Falling for Rex by Shayne Ford




I rinsemy hair before cleaning my skin and turning the shower off.

Soft music flows through the speakers throughout the house–– they must be installed in the bathroom as well.

Sunk in thought, I unfold a towel and pat myself dry before blow-drying my hair.

The door creaks open as I put the blow dryer down and run my fingers through my hair.

“Well done,” Kian says, watching me from the doorway.

“Get out,” I say coldly, not flinching or looking in his direction.

He steps in, closes the door behind him, and locks it before sliding his hands into his pockets and swaggering to me.

I pivot to him, butt naked.

He wears a pair of dark suit pants and a white shirt. Where is he going in the middle of the night?

“Do you think he won’t ram through that door if I scream?” I ask, not losing my cool or caring that he runs his gaze down on me as if I’m his, not batting a lash when he stops in front of me.

His eyes leave trails of ash across my skin as he weighs me with his stare.

His eyes look like diamond lakes, drowning me in their depths.

They look gray and blue and green in the cold light of the bathroom, not one single color defining them.

They look like sprawls of water locked under the summer sky. Glimmering and overflowing.

His dark hair is brushed back, a slight smile dipping his lips.

“He can’t hear you. He’s in my father’s office on a conference call discussing a pressing matter. The room is soundproof. Besides, he thinks I’m gone. He saw me leave the house.”

I flick my hand, gesturing at him dismissively.

“Whatever...” I mutter, shifting my eyes away from him and focusing on the hairbrush and the vanity.

“You just made everything more interesting, Luna Rae.”

“You don’t want me,” I say, setting the hairbrush in a holder.

He goes quiet.

I turn to him.

He flicks his gaze up from my body, a smile flickering in his eyes.

“How can you possibly know what I want?” he asks, his voice resonating across my body.

“You want to hurt him.”

“Why would I want to hurt him? He’s my brother.”

“You tell me.”

“I don’t want to hurt him.”

“I don’t believe you.”

He pivots slightly and leans against the edge of the sink before crossing his arms on his chest, his wristwatch catching the light.

“If anything, I want to protect him.”

“Protect him?” I snap, running my fingers through my hair before shaking my head and letting it tumble down.

He brings his hand to my face and brushes my hair to the side to see my face.

He looks at me.

Really looks at me.

“Why would you protect him from me?” I ask.

“Because you have the power to destroy him.”

“Me?? How?”

“You don’t know yet, and I’m not going to tell you. You have the power to destroy me too, but I’m not gonna let you.”

I read his eyes for a few moments before a laugh flows from my lips.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am,” he says, grinning, his arms folded on his chest again.

I let my gaze hover over him.

He has his legs crossed, his smooth pants highlighting his thighs, tight hips, trimmed waist, and visible package.

“You’re doing that again,” he mutters.

I flick my eyes up.

“I’m not doing anything. What am I doing?”

“You want to know if I’m hard.”

“No, I don’t,” I say, pivoting to grab a robe.

He cuffs my wrist and pulls me back to him. Our eyes meet, his lips arching slowly into a smile.

“Feel me up.”

He still has me in his grip.

“I don’t need to.”

“That’s not what I said... Do it.”

He lets go of my hand, his eyes still on me.

I look down and then up at him.

“Why would I do it?”

“Because you want to know if I’m hard.”

“I don’t care.”

“I was hard when you sucked his dick.”

“I told you I don’t care,” I mutter, evading his eyes.

He tips my chin up.

“Look at me, Luna Rae.”

I whip my eyes to him.

“You gave me permission to stay because you wanted payback. You wanted me to be turned on while you sucked him off.”

“You suggested it.”

“I didn’t. I stated a fact. You didn’t like that I had that woman blow me.”

“It’s your house. You do what you see fit.”

“I needed to cool off after you touched me.”

He finally gets my attention.

“You’re a liar.”

He laughs.

“I’m not. And then I realized that it pissed you off.”

“You’re wrong.”

I pull away from him.

He grabs my arm again.

“I came into her mouth because of you,” he says.

I have no other choice but to stay put.

“You would’ve come anyway.”

“Maybe, but in that particular moment, I came because of you.”

I read his eyes for a moment.

“What’s your point?”

“My point is that I see through you the same way you see through me. And now I know that you want to touch me.”

