Dragon Heat by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 23

Fog nudged her. “Azure,” he said.

“Yes?” she asked, turning around on her barstool and looking his way. He was just putting his cellphone into his pocket. The female Fog had been talking to looked put out. She even gave Azure a dirty look, pursing her lips. Azure wanted to tell the human that she had nothing to worry about, but didn’t. She didn’t seem all that friendly.

“You do know that you’re actually supposed to accept a drink from a male, or at least talk to one.” He looked at the male who was walking away. “That’s the fifth or sixth male you’ve turned down.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She shrugged. “None of them have been that interesting.”

“They’ll be too afraid to approach you soon.”

“I don’t mind.” She glanced back at where she’d seen Ice standing, talking to that same female. The one in the red dress with the serious curves.

What? Where was he? Where were they?

The spot where they had been standing was empty.

Fog chuckled. “If you’re looking for Ice, he left.”

“Um…what? Ahhhhh...um…no…I—” Shit! What did she say to that? Left? Ice left? Her heart plummeted. Any hope she had been holding out faded. “I wasn’t…looking for him,” she practically whispered.

Fog all out laughed. “Please! You can stop there. Don’t even try to deny it. I’ve watched the two of you trying not to look at each other for the last two hours and failing dismally.”

“What?” She made a face. “No, you have it wrong.” She shook her head, feeling worse and worse. Ice had left.

“I finally understand why the two of you have been acting weird all week. I understand what that energy I’ve been feeling was. Sexual tension.” He chuckled.

She frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“And why you won’t give me the time of day. Because let’s face it, I’m a handsome male, with a whole lot to offer.” He flexed his bicep.

She smiled, unable to laugh, even though she wanted to…because where was the female in the red dress? Where? Had Ice left with her? She looked around the place, not seeing the human anywhere. Maybe they didn’t leave together. Maybe she was—

“The two of you are… I don’t know exactly what you are, but there’s something there. That much is apparent.”

“No.” She shook her head, her eyes stinging. Her mind racing. “No…not at all. You’re wrong.” Her lip wobbled, so she bit down on it, looking towards the bathrooms. Maybe the female was in there.

“I’m not wrong.” He touched the side of her arm, drawing back her attention to him. He sighed. “He left with her.”

“I know.”

“He doesn’t want her.”

“Funny way of showing it, since he left with her.” Azure was having to work not to cry. She. Would. Not!

“Ice wants you.”

“You’re wrong!” she almost growled, her dragon right there beneath the surface. “He’s such an asshole,” she pushed out. “I don’t know what I see in him.”

“I don’t either, but here we are,” Fog said, eyebrows raised. “Actually, when he’s not stuck up his own ass, he’s a good male and the two of you would be good together.” He rolled his eyes. “I still think I’m the better male for you, but what can you do?” He shrugged.

Azure choked out a laugh, still trying not to cry. She sniffed a few times. “He left with someone else, so this conversation isn’t even worth having.”

“You dressed up and came all this way. I think you should finish it.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Finish it how?”

“Go and tell him how you feel.”

“What? Now?” she choked out. “You’ve lost your mind.”

“I already called you an Uber. It’s waiting outside. Ice is in room number eleven.”

“Are you really suggesting I barge in on them?”

“If you hurry, you will make it before anything happens.”

“How do you know that?” She shook her head. “They left—”

“A couple of minutes ago. Not long at all. I called the B&B and had them lock his room; he’ll have to go to the reception to get a key. He wouldn’t have taken one with him.”

“He might have.”

“He didn’t. I know Ice. That’s why I’m shocked it took me this long to figure it out. He can’t see straight for wanting you so much. He doesn’t want that female. If you are serious, go now, tell him how you feel. He’s too stubborn to go to you. Too hard-assed to break a rule, even though it’s a bullshit rule. It’s just the way he is.”

If she left right then…

“Just go already.” Fog grinned. “I can keep a secret. I think it’s—”

Azure didn’t wait to hear the rest of what he said. She grabbed her purse and ran. Then she slid into the seat in the Uber and yelled, “Please hurry.”

This was crazy.

This was stupid.

She’d never had to work so hard for a male in her life. Then again, it had never counted before. It did now. It counted big time.