The Very Rude Boys Next Door by Chloe Kent

Chapter Ten


Anastasia had every intention of explaining herself to them. That they were innocent civilians and she had made a mistake involving them in her dangerous affairs.

But the instant they entered the room, she bowed her head in supplication from the floor on which she kneeled. Naked. Just like they had asked her to be.

“What did we tell you last night when you woke up crying because you’d had a nightmare? What did we tell you, Anastasia?” Callum asked.

She had woken from a terrible nightmare the night before and they had held her and assured her everything was going to be all right then they had them made love to her and it made sense that when she woke up this morning she had only been left with an engulfing feeling of uneasiness.

She had acted subconsciously on her nightmare.

“What did we tell you, Anastasia?” Ben asked this time,

“That I was safe.”

“What else?” Kane probed,

“That as long as I stayed in Lakeside Banter, here in this house especially I’d be protected, and nothing can or will harm me.”

“Did you think we were lying about that?”

“No,” she murmured. But stopping herself from pleading her case again proved harder each time. She wasn’t an ordinary girl with ordinary family issues. She belonged to a dangerous Bratva outfit and the man her uncle had chosen for her to marry was ruthless and killed for no other reason that it was a sport for him.

They would protect her from ordinary people, she had no doubt, but not from the Russian Mafia.

“But you chose not to believe us when we said that.” Ben said, folding his arms as he watched her.

“No, I…” she said sadly. “Please, you don’t understand. I don’t want you to get hurt or even… Or even killed. The men I’m dealing with are extremely—”

“Enough,” Callum warned darkly. “You didn’t trust us so it’s time we made you trust us.”

She quaked when the sound of his belt was whipped through the loops of his jeans. Her pussy began to ache and drip as her clit throbbed uncomfortably. Her nipples pulled taut and swelled into two hard peaks. A fever washed over her like dusk before twilight, like the radiance inside her beckoned the darkness they offered.

And yet throughout it all she was petrified.

Breathless. And she knew she couldn’t talk herself out of it; she had made a poor judgment call, and this was her punishment,

When Callum bent and curled an arm around her middle, she didn’t fight. When he sat down on the bed then tossed her over his lap, she acquiesced even that.

But by the time the leather of his belt melded with the flesh of her ass, she lost her control and wailing sobs escaped her lips.

“Ten strikes,” he said then made her count each one with her quivery tear-stained voice.

To say the leather felt like lashings of lightning and thunder would be an understatement. Callum set her soul on fire, but as she ran through the flames, further with every strike she counted, her world turned upside down.

But then suddenly the pain took on a different meaning. She found herself walking through a meadow filled with lavender. Peace engulfed her, yet she soon realized she was still on a bed of red-hot coals. She couldn’t explain the contradictory nature of her subconscious only that there with peace around her and fire beneath the soles of her feet and in both those things, simultaneously she found innate bliss.

Her wailing sobs were soon replaced with silent tears that rolled from her face. By the time she softly said the number ten, a chill colder than she had ever experienced settled into her bones.

It wasn’t from the smarting pain on her ass. No, this was from feeling a loss of heat. Their heat.

She needed them. She needed them inside her, filling her, feeding her that heat she now needed to survive.

Callum lifted her and wrapped her in his arms where she continued to sob. He then handed her over to Ben who had ripped off his T-shirt, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans.

She clung to him too as he laid down on his back and positioned her to straddle him.

Wrapping his hand around the nape of her neck as her tears dripped onto his chest, he dragged her down to kiss her at the same moment he used his other hand to guide his shaft into her profound wetness.

She sucked him up inside her the same way he sucked up her lips into his mouth.

Ben had arranged them so they laid at the side of the bed.

Kane who had also unearthed his cock, stood beside her now. When Ben released her, Kane bent and took possession of her mouth.

He kissed her roughly, biting her lips as Ben dug his fingers into her hips and planted his cock all the way in.

“Your safe word is red. When you want us to stop whatever we’re doing to you, you say the word red and we’ll stop, no questions asked. Do you understand, Anastasia?” Kane said, holding her chin in his hand as he forced her to look up at him.

