Sleet Sugar by S.J. Tilly




emind me again why the fuck I’m here? And where in the hell we’re going?” Meghan asks from beside me in the backseat.

I roll my eyes. “You’re here because you love me, and you want to support me. And you know damn well that I have no idea where we’re going. Ask Jackson.”

Jackson turns up the music to drown out our voices, and I watch Katelyn’s shoulders shake on a laugh.

“Don’t play all innocent!” Meghan shouts over the radio. “Kitten, you traitor, I know Jackson told you.”

Katelyn puts her fingers in her ears, pointedly ignoring Meghan.

Tonight is Zach’s birthday celebration. And the jerk decided it’d be cute to keep me in the dark on what we’re doing. He emailed me last night, reminding me that I agreed to this, never saying what “this” is. He told me to wear jeans and a sweatshirt. Said we’d be outside and to dress as though we were going on a hayride.

I told him I wouldn’t go if he didn’t tell me what it was.

He told me I couldn’t go back on a promise made during a hug.

I told him I was bringing Meghan.

He told me that was fine.

I know I previously vowed to keep those two separate, but I knew that Katelyn and Jackson would be caught up in their own world and I needed the moral support. Zach said he had some college friends in town this weekend, but strangers won’t keep me from embarrassing myself.

Overall, I’ve been doing a really great job of avoiding Zach. I’ve seen him at the office a few times, but I always made myself seem busy to get out of any conversations.

And since I’m at every home game, I get to soak in my fill without the worry of bumping into him. Much like I did last night at the Sleet's first regular season game. The team did great. Zach was amazing.

He’s become an instant crowd favorite. That first on-ice fight that he had sparked widespread interest, and his performance since has just fanned the flames.

Unfortunately, he has definitely gotten a strong female following. And seeing those hoebags screaming his name lights me up with jealousy. Which is stupid and just ends up pissing me off.

And that is why Meghan is here tonight. She needs to make sure that I don’t do something stupid. I’m thinking that maybe we’re going to an outdoor concert. Originally, I was picturing us all dancing at a club, but the wardrobe cut that idea from the list. As I look out the window of Jackson’s big SUV, I see that we’re way out in the country. I don’t even recognize where we are.

I’m about to ask Jackson, again, where we’re going, when the vehicle starts to slow.

Meghan bursts out into laughter and starts clapping. “Oh my gods, yes!”

“What?” I ask, trying to find what she’s looking at.

And then I see it, the sign that reads “Visceral Village”.

Oh, no. Oh, fuck no!

I can feel the color drain from my face, and my heart rate spikes.

“No. Jackson, no. Turn the car around.” I’m trying to sound calm but my frantic tapping on his shoulder is giving me away.

Jackson just laughs.

“Come on, Izzy. This is going to be fun!” Katelyn’s smirk tells me that she knew I’d react this way.

“Yeah, Izz.” Meghan says. “Pull your big girl panties up to your bellybutton and let’s get ready to scream. Haunted houses are the best part of fall!”

“Haunted houses are the worst part of everything! Why would anyone choose to do this to themselves?” I think I’m going to hyperventilate.

It’s late enough in the evening that it’s nearly pitch black out; the little bit of remaining sunlight is quickly dimming. I’m sure this place holds some purpose during the rest of the year, but it feels like we’re in the middle of nowhere. Jackson guides us into a line of cars, and we’re directed to park in a field. In the distance, I can see creepy-looking structures lit up with creepy-looking lighting.

“I’m staying in the car,” I state flatly. And I mean it.

“Quit being a sissy. Get your ass out of the car so we can go wish Zach a happy birthday.” Meghan’s eyes go wide, and she starts to cackle. “Holy shit, Zach’s a genius!”

Resigned, I unbuckle and open my door.

“Why? How does coming to this actual hellhole make Zach a genius?”

“Because,” Meghan climbs out behind me before she grabs my arm and starts to drag me along, “you’re going to be so freaked out that you’ll cling to him like a schoolgirl at the movies.”

“Am not!”

“Are too.”

“You so are.” Katelyn smiles as she walks past us.

“You guys suck. Seriously. The worst girlfriends ever. I’m going to ditch you guys and go find some new friends. Ones that will let me sit in the car.” I’m full-on whining now, and I don’t even care.

Getting closer, I see there’s a line of people waiting to buy tickets. Then I see the list of ticket prices.

