Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly



Emma lets out a low whistle. “Hot diggity damn. That is one fine-ass slice of man-cake. If I weren’t happily married, I’d drag his extra-large self into that walk-in pantry and give him a taste of my frosting.”

I covertly elbow Emma in the side. Or shoulder, since she tops out at five foot two, even with her ankle-killer stilettos on.

We’re watching Zach climb out of his vehicle, and I don’t know why I’m surprised to see him in a big black pickup truck. For some reason I pictured him owning a muscle car, but that’d be ridiculous to drive in a Minnesota winter. And since he’s been in Finland for the past several years, it makes sense that he’d know what sort of vehicle is best for this climate.

“Speaking of fine as hell,” Emma says, turning to me, even though neither of us had spoken. “You look fucking stunning. If I wasn’t into the dick, I’d be dragging you into the pantry. New haircut?” she asks, tilting her head and squinting her eyes.

I chuckle. “Uh, new ten pounds.”

“Well, shit. They look good on you.”

Of course, that’s the moment Zach gets within hearing distance. “Izzy looks great in everything.”

My cheeks instantly heat.

Emma grins. “She sure as hell does. I’m Emma Callaghan and I’m thrilled to be working with you, Mr. Hunt.”

“Please, call me Zach. Izzy has only great things to say about you.”

“Of course. I’m the best.” I almost laugh at Emma’s serious tone.

Together, they turn, standing next to each other, looking at the front of the house.

Side by side, they’re a pretty comical pair. Emma is tiny and svelte. Almost like she’s the Fun Sized version of me. Sporting her bleach blonde hair in a bob, she’s wearing one of her signature pale pink Chanel, aka Career Barbie, suits. Her term, not mine. And her nails are lacquered to a deadly shine. She looks polished and professional and beautiful. I’d hate her if I didn’t love her so much.

Her small frame looks even smaller next to Zach who stands about a foot and a half taller. He’s in what I’m starting to learn is his standard dark clothing. Dark wash jeans, black boots, and a black Henley.

Looking at him, I’m suddenly very aware of the wrap dress I have on. It’s the same brand and style as the one I wore on our first date, but in navy blue. Just as easy to remove. Simply a flick of his fingers, and…

Shaking off the memory, I force myself to pay attention to their conversation before I go into full flashback mode and have to change my panties.

“Come, come. Let’s tour the inside.” Emma’s short legs somehow make quick work of the distance to the front door, and we’re left to catch up.

Zach places his hand on my lower back and guides me to follow.

“Hi, Izzy," he says, keeping his voice low.

“Hi, Zach.” I’m proud of how calm I sound, even though I feel my body temperature rising from the warmth of his palm on me.

“Thank you again for coming today. I feel better knowing there's someone here that will smack me around if I start to make any stupid decisions.”

I bite down on a smile. “You’re welcome. But like I said before, all of these are good choices.”

“You’re clearly right.” Zach gestures around us. “This area is perfect. It’s a short drive from downtown. The houses are beautiful. The lots are nice.”

“It’s a very sought-after area. You’re lucky that this house just went on the market.”

“Speaking of getting lucky… ” Zach pulls something out of his pocket. “I didn’t want you getting in trouble for snooping. So, I brought you your own goodie bag.”

Zach hands me a small cloth bag, the top cinched shut with a string. Pulling it open, I find a Blow-Pop, a handful of little taffys, and a stick of pink rock candy.

I stare at the contents. And then I stare some more. This isn’t something he bought. He put this together. For me.

“Speechless. I’m taking that as a good sign.” I can hear the smugness in his voice.

I shake my head. “I… You…” My throat tightens and the backs of my eyes start to burn. It’s so simple, but I can’t think of a time when I was given a more perfect gift.

“You’re welcome, Sugar.” Zach’s tone is soft.

“Thank you,” I whisper, keeping my gaze down.

Zach’s hand slides up my spine to rest on my shoulder.

“Yo! Get your sexy asses in here! We have a schedule to keep.” Emma shouts at us from the doorway.

His grip on me tightens before he pushes me ahead of him, bending to whisper in my ear. “She scares me.”

I let the ridiculousness of his statement wash away my sudden mood shift.

I nudge him in the side with my elbow. “Smart man.”

