Kept By the Beast by Hallie Bennett





“Are you listening?” Asa grouses from his crouch by the car.

“Why? Is there going to be a quiz at the end?”

“There might… And if you fail, you’re getting spanked.”

“Hmm, doesn’t seem like much enticement to pay attention then.” I smile cheekily, loving the dark smolder forming on his face. He’s trying to teach me how to change a flat tire in case of an emergency, but I’m not interested. Maybe later. Because all I’m focused on right now is how good my husband looks in flannel and jeans.

Wiping dirty hands on a rag, he shakes his head in mock disapproval. “You enjoy getting in trouble too much. How am I supposed to teach a lesson when you’re set on being ornery? Damned if I do and damned if I don’t.”

Bracing my hands on the counter lining the garage, I hop onto the wooden top, spreading my legs in invitation. “I’d prefer you do… me, preferably.”

He laughs at the corny line, but the heat in his eyes lets me know he’s fully on board. My dress tumbles down my legs and cool air brushes across my bare center ﹘ not the most practical outfit to change a tire in, but that was never my initial goal.

“You really are trouble walking around with your pussy exposed and waiting for me. Was this your plan all along?”

“Maybe… I promise I’ll learn eventually, but it’s not like I don’t have you to come to my rescue. Again. Or even Rhett or Micah, if needed.” That’s one of the biggest changes in my life since moving to High Ridge to be with Asa. I have people now ﹘ a support system. Between my husband and his friends and their partners, I don’t feel so alone anymore or like an outcast.

Asa drags a chair over and sits before me, his hands sliding up my legs. Bending forward, his lips trail over the fragile skin of my thighs. “True,” he murmurs. “You’ll always have me.”

“Because you love me, right?” I love hearing him say the words, thirsty for them after so long of a drought before meeting Asa. Like I predicted, my previous friendships fell by the wayside. However, instead of chalking it up to a problem with me ﹘ something I would’ve done prior to Asa ﹘ I knew it was just the cycle of life and friendships. It wasn’t personal.

“I fucking adore you, little flower. At times, I can’t breathe with how much I love you.” He kisses my clit in affection, his tender gaze meeting mine, and unexpected tears well up at how lucky I am.

This miracle of a man is mine.

All because my car decided to clunk out on the side of the road, delivering my very own prince charming disguised as a Beast.