Dark Heir by Faye Pierce

Chapter Three


The idea of walking down the altar doesn’t scare me. Most guys think it’s about the ball and chain, but I don’t prescribe to that notion. This is about control. Old-school thinking is dying slowly, but I’m trying to keep it alive for as long as possible. This is a strategic move to keep my enemies from thinking they can take action against me.

Everything is elegant, a perfect symbol of family unity. They need to hear my message loud and clear. This marriage benefits both parties in different ways.

The church is the perfect venue for a merger to bring a little peace to the animosity between the family factions. Power is an aphrodisiac. Those that don’t have it want it, and those that do, want to hold on to it like grim death.

Leo is stoically standing beside me, playing the part of protector and friend. It’s standing room only, but I can tell some are still skeptical that the ceremony will ever occur.

The marriage is sudden. Rumors suggest she’s pregnant.

It’s funny when I think about it.

I don’t care what anybody is saying behind my back. It’s whether or not they have the audacity to step up and say it to my face that matters the most.

Valeria is exactly what I’ve been looking for all my life. She’s a girl with spirit and fire I’m determined to extinguish but not until I have a little bit of fun at her expense.

Father O’Connell is looking a little annoyed. He’s constantly looking at his watch. He finally stops when he notices the scowl on my face and my displeasure with him wanting to move things along.

This is some spectacle. No expense has been spared.

Of course, this is my way of making a statement about my position. There are those looking to topple the King from his throne. It’s not easy being on the top looking down at the little people begging for the slightest recognition.

Many faces I recognize,but there are still several I can’t seem to place no matter how hard I try. It’s a never-ending revolving door of new people arriving. My own sister mingles among them. It makes me cringe to see her limp but the smile on her face washes away the guilt temporarily. It comes back stronger at night when the shadows of my mistakes haunt me.

“Security is tight. The exits are being watched. We don’t want any surprises on your big day. It would be just like one of your enemies to think this is the perfect time to strike when your guard is down. I have everything under control,” Leo states with his back straight.

He’s showing a slight bulge under his jacket.

I want to tell him to take it off, but I know he’s not going to. He wants everybody to know he’s packing.

Those that have entered had to relinquish their firearms at the door where the metal detector is located. Leo and his men are patrolling the grounds. It makes me feel safe to know they’re working diligently on my behalf.

“I know you don’t want me to say this, but I consider you my brother from another mother. We make a formidable partnership. You’re not just an employee, but I think you already know that. The kind of loyalty you’ve shown me gives me a sense of security, but I will never lower my guard,” I say, staring at my sister.

I wonder deep down if she truly forgives me for what happened.

I never want to talk about it, even when I indulge a little too much. Drinking is my vice. Vodka is a Russian specialty I find incredibly comforting. I only enjoy the finest libations. The vodka is shipped to me from the motherland. It’s also a good way to keep relations civil between them and me. They’re always trying to muscle in on my territory, but I have an understanding with the guy in charge.

Midnight is doing her due diligence by staying in close contact with those interested in taking what I have. She’s very personable and basically the social butterfly of the family.

Her injury was inflicted conducting family business. It’s not something that I will never forget for as long as I live. A permanent reminder that I took my eye off the ball.

Complacency is the enemy.

“I owe you my life. I was lost, and you found me. Giving me a purpose and responsibility is more than my government has ever done for me. I was disallowed when I returned from active duty. I think about those days, and I get physically sick at some of the things I’ve done to protect the freedoms of others. Following orders without even questioning where they came from became an albatross around my neck,” Leo says.

I check my watch and see that she’s running late, but she’s probably doing it on purpose to get underneath my skin. It makes me smile to think that I’ll have the rest of my life to break these silly notions. She must be seen and not heard.

I turn to Leo. “I saw your potential and gave you a chance to rise above your circumstances. There’s this look in your eyes. I can’t even begin to describe how it feels when you look at somebody with that cold, calculating precision. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. It makes them fear you, but I know they’re curious to see you in action. They just don’t want to do anything to ruffle your feathers. I wouldn’t want to meet you in a dark alley. I’m just glad you are on my side,” I say, fussing with my white starched shirt.

It’s cutting off my circulation.

“I’m not going anywhere. This is my place. Nobody will get to you unless they go through me first. We’re in this together to the end. My life is nothing without you, and it’s an honor to be your right-hand man. Standing here with you is exactly what I need in my life. I hope she makes you happy. I’m not entirely convinced she’s the right woman for you, but I understand this has nothing to do with the antiquated notion of love.” Leo adds.

Love. I don’t even know what that word means. I couldn’t even begin to describe it. Women say the word too easily, whereas most guys feel deeply needing a label. The word doesn’t scare me, but I never want to be the kind of man to say it when I can’t even contemplate the full extent of what it truly means.

What I feel for my sister is unconditional. That comes from being family with the same blood running through our veins. She will always have my protection. Our arguments usually revolve around the men following her around. It’s for her own good, but she doesn’t see it that way.

I reach for his gun and hear an astonished gasp of response from the audience. They shift nervously in their seats while I inspect the weapon. It’s amusing to see them fidget, wondering if I have an ulterior motive. They probably think they can make it to the exit in time, but they don’t want to risk a stampede.

The silver revolver shines in the overhead light and through the psychedelic stained glass windows of the church. It feels good in my hand. The appeal of holding onto it is a novel concept but one I’m resisting for obvious reasons. Accidents happen in the heat of the moment.

My temper is legendary. It’s the reason why I have Leo to keep me from doing something stupid. He’s a voice of reason when everything around me is on fire. Of course, my dependence on him is a weakness, but I need somebody to tell me the unvarnished truth.