I dip my gaze to his chest but quickly pull it up.

“What would be the point of doing that?”

“I’ll tell you if you touch me.”

I let out a chuckle.

“You don’t expect me to fall for that, do you?”

“It’s not a game, Luna Rae,” he says, stifling a grin.

“To you, it is.”

“It’s never been,” he says seriously.

I don’t believe him, but I’m tempted.

“Touch me,” he says quietly, his eyes sliding to my lips.

He brings my hand to his groin, and I don’t fight him in the slightest.

Smoothly I splay my hand on his bulge and feel him up. Wool and silk and cotton weave together to separate him from my touch, and even so, I feel his cock erect, pointing up, his heavy balls at the root.

“How does it feel?”


“Now, stroke me.”

I pull my hand away.

He catches me and makes me go still.

“I’ll tell you if you do it,” he says, bargaining with me.

I press the heel of my palm against his flesh and ride it down his length.

“Tell me,” I say, lifting my gaze to him.

A fire starts in his eyes as I keep stroking him.

“You need to know how I feel to know me better.”

“I don’t need to know you, Kian. You’re not him.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You wouldn’t look twice at me if it weren’t for him.”

“You’re wrong.”

“You think I’m more than I am, Kian,” I toss at him, exasperated.

“I know exactly what you are.”

“No, you don’t. I don’t want to destroy him. I wouldn’t do it even if I could.”

“Huh... Really?”

His smile makes me sweat.

He palms my hand and slides it down with mine on top of his erection.

“Why didn’t you tell him?”

“Tell him what?”

I want to retrieve my hand. It’s too late for that.

He doesn’t let go of me. I move it with his hand again while drawing myself closer to him.

“You didn’t tell him that I touched you the other night.”

“Why would I tell him that?”

He laughs.

“I didn’t want to hurt him,” I say.

“Did you tell him that I felt your tits in the pool tonight?”


“You think that letting me see you naked in his presence absolves you of the responsibility you might have toward him.”

“You’re fucking with me. You said that being with the same woman happened a lot between the two of you before. I just wanted to make it easy for both of you.”

“It didn’t happen like that. We used to get sucked by the same woman occasionally. That wasn’t the case tonight.”

“I don’t want to suck you.”

“That’s what I thought. But you didn’t enjoy yourself either. You did it out of spite. And that makes you a dangerous woman.”

He no longer smiles, his cock stirring beneath my touch.

“You don’t care about him...” I say in a quiet voice. “You wouldn’t touch me if you cared.”

“I’m not touching you.”

He brings his free hand to my legs, slides it between my thighs, and rides it up.

“Now I’m touching you,” he says, palming my sex.

A shudder goes through me–– tingles and pleasure follow shortly, and a wave of panic, of course. It makes me jerk back, away from him.

He springs up and catches me in his arms, spinning me and pressing my back against his chest.

We fall back against the sink, his hand clamped over my mouth, my butt on his lap.

“Stop fighting me, Luna Rae... And I’m gonna show you.”

I mutter words that stay muffled.

“Not yet, baby... Not yet. I told you that he can’t hear you if that’s what’s crossing your mind.”

I slacken in his arms, my palms on his thighs.

“Now, you know... You can’t run away from me. You must know that,” he says, brushing my hair to the side and sliding his fingers down my neck. “You smell good, Luna Rae. Your skin is smooth, woven with fire. But your eyes lie. They lied to him. They couldn’t lie to me, though.”

His hand goes down on my chest.

He cups a breast before sweeping it with his palm and closing his hand around it.

“I didn’t lie...” I say, my voice muffled.

“What was that again?” he mutters, loosening his grip.

I repeat what I just said, my eyes falling on the mirror in front of us. I can believe I’m watching this.

Me, naked and leaning against him, his hand on me, exploring my body, drifting down until he cups my sex again.

I pulse beneath his touch.

He sees it in my eyes as we lock our gazes in the mirror.

“They don’t lie now. This is why you can destroy him. Not telling him about me doesn’t make the slightest difference. You won’t protect him. He knows me. He’s lived with me more than he’s lived with you. But this can destroy him, and you know what? There is nothing you can do about it.”

He breaks his stare away from me and looks down.

Quietly, I observe him–– his broad shoulders, his chest straining against his shirt, his strong arms contained in the sleeves, his tanned forearms darker against my skin.

