Becoming His by Mariah Dietz

Becoming His, was first completed in August, 2013. It feels like years and yet only seconds since that time. I’ve met so many amazing people on this journey that have contributed to making this one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I feel like this story is my third child!

To Lisa Greenwood and Sarah Pinkerton, my shining stars that have encouraged and supported me through my grumpy moods, dramatic failing fears, and questioning of everything under the sun. You guys not only helped me maintain a level of sanity, you helped me laugh at myself and reminded me what’s important in life. You are the best friends I could ever ask for. Thank you for reading Becoming His countless times, (far too many) providing me with essential feedback that made this not only possible, but far better. I can not thank you guys enough. You have been my calm, my reason, my sisters, and I love you.

To Amanda Dillard, Katie Ross, and Lucy Mae Enderby, with Book Loving Buckeye blog, three AMAZING and talented women that have challenged and pushed me to make Becoming His such an awesome story. I am so grateful this story introduced me to you.

To Heather Spencer, the first person to read Becoming His, and helped to restore my confidence as well as the story after I butchered the hell out of it when someone told me no one would ever read a novel this long. You’ve been my inspiration, my strength, and my teacher, but most importantly such a dear and true friend. I love you H.

Alison Wallace, Megan Crisp, Susan Reeves Kleist, Samantha Lloyd, Lauren Ladlee. Marlene Hoffman, Chelsea Barraza, and Vickie Elliott for your patience, support, and feedback that was essential to this process.

To the wonderful Stephanie Powell, with Night and Day Book Blog, and Lisa, with Schmexy Girl Book Blog and Truly Schmexy Promotions, for her endless patience and support in translating this new world to me.

Maxann Dobson, with The Polished Pen, my editor, who receives a thousand times the emails everyone else does (which is still a lot!) Thank you for answering my millions of questions and helping me to improve my writing while listening to all of my long-winded concerns and thoughts. I am so glad I found you!

Emily Tippetts, and her awesome team, for making the inside of this book so beautiful, and for helping me learn so much about this process.

Sarah Hansen, with Okay Creations, that somehow took my muddled thoughts and words and made this amazingly beautiful cover that is so much more than I could have wanted!

And to my beautiful and wonderful family that have endured the majority of my craziness while this book has come to fruition. Dealing with my distracted self while Max and Ace played through my head. And handling the emotional roller coaster I experienced while telling their story. You guys have been my heart through this and I appreciate you keeping it safe.

Lastly to the readers. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading Becoming His. I hope you fell just as hard and as far in love with the entire Bosse Family, Jameson, Wes, Landon and Max as I did. I can’t wait to share, Losing Her, with you all!