Alien Warrior’s Promise by Sue Mercury

Chapter 7

Macy wanderedfrom room to room, feeling a bit like an intruder. How strange it was to suddenly have a new home. A new life. Much had changed for her during the last year, but there was a certain peace in knowing this was her final destination.

Was Heather right? Was Dakk truly her soul mate?

She’d never given any thought to the idea of soul mates before coming to New Vaxx. Was she meant to be here?

As she explored Dakk’s large house, she kept glancing out all the windows she passed, her gaze drawn to the plume of smoke on the horizon, evidence of Dakk’s burning shop and the emergency that had pulled him away from her. Eventually, the smoke dissipated, and she found herself anticipating his return.

The truth was, even as nervous as she’d initially felt in his presence, she couldn’t claim she didn’t miss him. How strange it was to miss a man she barely knew, a man she’d met but hours ago. In the short time they’d spent together, he had started to win her over. She’d begun to feel hopeful in his presence.

She paused in the hallway and closed her eyes, inhaling deep as she recalled the warm security of his embrace. She’d snuggled into his arms and rested her cheek against his chest, and the steady beating of his heart had comforted her further. Made her feel safe, made her believe his promise to protect her, his promise that he would never allow anyone to hurt her again.

She sighed and opened her eyes, her gaze drawn to the horizon, but there was no sign of the smoke’s return. Relief filled her, knowing that the fire had been extinguished, but her relief was short lived because Dakk hadn’t yet returned.

What had caused the fire? Had anyone gotten hurt? Had his store taken heavy damage?

She prayed it was just an accident. Starzzia was supposed to be a safe settlement, free from the sorts of violence and crime that plagued most locations on Earth.

The sun lowered in the sky and dusk gathered in the surrounding trees. Though Dakk’s house rested within the boundaries of Starzzia, he lived on a street that was so thickly wooded, she had a difficult time spotting the nearest houses. Only the glimpse of a solar rooftop panel or a colorful garden through the cover of the giant trees revealed evidence of any neighbors.

She moved to the other side of the house to peer across the lake that had caught her attention earlier. A dock with a large ivory boat tied to it stretched several feet into the rippling sun-kissed water. The boat had an old-fashioned look to it compared to the other vessels she spotted on the lake. Swirling designs were carved onto the sides and the front sported a massive figurehead—a depiction of an exotic creature that resembled a dragon. It was a work of beauty.

A sense of awe spread through her as she glanced at the equally beautiful furniture in the room, pieces Dakk had no doubt made by hand. Her mate had built the boat and adorned it with detailed carvings, just as he’d made all the furniture in his house.

His level of skill was impressive, and knowing he possessed an artistic side brought her hope. The details he added to his pieces must take a great deal of time on top of physically building the furniture and the boat, which revealed not only his creativity—a quality she deeply admired—but a boundless patience.

Would he extend that patience to her? Would he truly not mind if they postponed their mating?

Just before the fire broke out, he’d informed her that they didn’t have to mate until she felt ready. In the same breath, he hadn’t rejected her. Instead, he’d promised she could stay here, in the safety of his home, until they officially became mates—until he’d claimed her and put his scent on her, thus giving her the protection needed for her to finally walk about the settlement freely without fear of another male bothering her.

Well, he hadn’t actually come out and said this last part, but it had been implied.

She swallowed hard as heat flowed through her, the desire she’d experienced earlier returning with a ferocity that stole her breath. She’d gone to Vaxxlian Matchmakers today for the sake of her sister, despite not feeling ready to take a mate. Yet a short while in Dakk’s presence and she couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to exchange vows and physically mate.

Her forehead, as well as the top of her head, tingled where he’d placed gentle kisses. The backs of her hands tingled too, as if he’d marked her with his lips.

Well over an hour had passed since she’d left Vaxxlian Matchmakers. Heather had no doubt already delivered the note to Skylar, yet none of her former housemates—her family—had shown up to try to stop her. That meant Myadd must be holding Skylar back, just as Dakk promised would happen, but it also meant they didn’t need to rush things.

Her stomach growled, and she ventured to the kitchen, though she paused and looked around nervously, as if expecting someone to stop her from helping herself. Memories swept down over her as if carried by a gust of cold wind, and she wrapped her arms around herself and took a few deep breaths, trying to return to a state of calm.

