Mated By Fate by Christa Wick

Chapter Eleven

With the mostbone-shattering climax she'd ever experienced over, Lana peeled her eyes open to find two-hundred-plus pounds of pure sex appeal staring down at her. That mesmerizing green glow was back in his eyes, and stubble that hadn't been there when he showed up less than an hour ago now lined his cheek. She was certain there would be a hint of fang if he smiled, but the thought didn't frighten her.

The memory of men like Seth was buried in her blood. Fangs had grazed her skin in the first wet dream she could remember. She'd thought she was a freak growing up, her fantasies filled with growls and the threat of teeth and nails.

The only thing missing from those early fantasies was the energy that Seth could command. Not his immense physical stamina, but the soul of his wolf. She could still feel the buzz it left on her skin and deep inside even though he had only penetrated her with his tongue and fingers.

The sensation had been warm and all possessing, heightening her senses until she felt like a part of her was floating and looking down at his body, his every muscle devoted to making her climax.

Wanting to see all of him again, she opened a little room between them. Strong shoulders, broad chest, four rows of distinct abdominal muscles…

Taking in the length and thickness of his cock, she drew a shuddering breath in as the muscles of her sex squeezed in anticipation of his pushing deep inside her, his wolf leading the way.

Seth's soft growl told Lana he knew exactly the effect he had on her, that he could smell the fresh burst of cream she had just expelled.

She expected him to lower his body over her, spread her thighs again and thrust into her. Instead, he flipped Lana onto her stomach, her weight nothing against his strength. Hearing another growl vibrate roughly from him, she looked over her shoulder. Seth stared down at her ample bottom, his mouth partly open and the tip of his tongue resting against his upper teeth.

One hand roamed her left ass cheek, squeezing and rolling the flesh. The other hand stroked his gorgeous shaft. Liquid beaded at the wide slit in its crown, the fat translucent drops falling one by one to audibly hit the bedding with a rhythm that beat to dust every rational thought she held.

Seth smeared the fluid with two fingers then rubbed between her legs, slowly moving toward her center and inserting them inside her. Stealing more of his precum, he buried three fingers inside her.

Lana started to rock, the timing of her back and forth motions synced to the hard contractions rolling through her and the thrust of Seth's hand. She ached for him, needed his thick cock inside her. With soft mewls, she begged him for it.

Grabbing her hips by both hands, he raised her bottom higher. His touch left her hip, the muscular fingers angled his cock down until the thick head pushed against the quivering gate of muscle that ringed her entrance. The same hand smoothed along her back to push her shoulders lower, flattening her breasts against the mattress.

Prolonging the anticipation of his entering, Seth let his energy play over her sensitive skin, all of it coming in a flow directed through his fingertips. Shoulders, breasts, thickly swollen nipples, the curve of her stomach, then her hot, slick pussy. Fingers rhythmically flexed and narrowed inside her, preparing her for how very big he was, his energy soothing and exhilarating at the same time.

Words twisted through Lana's throat, emerged without meaning, only the whine of a woman possessed by a blistering, carnal need. His fingers retreated, his cock replacing them, the same energy inside her but growing thicker and more concentrated.

Looking back, she watched as Seth stretched her, his gaze searing her flesh as he pushed deeper. His lips moved, his jaw working, fangs flashing as he fought to keep control. With four inches remaining until she was pressed against his base, Seth's nostrils flared and his eyes sealed shut as he closed the distance by dragging her up his length, his heavy balls pushing against the back of her thighs.

Lana moved to lift up on her elbows.

A growl stopped her. "Down."

His eyes were open again, his expression alight with feral masculinity. He was taking her, his mate, and would do so this time exactly as he pleased, which meant his thrusting into her from behind with his big cock filling her, her ass high in the air and her chest flat against the bed. A shiver ran over Lana, her whole body contracting simultaneously in perfect submission to the beast claiming her.

He began to rock with her, pushing and pulling her body along his length. Her swollen pussy felt like there were two thick heads inside her, the big hammer at the end of his cock and again, a few inches up from the base, an even bigger knot of pleasure driving through her but keeping him anchored inside. She tightened around it, the strength of her moans shocking her.

She was coming again, harder than the last time, which should have wrung every last drop of satisfaction from her body, it had felt that good.


She looked at his face, saw the tremor of strain as he approached his own release. "Yes," she moaned, hugging him with her pussy for emphasis. "Yours."

As she acknowledged his claim, Seth's orgasm uncoiled like a whip, his cock jerking inside her, that big knot in the base inflating and deflating with each spasm of his climax. She cried out, fighting for air, the pulsing throb between her legs dictating when she could and could not breathe.

Behind her, he slowed, his hips still making leisurely thrusts, rolling in small circles to keep that ball rotating just within her snug confines.

"You're killing me," she moaned, only half joking.

"It only feels like you've died and gone to heaven, beautiful."

She tried to laugh, but another sharp twinge of pleasure rattled the sound around inside her throat. Her hips bucked, bucked again and then he popped free. Dropping to his side, he pulled Lana onto her back, his big hand covering her mound and squeezing as his tongue invaded her mouth.

Damn, he was a great kisser. Her mouth still pressed to his, she smiled then moaned as he dipped a finger between her wet folds. Her head lolling back onto the pillow, she closed her eyes. "You know I don't have your stamina."

"I'll let you nap." He kissed the side of her ear, his finger retreating from the slow tease he had started. "But only if I get to stay."