“People pay for this shit? That much?! Why the heck would I pay money to go in there?” I gesture past the gates.

Visceral Village isn’t just one haunted house. It’s a cursed village full of them. I can see multiple buildings sprawled throughout the large clearing, with more long lines of people waiting to enter the attractions. And it looks like they each have their own theme.

I narrow my eyes. Is that a… Santa?

“Did these perverts make a Christmas haunted house? Are they seriously trying to ruin every holiday for me in this one messed up evening?” I ask.

“Santa works for us now," growls a deep voice, so close to my ear that I feel the breath.

Startled, I scream.

I turn my head, and come face-to-face with a nightmare.

I scream again and cover my eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, pretty thing. Not yet.” Mr. Nightmare says.

“Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod...” I’m mumbling.

“He’s gone.” Meghan says, barely holding back a laugh.

I part the fingers that are over my eyes and peek at her.

“Promise?” My voice is squeaky.

She nods and tilts her head to the side, indicating he left that way. Lowering my hands I turn to look. The tall man with a torn straight jacket, all-white face paint, and dreadlocks that reach the ground, is walking away from us, and right towards Zach.

Zach glances at Mr. Nightmare, smirks, nods his head at him, then continues on towards us.

What. The. Fuck?

Maybe I finally found his flaw. He’s insane.

As if sensing my thoughts, Zach’s eyes meet mine. And he smiles.

I wait a few seconds for him to get closer, and for my heart to settle down, before I start speaking.

“You’re a sick sonofabitch. You like this sort of thing?! You think that guy - ” I wave my hand in the direction he came from, “is funny? What’s wrong with you?” My tone is pure judgement.

“Hey, Izzy. Thanks for coming.” Zach ignores all of my insults.

“You are NOT welcome. And I am not saying happy birthday to you.” I cross my arms and glare at him.

He gives me a lopsided grin.

“Did you hear that scream a moment ago?” Jackson asks Zach.


“That was Izzy.”

“Jackson! You jerk! I’m burning this sweatshirt when I get home.” I seethe.

Zach gives me a slow once over, taking in my heavily worn, favorite pair of skinny jeans, calf high brown boots and Sleet hoodie. He steps closer, grabs my shoulder, and turns me.

His palm is heavy, and comforting, and I have to focus on his words.

“You wound me, Sugar. You came to my birthday party wearing Jackson’s number. How could you?”

Turning me back, Zach has a hand over his heart and has stuck his lower lip out in a pout. Seeing his lip on display like that has me blanking on any sort of response. I want to suck that lip into my mouth.

His pout morphs into a knowing smile, and he steps closer.


We all turn to see a group of people heading towards us. I recognize Sebastian “Ash” LeBlanc - Sleet’s star goalie, and Luke Anders - another Sleet fan favorite, but then there’s a group of people I don’t recognize. As they near, Zach does the round of introductions.

Mr. Nightmare is back in the vicinity though, and I can’t focus on anything other than tracking his location. I swear he spotted me watching him and now he’s pacing back and forth just a few yards behind the newcomers. And I can’t look away because I don’t want to lose track of him.

“And this terrified creature is Izzy.” Zach bumps my shoulder with his.

“Huh?” I look up to find that everyone is staring at me. “Oh, hi! Sorry. That scary guy is back… ” I blow out a breath. “It’s so nice to meet you all. Hi, Ash.”

“Hey, Isabelle.” Ash says.

I forget just how deep his voice is. He looks like a tatted up Greek god, but his voice reminds me of a R&B singer.

There’s a chorus of hellos from the three guys and two women who are apparently from Zach’s past.

“What guy?” one of the women asks.

“Huh?” My brain feels fried already.

“You said some guy was back?”

“Oh, right. It was just some creepy asshole. He left though.”

“No, I didn’t.”

I scream.

Mr. Nightmare had magically appeared behind me right when I let my guard down.

There’s a chorus of laughter from this group of so-called friends. Since Zach’s the closest, I swing out to smack his chest. It’s half-hearted. I don’t actually want to injure him.

“You’re the worst! Why would you pick this place?!” My voice is shrill.

Zach pulls me against him, probably to keep me from throwing more punches, and I can feel his chest reverberate with laughter.

“Let’s get this party on the road!” Meghan yells.

I groan.