The Dragon Shifter’s Desire by Harmony Raines

Chapter Twelve – Ivan

“Are you going to take it?” She rolled the vial over the counter while Ivan cooked waffles and made coffee. He moved around the kitchen with such confidence, wanting to impress his mate.

“Yes.” He glanced over his shoulder and smiled. “It’s safe. I promise.”

She cares about us,his dragon said. Really cares about us.

Of course she does,Ivan answered. Just like we really care for her. We’re mates. She gets that.

I never expected it to be the same for Larisa. I thought it would take time. That she would learn to like us and then love us. His dragon was practically drooling over their mate. After flying over the mountains with her on his back, he’d become infatuated with her. Not that Ivan could blame him. She had that effect on both of them.

Maybe we are already under a spell,his dragon said.

“Are you supposed to have breakfast first?” Larisa stood the bottle up but continued to stare at it.

“I’m going to have breakfast, yes. But I’m not going to drink it until we are at the hotel. It takes a few minutes to take effect, but we don’t know how long it’ll last.” Ivan set two coffee mugs down on the table. “Here, drink this.”

“Thanks.” She glanced at the waffles.

“They’re nearly ready.” He reached into the cupboard and pulled out the maple syrup and set it down on the counter next to two plates.

“I’m not a great cook,” she admitted. “I get by, but I never spent time learning to cook.”

“Then we’re meant for each other because I am both a great cook and I also enjoy cooking, especially for those I love.” He grinned as her eyes widened. “Too soon to say I love you?”

We do already love her,his dragon sighed.

“A little too soon. And a little scary,” she admitted. “I think there should be a twenty-four-hour rule before shifters admit their love for their mate.”

“It’s okay, I don’t expect you to say it back.” He winked. “Yet.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone I love them except for my dad and Simon.” She covered her face with her hands. “That was too much information.”

“Not for me. The more information, the better.” He put the waffles down in front of her. “I want to know everything about you.”

“There’s not a lot to tell.”

Ivan came around the counter and sat down next to her. “You told me that you have traveled the world looking for dragon shifters and now you say you have nothing to tell?”

“I have traveled the world.” She forked up her waffles and took a bite. “Oh, my goodness, these are good.”

He nudged her lightly. “So you do love me?”

“I might be persuaded.” She nodded and ate some more.

“So, your life story?” Ivan prompted.

“I’ll tell you while we’re on the road.” She ate quickly.

“Food is supposed to be savored,” he told her.

“We’re on a deadline. We don’t want to keep Karros and Zara waiting, do we?” She put her hand on her stomach as it gurgled loudly. “Sorry, I’m nervous.”

“Slow down. Eat, drink your coffee, and then we’ll get going.” He held her gaze and she sighed and chewed slowly. “Better.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes. Ivan enjoyed breakfast with his mate. Hopefully, it was the first of many.

We should pack plenty of supplies for the trip to the fae realm,his dragon said. We have no idea how long we’re going to be there and the less contact we have with the fae, the better.

I have already put together some supplies and I’ll top them up with some things from the hotel.Ivan finished his breakfast and got up.

“Now who is rushing?” Larisa’s gaze rested on the remaining waffles.

“Help yourself. I’m going to grab some sleeping bags and camping gear. We can stow it in the car. Just in case.” Ivan went to the sink, but Larisa was out of her seat and clearing the breakfast things away before he had a chance to turn on the faucet.

“You go pack what we need. I’ll clean up.” She shoved him gently. “Go. We can take the rest of the waffles with us.”

“Can I trust you not to pour the contents of the vial down the sink?” He backed out of the kitchen.

“You can trust me. I want you to be safe. I want the spell to work.” Her eyes rested on the vial, which swirled around as if it had just been shaken. “I’m just looking out for you, that’s all.”

“I appreciate your concern.” He turned on his heel and left Larisa to wash the dishes.

A half an hour later, they were ready to go. With two packs slung over their shoulders, they went out to his car and got in. Ivan rarely drove, he preferred to get up early and walk to the hotel each morning. He enjoyed the peace and quiet before the day started. Then, in the evening he liked to walk home, with each step he left the hotel and the busy kitchen behind. He also used the time to think of new recipes and plan his menu.

The hotel restaurant had been his world until now.

No,his dragon said. Things changed when the tiara came to us. Now they are changing even more. We have a life outside of the hotel and restaurant.

“Do we have everything we need?” Larisa asked as he slammed the trunk shut.

“I think so. I just need to grab some more supplies from the hotel. And check if Karros and Zara need anything...” His jaw tightened.

“Are you worried about them?” Larisa asked.

“I don’t want Karros to get into trouble with his people. Dragons are not welcome in the fae realm. I’ve always known that, but I don’t know what the consequences are for any fae found harboring a dragon inside their realm.” He went around to the passenger side and opened the door for her. “The same goes for their grandma.”

“If anyone asks where you got that spell from, I suggest you lie. That should keep them out of trouble.” Larisa got in the car.

“The fae are not stupid. Elise’s grandma is a wise woman from the wildwood. I’m pretty sure they’ll know where this spell came from.” He put his hand over his pocket where the small vial was safely stowed.

