her. About an hour ago, she’d told Skylar she had a headache and wanted to take a nap. But her sister would eventually come looking for her, especially if she didn’t come downstairs at dinnertime. What would Skylar think when she discovered Macy’s room empty? She hadn’t even left a note.

“I won’t call Myadd or Skylar or anyone else you live with, but if they come looking for you, I can’t lie to them.” Heather gave Macy an encouraging look. “Do you want to write a note that I can pass to them if they come searching for you tonight? When unmated human females go missing in Starzzia, their guardians usually stop by Vaxxlian Matchmakers to see if we know anything about it. You aren’t the first woman to show up here by yourself in secret, you know.”

“Um, do you have a piece of paper and something to write with?”

“Of course.”

Once Heather provided her with the necessary materials, Macy started jotting a note to her sister. She wrote quickly, wanting to finish before Warrior Dakk arrived. Her heart raced and her palms dampened with sweat, causing her to briefly lose her grip on the pen. Her mate—the Vaxxlian male she would marry and spend the rest of her life with—would walk through the door at any moment. She could scarcely believe it.

Dear Skylar,

I’m okay, I promise. Please don’t worry! I decided to visit Vaxxlian Matchmakers, and as I’m writing this, my future mate is on his way here. His name is Dakk, and Heather assures me that he’s an honorable male who will treat me well. She says he’s my soul mate too—if you can believe that. I’ll visit soon and bring my mate so you can meet him. Love you lots!



P.S. I managed to sneak out when Sienna briefly turned the security system off so she could water the front garden. I hope Myadd isn’t upset with her—please tell her I’m sorry!

She setthe pen aside and folded the letter in half. With shaking hands, she passed the missive to Heather. “I don’t want Skylar or Myadd to worry about me. Do you think you could have someone drop this note off at Myadd’s house? I would really appreciate it. I ought to have left a note behind in my room, but at the time, I was more worried about sneaking off undetected and getting here in one piece.”

Heather nodded, her eyes now twinkling with mischief. “Tell you what—I’ll wait about an hour, then I’ll personally deliver the note and assure your family that you’re perfectly all right.”

Macy’s throat tightened when Heather referred to the people she lived with as her family. Sure, her biological sister lived in Myadd’s house, but no one else in the home was related to her by blood. But in the weeks that had passed since her arrival on New Vaxx, she had come to care about all her housemates as if they were her real family.

There was Myadd and his mate, Sienna, as well as Myadd’s brothers and their mates—Khann and Belle, and Axall and Rachel. And there was Amie too—Belle’s six-year-old human daughter. Oh and she couldn’t forget Molly, a human woman who used to live in their house who’d been under Khann’s guardianship.

Thoughts of Molly brought Macy a surge of hope. Molly had had her misgivings about mating with a Vaxxlian male, but now she was happily married to a warrior named Gavvin. They visited often and seemed very much in love.

Macy’s heart panged with longing. More than anything, she wanted a place to belong, a place where she would feel safe.

Would she keep having the nightmares after she mated with Dakk? And if so, what would he think when she bolted awake in bed at night drenched in sweat and scared for her life?

Oh God, maybe this wasn’t the best idea…

Too late. A bell in the lobby rang and footsteps sounded in the hallway.

Dakk had arrived to collect her.

She looked to Heather for support, but the matchmaker was busy opening the door and calling out for Dakk to join them.

Somehow, Macy rose to her feet. She forced in a few deep breaths and furiously combed her fingers through her hair, then smoothed her hands down her skirt. She’d checked her appearance before leaving the house, but that didn’t stop her from wondering if Dakk would like what he saw.

A large figure suddenly filled the doorway. Warrior Dakk. His gaze immediately landed on her and she stared at him in open shock.

God, he was huge. Much larger than Myadd and his brothers.

And she was supposed to mate with him?

Nerves fluttered in her stomach and she felt suddenly lightheaded.

Severe scarring ran across the right side of his face. She’d seen many Vaxxlians with scars, however, and this didn’t strike her as unusual. But there was something decidedly strange about his appearance and she studied him further, trying to discern what it was.

Despite his great size and bulging muscles, he didn’t quite look Vaxxlian.

His eyes, she realized after a few seconds. It’s his eyes.

His eyes weren’t green, nor did they glow.

Instead, they were pitch black.


Her stomach flipped and she took a step back, only to chide herself a moment later. What must he think of her recoiling from his appearance? He was actually quite handsome, even with his scars, but the large black eyes had caught her off guard. He looked more alien to her than the average Vaxxlian, making her acutely aware of the differences between them.

“Hello,” she murmured in Galactic Common as a flush overcame her. Her heart wouldn’t stop racing and her faintness increased. She gripped the back of her chair for support, lest her legs give out and she make a fool of herself.

Why was he staring at her like that?

She couldn’t tell if he was angry or if that was just his normal face.

Everything about Dakk was big and intense and completely overwhelming. She was pretty sure she’d never met a man with such a commanding presence—and he hadn’t even said a word to her yet. The aura of power that emanated from him left her flushing hotter and squirming in place.

Without warning, his nostrils flared, and he finally entered the room. Heather mumbled a quick introduction before leaving them alone together. Macy fought the urge to yell out for Heather to return.

“Hello, Macy.” Dakk’s greeting was a deep rumble that caused a wave of heat to roll through her and settle directly between her thighs, where it commenced a steady pulsing that made it difficult for her to think. His nostrils flared again, and he closed the space between them and took her hands in his. “You are beautiful, my mate. I am honored to meet you, and I vow that I will strive to be a good husband to you.” His voice brimmed with sincerity, sending a quiver of tingling awareness from her head down to her toes.

Her mouth went dry, and all rational thought fled her mind. She was vaguely aware that she should offer a reply—perhaps a promise of her own to be a good wife to him in return—but it was difficult to form words when he was standing so near and gripping her hands.

Heat waved off his massive body and she found herself wanting to step closer, though she didn’t dare make a move. He towered over her, and her neck ached from staring up at him, but she couldn’t tear her eyes from his.

There was still an intensity to his gaze, but his dark eyes had softened somewhat since he’d reached for her hands.

Why were his eyes black? She wanted to ask but didn’t wish to be rude.

She took a moment to admire the rest of his features. Everything about him was masculine perfection—from his strong square jaw to his broad shoulders to his sculpted biceps. His hair was black and cropped short, like most males of his kind, and her hands tingled with the sudden urge to run her fingers through his dark locks.

Maybe her desire to touch him, to stand closer to him, was a good sign. She could only hope.

“Sorry I’m being so awkward,” she finally blurted. “I-I don’t know what to say or what to do. This is all very new to me, and I must confess I am terribly nervous. I had hoped to be brave and charming when I met you.” She flushed with the admission and hoped he appreciated her honesty.

His sudden smile transformed his features and his strange black eyes shone with all the brilliance of the sun. The abrupt change took her breath away. Kindness radiated from him as he placed gentle kisses upon the backs of her hands, his lips softer than she expected, his warm exhales a teasing caress against her skin. Heat pummeled through her at the physical contact of his lips searing her flesh, and her breath caught in her chest.

“You need not apologize to me for anything, Macy. I think you are perfect, and I am looking forward to getting to know you better. I’m also looking forward to making you mine.” He dropped her hands, grabbed her small suitcase from the floor, and guided her out into the hallway. “Come, my mate, and I will show you to my home. Our home.”