His legs are slightly open, his sex pressed against my butt, his hands–– both hands–– running down on me.

He lifts his gaze, catching me ogling him.

“What can destroy him?” I murmur, my eyes on him.

He smiles behind my back.

“The way you respond to me.”

He cups my breasts and starts kneading them while I enjoy the show in the mirror.

He then pushes a hand down and touches my slit again.

Smoothly, he curls his hand and palms my slit, not doing anything else.

“You don’t need to do this to convince me,” I toss at him.


His hand wraps around my neck–– he squeezes it hard. I choke and gasp.

I jerk back.

He lets me breathe.

“You’re like me, Luna...” he murmurs against my neck. “You like to live where death begins.”

Slowly, he starts to stroke my sex. He simply moves his hand between my legs. He doesn’t open my folds, doesn’t circle my clit, or finger me.

He tightens his grip on my neck again, making me tilt my head back as I keep my eyes on him in the mirror.

He looks down at his hand while brushing my folds. And at my chest expanding with air and deflating rapidly.

His lips burn on the side of my neck as he clutches it and cuts off my air again.

I jolt against him, and he lets go of me... again.

“How does it feel? It makes you feel alive, doesn’t it?” he mutters, clenching his hand slowly, taking the air away from me, not letting me give him an answer.

“He makes you feel alive...” he mutters, watching the blood draw from my face as he blocks the oxygen from flowing into my lungs.

He lets me breathe a little, but not enough, so my pulse starts racing, my heart beating frantically as spikes of adrenaline surge through my veins, all increasing my pleasure.

“That’s the chemistry behind it. The cocktail of panic, forbidden pleasure, darkness, and death. They give you the rush and fuck up your brain before a man rams his cock into your depths. That’s what it is. That’s why it feels so good. That’s why you want my hands on you and his cock in you. And you will want my cock in you too before you know it. You probably want it now. But now, it’s not a good time. He needs to taste you first and have enough of you because there won’t be much left for him when I’m done with you.”

My silence prompts him to lift his gaze and look at me in the mirror.

I watch him with heavy eyes, my eyelids at half-mast, my body hot from his touch, not enough oxygen in my brain to connect two phrases together.

I look as if I’m out, and I am out. I know what he says. I hear what he says. I acknowledge what he says, and he may be right. But there’s nothing left in me to argue.

He presses hard on my carotids, and I jerk my hands up, cuff his wrist, and tug at it for relief.

He lets me breathe, pressing the heel of his palm above my pubic bone, making me feel the tension in my sensitive spot inside me.

“The thing is Luna Rae. We are made for each other...”

His words fall from his lips in an even tone as if his cock is not about to burst beneath my rear.

As if his breaths are not so hot and heavy on my neck.

As if he doesn’t clutch my cleft.

“You can destroy me, but I can destroy you too... You can’t say the same thing about my brother. He already fights a war with me over you, and he can’t believe that I can give you the pleasure that he gives you. Or that you can give me the pleasure that you give him. So, this is my lesson for you. You wanted to know. Now, you do...”

His voice trails off before he opens his lips again, presses them on my neck, and swirls his tongue.

“No teeth marks this time. No new ones, anyway...” he says.

He breathes out a chuckle against my neck, his fingers pressed flat against my wet center.

He doesn’t curl them and doesn’t finger me.

He doesn’t help me get off. Maybe that’s his plan after all. Or maybe I’m wrong.

He shifts behind me and slides his zipper down, freeing his hard-on.

I shudder in panic.

“Don’t worry. That’s not how it’s going to happen.”

He pulls me back into him, his erection pressed between us. A rod of hot hard flesh. He opens my legs with his hand as I lean against him with all my weight.

His arm flexes as he handles my neck, and I fear what’s coming next. He touches my entrance with his middle finger before he spreads some of the moisture around my hole and in between my folds.

I jerk again, violently.

He shushes me, laughing.

“You’re so wild, Luna Rae. So fucking wild... Stay still.”

He changes the way he strokes me, his fingers moving this time up and down, drawing a line from my slit to my entrance until I start to rock my hips.

“I knew it...” he mutters, gripping my neck. “You’ll breathe as I allow you to. Any extra movement will cost you oxygen, so you know what to do.”