They all know the risks,his dragon reminded him. They wouldn’t have offered to help if they weren’t ready to take the consequences. But you are right, we should protect them all. This is our fight after all.

I was hoping this wouldn’t end in a fight,Ivan told him.

This might not end up in a fight in the fae realm, but something tells me a fight is coming. Grandma Hannah told us to hurry because something is stirring. You know how she senses these things. Since we brought the pendant to Wishing Moon Bay, I doubt it’s anything good.

His dragon was right. A fight was coming, and all Ivan could do was try to protect those he loved and stop innocent people from getting dragged into a battle that wasn’t theirs.

And Larisa and her family?His dragon puffed loudly. This fight is theirs. They are a part of this as much as we are. But they are innocent, and they are loved.

I plan to protect them at all costs, Ivan said firmly. I don’t want Larisa to get hurt. We must protect her, even if that means making sure she is as far away from Wishing Moon Bay as possible.

Do you mean to send her back to the world beyond? His dragon shook his head. It was rare for the two sides of Ivan to disagree.

If that’s what it takes to keep her safe.Ivan put the keys in the ignition and started the engine. The car spluttered as if choking, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d driven it. Thankfully, it rumbled into life, and he put the car in drive.

But have you considered the cost? The true cost might be more than we’re willing to pay,his dragon warned.

Because Larisa won’t leave if we ask her to.Ivan had thought this over. He had a plan. If he asked his brothers, they would take her away from here. They would take her somewhere safe. Perhaps to Fiona’s.

If you make her leave against her will, she might never forgive us,his dragon replied.

Isn’t it better that she’s safe? Ivan could not bear the thought of his mate getting hurt. Humans were no match for dragons. If this ended with a fight between Ivan’s dragon and the dragon shifter who killed their father, he wanted Larisa as far away as possible.

We were brought together for a reason,his dragon said sagely. However this plays out, whatever has to be done, we are supposed to do it together.

His dragon was right. Ivan knew it deep in his soul. But he also knew that he’d sworn to protect his mate and nothing was going to make him break that promise.

“Where did you go?” Larisa was watching him as he drove toward the hotel.

“I’m right here,” he assured her.

“Your body might be, but your head went somewhere else.” Her eyes narrowed as she stared at him then she covered her mouth with her hands. “Were you talking to your dragon?” She tapped the side of her head. “You have a connection, don’t you?”

“We do and yes, I was talking to him, but I was also thinking about what lies ahead of us. If we find this other dragon shifter, it might not be safe for you.” His jaw tensed as he waited for Larisa to answer.

“I know it’s dangerous. And I know you swore to protect me.” She leaned back in her seat and stared straight ahead.


“But I am here to protect you, too. This works both ways and you shouldn’t forget that.” She half-turned to look at him. “We’re in this together and you need to accept that. I suspect your dragon needs to accept that, too.”

Tell her I am not the one who thinks she should be shipped off to somewhere safe, his dragon ordered.

“I’m the one who thinks you would be safer away from me. From us.”

“Ah. And your dragon, what does he think?”

Tell her I think that the safest place for our mate is by our side,his dragon replied.

Ivan gripped the steering wheel. Did he really want Larisa to hear what his dragon believed?

I’m right,his dragon said. You know I am but you’re not ready to admit it yet.

No, I don’t think I am.

“Ivan?” Larisa wasn’t going to let this go.

“My dragon thinks we’re stronger together. He thinks that we should face whatever comes at us side by side.” He inhaled deeply, steadying his breath. “And he’s right. But that doesn’t mean I agree with it or wouldn’t ask you to leave.”

“But you wouldn’t make me leave.” She reached for his hand. “Before we go any further, you have to promise me that you won’t force me to leave. Or get your brothers to kidnap me. I can look after myself.”

“Against a dragon?” Ivan pulled into the parking lot in front of the hotel. “You’re no match for a dragon shifter.”

“And you think you are?” Larisa reached for his hand as they sat together in the car. This might be the last time they were alone for some time.

“I don’t know,” Ivan answered honestly. “I’ve never fought another dragon.”

We should have spent more time with Fiona and her family,his dragon said. We should have practiced fighting with them.

That might not have ended well,Ivan replied. If one of us got hurt...

If we go into a fight with another dragon and we are not prepared, it might end in more than hurt.His dragon puffed out a plume of smoke. And if this dragon is vindictive then he might hunt down our mate wherever she is.

“And that’s why we’re supposed to do this together. You and me. On our own, we might not accomplish anything. But together, we could beat whatever comes our way.” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “You might be the shifter. You might think that you love me already, that your feelings for me are stronger. And you’re probably right. But there’s a connection between us.”

“Larisa.” He cupped her face in his hands. Her eyes shone with tears as she held his gaze.

“I might not be a shifter. I might not understand or fully experience the same emotions as you. But I do know this... You are my mate and there will never be anyone else for me. Ever. So we do this together because I have as much to lose as you.”

Ivan nodded. “I think I understand that now.”

“Good. Make sure you don’t forget it.” She pulled away from him and wiped her hand across her eyes. “Come on. Let’s get going. The sooner we start, the sooner this will be over.”

His dragon grinned as pride swelled his heart. Larisa is a mate worthy of a dragon shifter.

I just hope we are worthy of her,Ivan replied.