Food had been scarce in most of the safehouses, and desperate people often became angry and violent while guarding their resources. Looking back, she knew the only reason the residents of those houses even allowed her inside was because they had hoped to get something out of helping her—most assumed assisting the daughter of a former presidential candidate would come with a big payday. How disappointed most of them had become upon realizing she possessed little more than the clothing on her back.

She’d gone to bed hungry more nights than she cared to count. But during her days on the run, sleep had never come easily, and she’d found herself in a constant state of fear-induced exhaustion. She’d had to always remain alert, to always be on guard.

I’m safe here, I’m safe here, I’m safe here.

She’d repeated these words inside her head, over and over, hoping that one day she would finally feel as safe as she logically knew she was on New Vaxx. No one would break her arm because she couldn’t magically deposit a thousand galactic credits into their account. No one would leeringly demand she perform a dance just to earn her dinner. No one would threaten to turn her over to her father’s enemies if she didn’t share their bed.

Dakk had promised to keep her safe. Was she a fool to believe him? Was she a fool to allow herself to trust just one last time?

He’s a Vaxxlian warrior. He’s an honorable male.

All his people wanted was to start over, to rebuild their society on New Vaxx, to take wives and raise families and live as peacefully as possible. She thought of all the affectionate couples she’d glimpsed walking in the streets, and she also reminded herself of how kind Myadd and his brothers were.

In the two months she’d been on New Vaxx, Myadd, Axall, and Khann had become like older brothers to her, patient and kind as they offered advice and helped her get used to this new planet. She considered them her family and trusted all her former housemates.

Surely they wouldn’t allow her to walk into danger. If she were making a mistake, or if Dakk wasn’t an honorable male, surely Myadd and his brothers would come rescue her before she even had a chance to mate with Dakk.

Their absence was telling and oddly comforting, the more she considered her current circumstances. I can do this. I’m safe here. This is my new home.

The burning in her throat increased and her stomach rumbled again. She approached the food replicator and was delighted to discover the device was already programmed to make thousands of dishes native to Earth.

She helped herself to a slice of New York style pizza and a Caesar salad, then headed upstairs with her suitcase. She felt a tad presumptuous putting her clothing and other belongings away in the master bedroom, but she did so anyway, telling herself that she would be postponing the inevitable if she tried to take one of the guest bedrooms.

It wasn’t difficult to pick out the master bedroom. Not only was it the largest, but Dakk’s enticing masculine scent lingered in the air. Once she finished putting her things away, she approached the bed and reached for a pillow. She brought it to her face and inhaled deeply, and a soft sigh left her.

But a sudden noise made her jump—the sound of a throat being cleared, followed by footsteps. She gasped and dropped the pillow back onto the bed. With her hand over her heart, she spun around and came face to face with Dakk.

He was studying her with an intensity that made her flush all over, and when he glanced down at the dropped pillow, one corner of his mouth quirked in a half-smile. His dark eyes danced with satisfaction as he strode closer, his larger-than-life presence instantly filling the room. He was covered in soot, but his rugged appearance didn’t detract from his handsomeness.

“I’m pleased to know you like the way I smell, my little yummiska.” His grin broadened and she flushed at having been caught.

“I wasn’t—” She stopped herself. What was the point of lying? He’d obviously been watching her. He’d no doubt heard her sigh into the pillow like a schoolgirl with a crush. “Well,” she finally replied with a reluctant grin of her own, “I suppose you don’t smell terrible.”

He laughed, and his joy was infectious. She found herself chuckling along with him, and she hoped his good humor was a sign that maybe the fire wasn’t a big deal. Maybe it had been a small fire—an accident—and no one had gotten hurt. Surely if someone had perished or he’d lost the entire store, he wouldn’t be smiling right now.

He took her in his arms, heedless of the dirt covering him. She didn’t protest, and she soon laced her arms around his waist, returning his embrace. She leaned against his chest, seeking out the steady beating of his heart and sighed with contentment when she heard it.

“I missed you,” he said, and she melted when he planted a kiss atop her head.

I missed you, too.She didn’t voice the words aloud, but she hugged him tighter and ran a hand up and down his back, reveling in the feel of his strength, the corded muscles that flexed underneath her fingers with his every movement. The heat of his body surrounded her, and her pulse quickened when he shifted slightly and she felt the unmistakable bulge of his erection.

Her pussy quaked and she sucked in a rapid breath, almost a gasp, as she realized the depth of his need for her. A week ago, even a day ago, she might have been frightened. But Dakk’s arms felt like the sweetest refuge, and by God she didn’t wish to push him away.