I end up sprawled against him, gasping for air, my legs open, his hand between my thighs. His hot dick stirring behind me.

“That’s how you should be... And next time you see a woman suck my dick, stifle your need to tease me.”

I pull up and fall into his iron grip, choking, and feeling dizzy.

“I told you what to do,” he says in a commanding voice.

I fall back, my head pressed against his shoulder, my hands clutching his muscular thighs.

He massages my neck, creating the illusion that I’m free before securing me again.

“How do I know you’re not going to tell him?” I ask before he locks my neck again.

He smiles at me in the mirror.

“Why would I tell him? Like you, I get off on secrets, on pacts. On betrayal.”

“I don’t want to hurt him.”

He brings his lips to my temple.

“Don’t worry. You and I will hurt more than he ever will.”

With that, he begins to play with me again... To stroke me and indulge in watching us in the mirror.

“You are mine, Luna Rae...” he says as if swept in a trance, his stare turning blank as he watches the woman and the man in the mirror.

My hips move slightly against his touch, my lips parting to suck in air.

“Yes, baby...” he murmurs, tossing the word at me not in an affectionate way as he increases the force bestowed on me.

Around my neck, between my legs.

“Show me how you come,” he says, his cock twitching behind my back. “Show me, Luna Rae...”

He starts stroking my clit, fast and faster, cuffing my neck tighter, until I get lighter than air and high on pleasure, the closeness between us increasing at light speed, my trust in him soaring to unimaginable, irrational highs, the lights blending around us.

He does it to me, the same way Rex did it.

And then I feel the pain as he crushes thousands of nerve endings under his touch, sending my sensitive clit into a pleasurable frenzy.

“Kian...” I murmur as if I get a hit of the most potent aphrodisiac.

“Yes, baby...”

He sounds different now, or maybe it’s my brain deprived of oxygen. He slides one finger into me, and he doesn’t even get to move it before I start to shake against him, hitting him hard, getting washed with waves of throbbing pleasure until the only thing I see is light.

His hand jerks away from my neck as I keep shuddering out of his grip.

I fall down to his knees.

Down on the tiles, clenching my thighs and moaning, my hand on his shoes, and then my arm around his shank as I hear him grunting uncontrollably.

I look up and watch him, his eyelids lowered, the light gone from his eyes. His veiny cock in his hand, dripping with pre-cum. He’s close to coming. His eyes glaze over me as if he is alone... Wherever he is... He’s not with me. After all this torment. After teasing me and choking me and stroking me. He is edging, completely disconnected from me.

And that’s what draws me in. And I know it’s a crossroads, a moment I can’t come back from or revisit later.

I know there’s a price to pay down the road.

I know that I might even change my mind, but my impulse trumps everything else, so I pivot on my knees and push up, grabbing him with both hands and pulling him into my mouth.

He comes the very next second. The same way he came when I flashed my naked sex at him.

He lets me slide my mouth onto him a few times before coming into my mouth and my hair. Onto my chest and on my body.

Stroking his hard length vigorously until his pace slows down and a smile glints in his eyes, and his focus comes to him.

Slowly, he shakes his head. Dick hanging out, still hard, he grabs a towel, cleans himself up before tucking it in and closing his zipper. He checks his pants and shoes. It’s a miracle that they’re untouched.

He grabs another towel and helps me up before running it across my chest and hair and thighs until there’s not a drop of cum left on me.

“You can take another shower before you go wait for him in his bed. I’m sure you’re eager to fuck him as soon as he hits the bed.”

I have no idea what he’s talking about as my brain is in some sort of a blackout.

He wipes off the last drops of cum from the floor before collecting the dirty towels and taking them with him out of the bathroom.

He tosses a last glance in the mirror and looks my way.

“It was great spending some time with you, Luna Rae. I’ll see you in the morning.”

With that, he winks at me and closes the door.

I swivel and press my palms against the edge of the sink, not having the slightest idea what I’m supposed to do.

What have I done?

End of Book Two.

* * *

Thankyou for reading Falling for Rex (House of Lions 2). The next book Surrendering to Rex (House of Lions 3) will be published shortly.

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Also, if you like Billionaire Romance Stories, check out my other series: Night of the Kings, Night of the Diamonds, Shades of Love, Golden Heir, and Love is War.

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