There are consequences to my actions. It’s called the butterfly effect for a reason.

The music plays, and I’m suddenly aware of everything around me.

I hand back the gun, much to the relief of the congregation.

The colors come alive, and I’ve become hyper-focused. I’m waiting with bated breath to see the wedding gown. It’s going to make everybody in attendance stand up and take notice. The design is Italian – the place of my roots, and I take pride in my heritage.

I become angry when I see her for the first time wearing something highly inappropriate. It’s not the dress I chose for her. It doesn’t convey a virginal quality with a long train trailing behind her. It’s blood-red off the shoulders, with the hemline a little too short for my liking. I’m stunned that she’s done this, but at the same time, I’m amused by her defiance and watch her progress until she’s standing right in front of me.

I lean forward and whisper closely in her ear. “I know what you are trying to do, and it’s not going to work. I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of making a scene in public. It will only give you what you want. You are going to pay for this in ways that you can’t even imagine. I hope it was worth it?”

The grin of self-serving arrogance vanishes before my eyes. She really thought that I was going to resort to angry theatrics.

Her mother sits in the front row, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief with my monogram stenciled in the linen fabric.

Her father, Peter, has his arms crossed and stares daggers in my direction.

“We are gathered here today….” The priest trails off while I hungrily look at Valeria’s cleavage. I’m begging for a wardrobe malfunction. “If anybody has just cause…?”

* * *


It’s my first trip down the aisle, and it’s not what I’m expecting. The wardrobe change came about when my father showed up seconds before the ceremony. It didn’t take much to convince me to snub my nose at Diavolo’s authority. The red dress is my father’s way of getting his pound of flesh without confronting Caspian.

Everybody is looking at me, and I feel completely energized, but that feeling doesn’t last very long. Caspian’s words sting. It’s easy to see he’s not pleased by my disobedience. It’s not like he’s going to put me over his knee and spank me in front of everybody attending the ceremony. The idea intrigues me, and my body craves his touch more than I’m willing to admit.

I’m listening to the priest, and I nod along politely while feeling the heat of sexual arousal between my legs. My panties are soaking wet. The power Caspian exudes is simply irresistible. He only has to say the word, and I’ll willingly succumb to a moment of passion under the sheets. That’s my body talking when my head is screaming at me to run in the opposite direction.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride,” Father O’Connell says.

The lace veil is lifted over my head, releasing a pungent aroma of perfume captured within. He inhales deeply, his chest expanding. His hand, strong and dominant, is delicately touching my cheek, and I feel a sense of anticipation that’s hard to ignore.

“This kiss will signify the tone of this marriage. I am in charge in this family. You’re simply a token piece of eye candy and a business decision. Don’t ever forget that, and we won’t have a problem,” he whispers hotly into my ear.

My legs quiver, and my body feel electrified. The kiss is coming - that much is obvious.

His lips touch me for the first time, and I lose all sense of self for a moment during the exchange. He forcefully injects his tongue into my mouth, tickling the top of my palate. It sends signals directly to my crotch. Sinking into the embrace is easy as his fingers glide down my spine until he’s grabbing my cheeks with both hands.

This is either ignorance or bliss, but I can’t decide which.

I’m barely able to stand with my legs feeling like jelly. The dress is short enough to give those watching from afar a brief peek underneath, courtesy of his hands pulling the fabric up high. He wants me to be exposed.

I secretly love the attention, but there’s no way I’m going to let him know that.

The kiss continues until I’m bent over at the waist, guided by his hand on my back. It’s a callous example of his dominance. There is not much I can do, but I can fight fire with fire. He’s not the only one that can take matters into his own hands.

I prove to be up to the challenge when I grab his hair. He’s a little surprised by my forcefulness when his eyes widen in shock and confusion for a split second. It’s not easy to contain the inferno of lust inside me, but I don’t want to give him the wrong idea.

He pulls back with a chorus of applause. His mouth has my lipstick all over it, and he licks his lips against the lingering taste of strawberry.

It’s his favorite flavor. He wants me to play by the rules, but I’m going to break every one of them. He can try to put me in a box, but I won’t go in without a fight.

“This is for them. The honeymoon is for me. I can’t wait to tear this dress from your milky skin. I bet you’re soaking wet for me. You don’t have to say the words. I wouldn’t believe anything you say when I can easily see how excited you are,” he whispers.

His eyes lower to my nipples as though he can see through my dress. It makes me a little self-conscious but also excites me in a way I’m not expecting.

I love how his pants fill out. He can’t keep the snake in its cage, and I can see it’s slithered down the left side of his leg. Guys always say it has a mind of its own. Seeing it up close and personal is proof positive.

My mouth waters, and I feel a thirst that can only be quenched by what’s behind the zipper of his pants. But, to give in that easily is going to send the wrong message. He needs to know where I stand, and the best way to convey it is in a public forum.

I slap him hard enough to leave a mark. He takes it without showing any emotion.

Grabbing my wrists, he places my hand on his chest. “This is what you do to me. I’ve been with my fair share of women, but you are in a league of your own. I’m not sure that’s a good thing, but we will find out sooner than later. The one thing painfully clear is the punishment is going to have to fit the crime.”

He drags me down the aisle, and nobody dares make eye contact. The guards are positioned, and they immediately block the path out to the hallway when we cross through to the other side. He stops and speaks quietly with Leo before returning to where I’m standing.

“What are you going to do…hit me? Is that what you want the guests to see?” I ask.

“I’m never going to leave a mark where they can see it,” Caspian says smugly while showing all of his teeth.

We walk across the street to the restaurant reserved for the reception. We barely make it through the door when I find myself in the women’s bathroom with him standing behind me. My head is spinning, but I know that being with him excites every part of me.