Seb’s Summer by K.C. Wells

Chapter Twenty-One


July 19

Marcus had no idea what time it was, but he was wide awake. Seb was still sleeping, and Marcus wasn’t about to disturb him: with his schedule, Seb needed all the sleep he could get. Their last conversation flitted through his mind.

‘Maybe that’s what love is—finding someone you feel safe enough with to hand them that power.’

He felt safe with Seb—to a degree. Some of their conversations, however, made him wary. Nick’s words came to mind, and although Marcus hadn’t known Seb all that long, he didn’t think Seb would be in the Who-gives-a-fuck? or the Good-for-him camp. Marcus’s gut was already telling him to keep his past far, far away from Seb’s ears.

Because it is in the past. It’s over. And Marcus never intended revisiting it.

Seb stirred in his arms. “Wha’ time is it?” He wriggled, emitting a yawn.

God, he was so fucking cute when he first woke up.

Marcus peered at the ancient alarm clock. “It’s seven.”

Seb rolled over and snuggled against Marcus’s chest. “God, you smell good,” he murmured, his arm slipping around Marcus’s back. “If I could bottle that smell, I’d make a fortune. L’air de Marcus. Got a nice ring to it.”

Marcus couldn’t resist the impulse to kiss the top of Seb’s shaggy head. “Good morning.”

Seb craned his neck, his eyes more alert. “How good a morning it is depends on what we do with it.”

Marcus’s chest tightened. “Well, I don’t know what you’re doing with your Sunday, but I have to go say goodbye to some of my family.” Three of them were departing, and Marcus knew his mom and dad expected him to be there to see them off.

Seb let out a heavy sigh. “Do you have to go right this second?”

Marcus rolled him onto his back, his arms bracketing Seb’s head. “Not right away, no.” He leaned in to kiss Seb’s forehead. “I guess we’ve got an hour before I need to get out of here.” He couldn’t see anyone leaving before Mom had put a huge breakfast in front of them.

Seb drew his legs up around Marcus’s waist, and just like that, Marcus was a prisoner. “Is that a hint?”

Seb smiled. “Maybe?” He stretched out an arm toward the nightstand, and grabbed the lube.

“And who’s doing what—or hadn’t you gotten that far yet?”

Seb’s eyes glittered. “How about we keep things versatile?”

“Sounds perfect.” And it was perfect. Seb had remarked a couple of times that he could get used to whatever they had going on, and it was only now that his words hit home.

So could Marcus, in a heartbeat.



The cars were packed, and all that was left were the goodbyes. Mom and Dad hugged Lisa, Chris, and Jess, issuing invitations to come over for Sunday lunch when they were back in Boston. Jake, Sarah, and Mike were staying on another week, and Ashley and the kids would probably stay until mid-August.

Chris gave Marcus a firm hug. “Take care. Stay in touch.”

Marcus blinked as Chris released him. “Seriously? We’re doing the brother thing?”

“Maybe it’s about time,” Chris muttered. “Fifty is creeping up on me, and I don’t want to get there and discover that somewhere along the way, we grew apart.” He locked gazes with Marcus. “Okay, so I’m crap at keeping in contact. I can admit that. But so are you.”

Marcus’s throat seized. “It’ll be better from now on, I promise.” He just needed to get his shit together and work out what he was doing with his life. Because New York was looking less and less likely.

I don’t want to go back. He’d left a part of himself there, one he didn’t want to see again, and it felt as if returning there would be a retrograde step.

Chris gave him another hug. “I hope so,” he whispered. Then it was time for one final hug to Mom and Dad, and he got into his car.

Lisa hugged him. “Take care, cousin. It was good seeing you. And that nice young man too.” Her eyes sparkled. “Got yourself a boy toy, huh?” When Marcus gasped, she shook her head. “I think I’m spending too much time around the younger generation.”

“How does the saying go?” Jess said with a grin. “You’re only as old as the man you feel? Then you’re onto a winner, bro.”

He rolled his eyes. “Go, before I smack you.”

She opened her eyes in an innocent expression. “What? I think he’s awesome. Go for it.” She kissed his cheek before going over to hug Jake tightly.

When the cars had pulled out, everyone headed back indoors. Jake and Mike declared they were going to get changed and go for a run, and Sarah volunteered to strip the beds and do laundry. Dad retreated into his den, and the smell of his cigar wafted through the open door. It was a smell that took Marcus back to his childhood.

This was always my happy place.

Ashley announced she was taking the kids to the Nubble, and went into the kitchen to sort out water and snacks, while Sophia and Alex ran excitedly through the house, shrieking about going to see a lighthouse.