She nodded furiously. She understood every word he said to her.

“I’m going to have to hear you say it, sweetheart.”

“Yes. Yes, I understand. My safe word is red.”

He bent and kissed her once more before he straightened then taking his cock in his hand, he guided it to her mouth.

She sucked hungrily, moaning around the fullness in her mouth and pussy.

From behind her she couldn’t help but wonder what Callum was doing until the heat from his body shadowed her.

“Now we’re going to take every part of you, every single inch of you so there’s no confusion about who you belong to and that as long as you stay with us, in Lakeside Banter in this house, you will be safe. No man will ever dare touch you.”

She whimpered around Kane’s cock in her mouth as Callum lifted her ass cheek. She swayed away from him, as he made his intention crystal clear when he had brushed the head of his cock against her tightly closed hole.

But he did it again, then alternating between his cock and his fingers he lubricated her up, until his finger slid in easily, but no amount of lube could make the easing in of his cock deeper into her. He was just too big. They were all just too big for her.

She began to thrash around as Callum forced his way in further. Her eyes glittering with unshed tears as he broke into her.

Kane cupped her face with one of his hands. “Lick,” he ordered as he held his erection in his other hand and positioned just the tip for her. “Don’t stop,” he warned and the edge in his voice made her lift her gaze to him. There wasn’t a trace of amusement in his eyes, and she melted at the dominance in his voice.

She obeyed him. Licking as if she were a kitten at a bowl of milk. Just the head of his cock which is the only thing he allowed. But her internal walls had clenched so hard against Ben’s cock in her pussy, he lifted his head and bit her nipple. She cried out but didn’t stop licking at Kane’s cock while she tried her hardest to relax the tautness around Ben’s.

And all the while, Callum sunk in deeper.

Her eyes widened in fear. There were too many parts that required too much of her attention and already she was so full she didn’t think she could take any more of Callum’s cock in her ass, not with Ben in her pussy.

She howled in delirious pain and mysterious pleasure as Callum breached her with almost the full length of his shaft.

“Good girl,” Kane said as she huffed and panted and shook her head, murmuring that she couldn’t take it. She was going to be ripped apart. Kane leaned down and kissed her gently, in direct contrast to the violent sensations of being double penetrated by two huge cocks.

In spite of her fear and her tears, a glow emanated from the very depths of her soul. Yet there was still one piece of her soul missing.

When Kane deserted her mouth and Callum retracted from her asshole, coldness covered her, but it was just for a moment. Ben had tilted her forward, and Kane now stood behind her, his cock nudging the already stuffed entrance of her pussy.

She gritted her teeth as Kane pushed his well lubricated head into her. She clung onto Ben because she was certain she was going to fly apart in different directions.

But then Ben lifted her and slipped out a little only for Kane to fill that space and within a breath, they were both sliding into her pussy, robbing her of her breath, her senses, her everything.

They didn’t give her a moment to doubt herself before Callum mounted her. He had already trained her body to allow him access and she obeyed him now without question even though she sobbed quietly as he entered her.

They held her tightly but kissed her softly. They made her come with patience and skill, but she flew asunder as her orgasms rippled through her. They gently murmured praise for her but fucked her with such male dominance she could do nothing but accept it.

Yet with that acceptance also came an untamed need to please them. To make her body do what they wanted.

Perspiration glistened from her skin as she slid and slipped between them. Prints of their hands and teeth would remind her of what she had achieved the next day.

And soon she picked up their rhythm, innocently clutching them tightly inside her only to hear their defeated growls as they came inside her, washing every part of her with their cum.

She was never going to be the same again, yet she also didn’t have enough power in her to create any external thoughts outside of them. Her mind had blanked to an empty canvas and now it being filled with lashings of color so erotic, so intense she was entranced, mesmerized. She searched her brain for the pieces that would show her reality, but that remained hidden under the shield that had now become these three men.

Callum. Ben. Kane.