Entering the front door, I decide I’d rather watch Zach’s reaction to the house than look around on my own. He’s uncharacteristically quiet. The main floor is all open concept. The kitchen is modern, but still warm, with lots of counter space and an oversized fridge. I have no idea if Zach cooks. Then I have to stop and lean against the island at the thought of him standing there, shirtless, making me breakfast.

When he walks into the pantry, I remember what Emma said about frosting and I have to close my eyes in a moment of silence.

Finding myself tempted to start sucking on the rock candy, I tuck the goodie bag into the bottom of my purse.

I follow Zach through the house looking for a reaction. Personally, I love the space. It hits every mark he requested. But I can’t tell if he likes it. He hasn’t said a word.

I try to wait in the hall when he enters the master suite, the last room on our tour, but he motions for me to follow. Emma said she’d wait for us in the living room, giving Zach the privacy he seems to want.

He’s been slowly walking the perimeter of every room, dragging his hand across surfaces. His body language says he’s calm, but his eyes are flooded with emotion. Only, I’m not sure which emotion.

Seemingly done with his inspection, Zach sits on the bed.

“Are you okay?” I ask him, worried.

Zach looks up at me and nods.

I raise my eyebrows. “Are you sure?”

His lips quirk.

Standing, he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room. “I have something I want you to do.”

“Okay… ” I drag the word out, as we make our way down the stairs.

When we emerge in the main living area, Emma pops up from the couch. Before she can get a word in, Zach holds up a hand to halt her.

He leads me all the way to the front door, opens it, and motions for me to go through.

I do. Curious what this is all about.

Knock.” is all Zach says, before closing the door in my face.

Umm, okay, crazy pants.

I knock.

“Who is it?” Zach sings in what can only be described as his lady voice.

I roll my eyes, but I can’t stop the smile that forms. “It’s Izzy.”

“Who?” Still singing.


“I’m sorry dear, come again.”

I raise my eyes to the heavens before sighing. “It’s Sugar.”

The door swings open and Zach is grinning at me in a way that I’ve never seen before. I’ve seen his laughing face, his smug face, his sexy face, but this is the grin of a little boy opening his presents on Christmas. I love it. And I can’t help but grin back.

“Welcome to my home.”

My smile distorts as my mouth drops open.

I don’t have time to form a response before he spins around to face Emma. “I want this house. Make it mine. Full asking price. Above. Whatever it fucking takes.”

Emma, in full professional mode, just nods. “Consider it done.”

Well, I’m not here to be professional.

I squeal and jump up and down. “Oh my god, Zach! Congratulations!”

Before I can think better of it, when he turns back to face me I wrap my arms around him in a hug.

His body goes rigid. Shit. I start to let go, since he definitely doesn’t seem to want this, but before I can even let go, his arms are around me. Gently at first, then tighter. I can feel his deep inhale as his chest expands against my cheek, his exhale ruffling my hair.

His arms hold me even closer. “Thank you, Sugar.”

I’m not sure which part he’s thanking me for. It almost feels like he’s thanking me for this hug. And for some reason, that makes my heart stutter. That damn turtledove is back, rattling around in my ribcage, and I don’t know how to get her to understand that Zach isn’t ours.

“You’re welcome,” I murmur.

“Will you do me a favor?” he asks.

At this point, I would agree to damn-near anything, so I just nod my head.

“I can’t celebrate this house thing tonight, since I desperately need to catch up on some sleep. But I owe you for setting this up. My birthday is in a couple weeks and I just found out that some of my old college buddies are gonna be in town. We’ll do some sort of casual outing one of those nights and I want you to be there. Will you please come?”

I want to. I want to so damn bad.

“A casual thing?” I ask, hoping for more information.

“Yeah. I’m not sure what we’ll do yet, but I promise it’ll be casual. And there’ll be a few guys from the team that you know - Jackson, Luke, and Ash. And I bet Jackson will bring Katelyn. It’ll be low-key. I promise.”

He knows why I’m asking. He knows I won’t agree to a date. Even with his assurances I should say no.

But I don’t. “Okay.”

“Okay," he repeats.

When I feel him kiss the top of my head, my heart nearly turns inside out.

Releasing me from his embrace, Zach shakes Emma’s hand, then he’s out the door. Just like that.

Emma and I both stand there, watching him leave.

Once Zach is back in his truck, Emma hums. “You’ve got it bad for that man.”

I groan. “I know.

“And that man has it bad for you.”

To that, I have no response.