Marcus headed for the yard, a cup of coffee in his hand. He sat on the patio, enjoying the sun’s warmth on his bare arms and legs. It was too warm for anything but shorts and a tee.

The French doors opened behind him, and he tensed for the onslaught of exuberant children, but it was only Mom. She sat at the table, staring out at the garden.

“It looks great,” Marcus told her.

“It should. I’ve done enough work on it these past two weeks.” She glanced at him. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

“About what?”


Marcus was getting to the point where he couldn’t deny his feelings any longer, not to her at any rate. “I like him. More than I’ve liked anyone in a long while.”

“That’s good, isn’t it?”

Marcus sighed. “Remember how Lisa used to rave about that movie, Grease?”

Mom chuckled. “I remember the endless gushing about how dishy John Travolta was.”

He nodded. “And how does that movie start? It’s a summer thing, right? Then it’s over. Then they just happen to end up at the same high school.” He sipped his coffee. “Seb has his life here, and in Ogunquit. I have mine.”

Mom leveled a steady gaze at him. “You’re saying when summer ends, so does whatever you two have going on?”

He nodded. “This isn’t a Hallmark movie, Mom. Seb isn’t going to change schools and move to New York to be with me. Life doesn’t work like that, much as you might wish it to.”

“It can if you want it to,” she said quickly. “If it’s something you want badly enough.”

Just then his phone buzzed, and he frowned when he saw the text from Paul Douglas.

I know it’s a Sunday, but can we talk?

His boss hadn’t been in touch since—

Since I met with him back in April and told him I needed to take a step back for a couple of months. It didn’t take any great stretch of the imagination to know why Paul was contacting him.

He got up from his chair, taking his cup with him. “Excuse me, but I have to take a call.” He walked over to the summerhouse and went inside. Marcus took a deep breath and hit Call. “Hello, Paul.”

“Marcus. Good to hear you. How are you?”

“I’m… doing better.” That much was true.

“Look, I’m sorry to call you on a weekend, but… Well, we haven’t heard from you, and I’m starting to get a bad feeling about it.”

“I said I’d be in touch, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but I expected to hear from you before now. It’s almost August, for God’s sake.” He paused. “So I started to wonder… maybe there was more to this than taking time out? Maybe… you’ve been approached by another firm, and you’re tempted to see if the grass really is greener elsewhere, and you’ve been too afraid to tell me.”

Aw fuck.

“You’ve been with us for ten years, and I’m not lying when I say you’re my top guy. I think that’s why I’ve held off getting in touch with you for so long. I don’t want to lose you.”

What the hell do I tell him? ‘Hey, Paul, I love my job, but the pressure has gotten too much lately’? ‘I have way too many deadlines to meet’? ‘Trying to keep on top of everything took me in a direction I really didn’t expect’? ‘I keep thinking if I return to New York, within six months I’ll be back at square one’?

That last one was what scared him the most, because he knew in his bones it could happen.

“Your silence is scaring the shit out of me, Marcus.”

Marcus cleared his throat. “You’re not going to lose me, but…”

“But? Spit it out.”

He inhaled deeply. “Maybe we need to make some changes. Don’t ask me what changes just yet, because I’m still going over the options in my head.” He had considered the options, that was no lie, but he didn’t think Paul was ready to think about him going part-time, or maybe working from home. Hell, he’d thought about going freelance, but not right away.

All he knew was at some point, he’d need to go back to the office and discuss the situation, and it was a conversation he was dreading.

There was silence at the other end of the line. “Do you want more money? Is that it?”

“No, it’s not about money,” Marcus assured him.

“Then what is it? You had me worried, Marcus, I have to be honest. You seemed… strung out. That was why I agreed to you taking time off. I only wish you could have told me what was wrong.”

There was no way on Earth Marcus could have done that.

“How much more time do you think you’ll need?”

Marcus didn’t want to alienate Paul any more than he already had done, but he couldn’t face him right then. “A few more weeks?”

Yet more silence. Finally, Paul sighed. “Okay. But then we need to talk.”

Marcus agreed. “I’ll be in touch.” They disconnected, and Marcus was disconcerted to discover he was shaking.

Definitely not ready to go back. He wasn’t ready to lose what he had with Seb.

Marcus composed a text. Want some company?

Seb’s reply was almost instantaneous. Sure. Was gonna veg out on the couch. Not feeling like doing anything strenuous. Wanna join me?

That sounded like it was exactly what Marcus needed. On my way. A dose of Seb was the perfect balm to soothe Marcus’s troubled mind. In fact, if Marcus had his way, he’d wrap himself up in Seb and wear him always, his very own warm, sexy security blanket.

Except it’s like I told Mom. Life doesn’t work like that. He recalled her words, and ached for them to be true.

‘It can if you want it to. If it’s something you want badly enough.’

Right then, Marcus wanted it so badly, it hurt.



The credits rolled, and Marcus had to smile. Seb was asleep in his arms, Marcus lying behind him on the couch. Not that they’d started out that way. Seb had been at one end, Marcus at the other, but as the movie progressed, Seb had inched his way closer and closer, until Marcus had remarked dryly that any nearer and Seb would be in his lap. He’d held out his arm and fixed Seb with a forthright stare.

“If you want to snuggle, then snuggle. I’m not going to stop you.”

Seb had hesitated for all of two seconds before closing the gap between them and laying his head on Marcus’s shoulder. Half an hour later they were stretched out together, Marcus’s arms around him, Seb’s back warm and firm against his chest. Marcus wasn’t sure how much of the movie Seb had seen, but he didn’t have the heart to wake him.

Except it was eight-thirty, and Seb had to be up very early in the morning.

Marcus bent down and kissed him softly on the cheek. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty.”

Seb opened his eyes. “Hmm?”

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. It’s time to go to bed.”

Seb rolled onto his back, staring up at Marcus. “I don’t want you to go,” he said in a low voice.

It took Marcus a heartbeat of time to come to a decision. “Then I’ll stay.” He leaned in closer to take Seb’s mouth in a leisurely kiss.  Seb’s lips were warm and soft and the gentle scrape of his beard against Marcus’s sent a frisson of pleasure through him.

“Bed,” Seb announced as they parted. He got up from the couch and extended a hand to Marcus.

“We’re not going to sleep right away, are we?” Marcus asked as he got to his feet.

Seb’s eyes held a warm glow. “No, we’re not. I want to fall asleep with you inside me.”

That was fine by Marcus.



July 26

Seb removed the laundry from the washer just as his phone rang. He hurried out of the bathroom to retrieve it from the kitchen. He smiled when he saw Gary’s name. “Hey, you’re still with us then.”

Gary’s snort filled his ears. “She ain’t killed me with her cookin’, an’ I haven’t buried her in the yard—yet.”

He laughed. “So how are you doing?”

“Saw the doc yesterday. He said I’m mendin’. So I’m hopin’ to be home in a couple o’ weeks. Then you’ll be off the hook.”

Seb’s chest constricted. “Oh. Right.”

“You don’t sound too happy ’bout it, yow’un. Don’t you want your life back?”


There was silence for a moment. “What’s ’is name?”

Seb’s first thought was that Tim had said something. “Excuse me?”

Gary gave a wry chuckle. “You don’t sound all that keen to leave. I don’t think for a second you’ve decided the life of a lobsterman is for you, so that leaves a guy. Who’s been warmin’ my bed for ya? And is it still in one piece?”

“Yes, it’s still in one piece, and I’ll change the sheets before you get here.”

“Good. Don’t wanna catch no gay cooties.”  He cackled. There was another pause. “Thanks, kid. Tim says you’ve been friggin’ awesome. I’ll have to take things a bit easy at first, but me an’ Tim’ll cope. You’ve got school to think about.”

“Will you get off that phone and eat your breakfast?” Annie shouted in the background.

“Where’s that shovel?” Gary mumbled.

Seb laughed. “Don’t kill her just yet. You’re almost there. Let me know when you’re coming back, and I’ll make sure the house is ready for you. I’ll get the groceries in too.”

“Thanks, Seb. You’re a good man.” Gary disconnected.

Seb put the phone down on the countertop, his mind in a whirl. It feels like the ground is slipping from under me. Marcus had gone to the house to say goodbye to Jake, Sarah, and Mike. Marcus had informed him Jake had a job interview lined up in Boston. And then he’d added that he’d spoken with his boss in New York.

It’s all coming to an end so fucking fast, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

Only thing was, Seb didn’t want it to end.

His phone buzzed again. This time it was a text from Marcus, and the sight of it made Seb’s heart dance.

They’ve gone. On my way back.

Seb took a deep breath. It’s not over yet. He intended to take what time was left, and spend as much of it with Marcus as they could both manage.

If anyone had told me before this summer that in six weeks I could lose my heart to a guy, I’d have laughed my ass off. Yet here he was, in exactly that situation.

When Marcus went back to New York, a piece of Seb’s heart would go with him.